In simple terms: why do you need cosmetics with AHA and BHA acids


Acid - this word alarms and scares off many people. Nevertheless, her abilities are much wider than it seems at first glance.

According to experts, cosmetics enriched with acids can significantly improve the appearance of the skin, rejuvenate it and eliminate some defects. It is only necessary to "know in person" this unique substance.

Not every remedy boasts such a set of useful properties as acid. The quick result from the application is a bonus, which is also important. Using this cosmetics for 14 days or more, you will see the following effect:

  • ph skin stabilization;
  • due to the removal of excess moisture, puffiness is removed;
  • normalization of the sebaceous glands;
  • increased elasticity;
  • hydration;
  • wrinkle smoothing;
  • cleaning and narrowing of pores;
  • black dots reduction;
  • getting rid of peeling;
  • elimination of age spots;
  • elimination of scars, stretch marks.

The wide possibilities of acid are impressive, but you cannot call it universal.

On the shelves of shops, most often you can see cosmetics with AHA-acids or fruit (almond, apple, milk, citric, glycolic) and BHA-acids (often salicylic).

Properties: excellent exfoliant, gently and delicately reduces the stratum corneum of the epidermis. Due to this, the skin in a minimum time acquires smoothness and well-groomed appearance.

Features: softens and reduces the number of comedones, and also narrows the pores. Often used in funds for problem skin.

Properties: This acid is especially popular among masters who appreciate the antimicrobial properties and antioxidant effect. It brightens the skin very well.

Features: has a distinctive feature, due to its molecule, which is the largest among the acids of its group.

Properties: stimulates the process of exfoliation of dead epidermal cells, as well as the production of collagen, which reduces wrinkles, and also eliminates their new appearance. The skin becomes smooth and supple.

Features: the molecule of this acid is the lowest, therefore, it is able to penetrate into the skin more deeply than other acids and exert its effect there.

Properties: It stimulates cell renewal, the production of collagen and elastin, as effectively as the previous acid. It whitens the skin well.

Features: the effect of mandelic acid is softer and more superficial. The irritating effect is not pronounced, since it does not penetrate the skin too deeply and quickly.

Properties: enhances cell metabolism, softens comedones and stimulates exfoliation of epidermal cells.

Features: often, this acid is used together with others for a more pronounced effect.

Many people ask: "What is the difference between AHA and BHA acids from each other?" Everything is very simple: the first option is soluble in water, and the second is fat.

The most popular BHA acid is salicylic acid.

Properties: the main advantage is the ability to fight microbes, as well as relieve inflammation. Perfectly cleanses the skin, activates cell renewal, thereby preventing acne.

Features: deeply penetrates the skin and dissolves fat from the inside.


Products with BHA-acid will help improve the appearance of problematic, oily and combination skin.

People with the first signs of aging, pigmentation, as well as other problems, should pay attention to the cosmetic content of AHA-acid. These products are suitable for any type of skin and are most in demand.

To increase the effect, several acids are often combined. It is necessary to give preference to this particular cosmetics.

Acidic agents, sooner or later, attract every woman. Fortunately, they can be used not only in the cabin. Buying another jar of similar cosmetics, do not forget about the following:

  • consider your skin type;
  • to avoid photoaging and pigmentation, be sure to use a protective cream with spf 30 or more;
  • using cosmetics with acids, do not stay in the sun for too long;
  • each product should be tested on the wrist in order to avoid allergies;

It should not be forgotten that the skin remains sensitive to sunlight for some time, even after stopping the use of the product.

Useful recommendations:

  1. Acids are best used after a good cleansing with a cleanser.
  2. You can use acid makeup in the area around the eyes, the main thing is to avoid getting the product on the skin of the eyelid itself.
  3. For problematic skin, it is permissible to use acid-containing products twice a day, and for dry skin - only once, every other day.
  4. The use of retinoids is necessary separately from acids, so that the irritation is not so strong.
  5. It is not necessary to wait for the complete absorption of acid. You can immediately proceed to the next stage of care: serum, protective cream, etc.

Aha- and BHA acids during pregnancy as well as lactation

It is proved that acids do not penetrate the skin and breast milk, but experts still recommend that women in the "position" refrain from pilling. During this period, a stormy hormonal surge occurs, so it is not known how the skin can behave, and the whole organism as a whole from its action.

You can apply creams and lotions with a minimum content of AHA-acids. In all cases, it is necessary to test cosmetics on the wrist, since even your favorite product can cause allergies.

Clean, smooth and supple skin is not a myth, but a reality that can be achieved in conjunction with salon and home care. The main thing is to be patient, use high-quality cosmetics, do not forget about regularity, and then the result will not be long in coming.


Watch the video: Exfoliating Acids in Skincare Routine: Beginner's Guide to Chemical Exfoliation AHA & BHA (July 2024).