What fairy-tale character does a woman associate with the zodiac sign


The world of fantasy and fairy tales has always attracted and attracted both adults and children. Each of us has our favorite fairy-tale characters, with whom we have a lot in common, which remind us of ourselves in a certain period of life. By the character with which a woman associates herself from fairy tales, one can learn a lot about her character, personality and worldview. After all, every fairy-tale image, which is someone's figment of the imagination, concentrates a huge energy within itself, which, when used correctly, can become a powerful healing, guiding force.

Astrology will help determine which character from a fairy tale is closest to a woman in spirit, temperament and attitude.


The Aries women are ideally suited for the image of the girl from the fairy tale "The Snow Queen", who is loved by millions of children around the world. Gerda - a very bright, kind, selfless and incredibly resourceful person. The Aries ladies possess such qualities, who are capable of incredible deeds for the sake of those whom they love. Aries are able to think widely, everything in life to find the right application and boldly look forward. They are persistent, passionate in their affections and beliefs. If the lady - Aries decided something, not a single person can convince her, make her change her mind.


Astrologers say that women - Taurus are in many ways similar to brownies from Russian folk tales. The presence of a brownie in the house is the key to happiness and prosperity in the family. Taurus is diligent, economic, clean, above all else value order, harmony and comfort in the family. But in no case should you try to command a woman - Taurus, to establish her own rules. Indeed, for all its positive qualities, Taurus is power-hungry and categorical. They must be sure that they have no equal in their territory.


Women - Twins are small Alicewho came to the world from Wonderland. They are warm-hearted, affectionate, sociable, touching creatures with a very rich imagination and preferring to stay in their imaginary world. Gemini cannot live without adventure, they are courageous and independent. They cope with any life difficulties due to the innate ability to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Ladies' life - Gemini perceive it as a kind of game in which the one who always believes in himself and goes all the way out is the winner.


Cancer women could easily transform into Little red riding hood, since this fabulous image perfectly conveys their essence. Crayfish are family people who are ready for any folly for the sake of their loved ones and relatives. Until the end of their days, they remain good, trusting creatures, believing in the highest justice and not recognizing evil. Cancers are caring, sensitive, responsible, but at the same time vulnerable and touchy.


Lions in character and habits remind Puss in Boots. Especially suitable for this image are Lionesses - playful, cunning, narcissistic creatures who adore when they are extolled. Lionesses are well aware of their merits and masterfully know how to use them. They quickly read all the weaknesses of a person and, through simple manipulations, achieve their goal. The main thing is not to cross the Lions road.


Perhaps everyone remembers this bright personality from Russian folk tales, which always caused a lot of controversy - Babu Yagu. Similarity with her character are women - Virgo, who are endowed with stars pragmatism, wit, the ability to think rationally, resourcefulness and some cynicism. Virgos know how to achieve their goal, for the sake of achieving the goal they can close their eyes to conscience. Masters in closing deals. Virgins always smell the benefits, never miss their own. They also acutely feel any falsehood, therefore it is almost impossible to deceive them. The virgins are able to calculate the actions of man several steps forward, as Baba Yaga does.


A beautiful, gentle and luxurious fairy-tale character is associated by astrologers with Libra. It is original, beautiful, smart and generous. Vasilisa the Wise. Scales from birth are distinguished by the ability to look deep into, correctly prioritize, correctly weigh everything that matters to them. These are bold, unshakable creatures capable of sincere, selfless love. Libra will never betray, will remain faithful in any situation, but they will not let humiliate themselves either.


Hereby Shamahan queens are cunning temptresses - Scorpios. They are able to fascinate the "victim", make her lose her temper, seduce and neutralize the most dangerous enemy. Scorpio always clearly knows what he wants and how to achieve it. He is impenetrable, he will not stop at anything. He is stubborn, knows how to flatter, please and conquer. As soon as the scorpion loses interest or gets what he wants, he will say goodbye to the man without remorse and will go for the next victim.


Women - Sagittarius look like Masha from the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear". Since childhood, independent, self-sufficient, fearless Sagittarius steadfastly overcome the obstacles that fate prepares for them and, thanks to their perseverance, industriousness and intelligence, get what they want. Sagittarius always makes decisions himself, this is a man with great willpower. It can neither be persuaded nor forced to do anything if he does not want to.


Capricorns - women could be wonderful spouses for Koshchei the Immortal. This fabulous character is perfect for them. Capricorn stars have endowed the ability to lead a large number of people, the ability to organize work and subjugate other people's minds. In women, Capricorn has an iron will, and the character is not female at all. Firmness, steadfastness, obstinacy, willfulness, despotism - all this makes Capricorn a bright, but very controversial person, to whom no one is indifferent.


Lovely Ladies - Aquarius Reminds Many Princess Jasmine. These are gentle, reverent, well-bred creatures endowed with impeccable taste, insight, a big and kind heart. Aquarians do not tolerate uniformity. They always need to experience something new and pungent. Passionate travelers, romantic natures, at the same time great realists, ladies - Aquarius live a busy life and eagerly absorb everything that they encounter.


Women - Pisces, as known to all Mermaid from Andersen's tales, are silent, brooding and romantic creatures. They have a rich imagination and huge creativity, which often remains unsolved. Fishes are too modest, insecure and weak-minded, at the same time they have steel willpower, high sensitivity and a sincere, devoted heart. Pisces create in the head the ideal image of friends, family, companion and, looking up from reality, follow their dream. They should recommend being more attached to reality and cultivating the ability to listen to their own "I".

Each zodiac sign, like fairy-tale characters, is unique, beautiful in its imperfection and is a real gift of fate. The main thing is to value your "emeralds" and use them correctly.


Watch the video: zodiac signs based on fairy tail characters (June 2024).