Why do folk remedies for infertility delay the birth of a child for many years? The truth about the 5 most famous folk remedies for infertility


Infertility in our world is a very common problem. Both women and men have pathologies of the reproductive system. Sometimes it happens that in a married couple there are no children according to the male and female factors. Thanks to the development of traditional medicine, infertility is no longer a sentence. With proper treatment, reproductive function is fully restored. The main thing is to identify the root cause of the problem and prescribe appropriate therapy.

How is infertility diagnosed?

Such a diagnosis as infertility can be made to a married couple only 12 months after unsuccessful attempts to become pregnant. Also, infertility in medicine is divided into:

• primary - a woman has never had a pregnancy throughout her life, including pathological (frozen pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, spontaneous abortion, stillbirth, and the like);

• secondary - there were pregnancy during life (their outcome is not important).

Causes of infertility

Primary and secondary infertility is the very first classification that a reproductologist or obstetrician-gynecologist should highlight. Further, it is important to understand why pregnancy does not occur:

• underdevelopment of sexual functions - congenital pathology (possible only with primary infertility);

• adhesive process of the pelvic organs;

• endocrine disorders in the work of the ovaries, thyroid gland, adrenal glands;

• disturbances in the production of tropic hormones and release factors at the level of the thalamus and hypothalamus (brain structure);

• infectious diseases of the pelvic organs (chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, gardnerellosis and so on);

• PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) - the inability to ovulate due to a too hard capsule on the ovaries (may be due to insulin resistance and hyperandrogenism).

Despite such a variety of female factors, when a sterile couple visits a reproductive doctor, the doctor always checks the man first. This is done with the aim that, even in the case of a complete restoration of the female genital organs, pregnancy may not occur due to impaired sperm production.

Folk remedies for infertility

Despite the rapid development of traditional medicine, many people believe that treatment with folk remedies is much more effective and safer than modern methods of therapy. Women are especially active in this. They write out various magazines, read forums on the Internet, watch TV shows, and most importantly, sincerely believe in the success of folk remedies for infertility.

In this article, we will analyze in detail the most popular of them and dispel many myths about the miraculous effect of alternative medicine.

1. Pine uterus (orthilium is one-sided). Every woman who has encountered an unpleasant gynecological disease knows about this herb. A lot is written about this plant on the Internet: it helps from almost all diseases, even cures what is not subject to experienced doctors. And with infertility, it is simply necessary! Increases the level of female sex hormones, heals inflammatory diseases of the reproductive organs, maintains the normal menstrual cycle and even helps to better fix the embryo in the uterine cavity (strengthens implantation).

Let's see what the boron uterus really is. This plant contains a fairly large number of phytoestrogens. They can for some time “replace” their own homons. But that process will not be long. When self-medicating with a boron uterus, it is always worth remembering that estrogens are very important hormones for a woman. But they have a good effect on the body only when their concentration is normal. With an increase in estrogen, serious complications (endometrial cancer and neoplasms in the mammary glands) may develop. Also, this plant very dilutes the blood. Therefore, taking infusions from orthilia is contraindicated in a number of diseases, as well as during menstruation.

2. Sage - also one of the most popular plants among folk remedies for infertility. It contains phytohormones. Many women with infertility include it in their herbal therapy. Moreover, the sage infusion is not only drunk, some even douche to them. What is the truth? Yes, this plant does contain plant estrogens. But, as in the story with the hog uterus, you need to take into account your own hormonal background. Sage also stimulates endometrial growth. Yes it is. But if women cannot get pregnant, it does not mean at all that the cause of the problem lies in the thin endometrium. The thick inner layer of the uterus at least acts as the cause of infertility and many other gynecological diseases. Sage contains a lot of allergens and is absolutely contraindicated in diseases of the kidneys and thyroid gland.

3. Psyllium seeds Many women write about the miraculous properties of this folk remedy for infertility. Decoctions, infusions are made from seeds, added to a hot bath, hoping for a positive result. In fact, plantain seeds contain a considerable amount of nutrients. But they are active only in the fight against "fresh" inflammation. Adhesion in the pelvic organs, obstruction of the fallopian tubes and other chronic pathologies that form over the years, not a single decoction can cure. To take or make lotions inside it - there is no difference. In addition, the extract from the seeds of plantain is contraindicated in thrombosis and increased blood coagulation, as it thickens it even more.

4. Baking soda. From it, with infertility, it is recommended to make a solution that needs to be douched. The “traditional healers" see the beneficial effect in that this alkaline solution dilutes the acidic environment in the vagina and makes it more comfortable for spermatozoa. Yes, indeed, if you delve into chemistry, then when the acid and alkali are mixed, a neutralization reaction takes place, as a result, water and salt are formed. But why are they in the vagina? The acidic environment in this organ is not created by nature by chance. It is she who fights against infectious agents, not allowing microbes to penetrate into the internal reproductive tract. With a decrease in acidity in the vagina, pathological processes begin, such as bacterial vaginosis, candidiasis (thrush) and the like.

5. Steam baths also often appear among folk methods for infertility. What they just don’t advise pouring into the basin: hot milk, decoction of white cabbage, emulsions with various types of essential oils ... Nothing but laughter, these recommendations do not cause obstetrician-gynecologists. None of the listed compounds, as well as the essence of the thermal procedure, can in any way have a beneficial effect on the pelvic organs. Moreover, using these methods, a woman risks causing herself a burn of the mucous membranes of the external genitalia.

Who helps to get pregnant with folk remedies for infertility?

Indeed, sometimes there are cases when, with the help of only traditional medicine, women became mothers. But this happens extremely rarely.

The thing is that herbs, as we already found out earlier, do have a healing effect. But it is not as high as that of traditional medicines (at the same time it has a lot of contraindications).

If unconventional therapy helped, then the woman did not have a serious disease that prevented the onset of pregnancy. And most importantly, her self-treatment did not give side effects.

It is very important to understand for everyone that such cases are single. Usually, the opposite happens. Self-medication not only delays time, but also causes a lot of complications for the body of the future mother.

Why do obstetrician-gynecologists themselves prescribe folk remedies for infertility?

If a woman gynecologist correctly diagnosed the problem, then, as an auxiliary methods of therapy, he can prescribe some decoction. But the doctor prescribes the dosage and duration of administration himself.

As we wrote above, herbal medicine is a success, but it cannot be exposed as the main treatment method. You always need to remember that herbs, although they grow under our feet and are sold at any pharmacy without a prescription, but still they have their own chemical composition.

The mechanism of action on the human body has the same strength as that of the patented medications. Do not mess with your health!


Watch the video: 7 Signs Of Infertility In Women (June 2024).