The most "harmful" wives of the zodiac sign


Does the zodiac sign affect character and family life? Of course it does. So which of the fair sex is particularly harmful? Let's get it right.

Top 5 most "harmful" wives by zodiac sign


It’s certainly difficult to build a romantic relationship with these women, since they never come first in contact, do not open feelings, do not show caring. But you can rely on them in many difficult life matters.

But how long will a husband survive a wife who does not want to admit that she loves him?

He just lives peacefully nearby and does not intrigue, does not compromise.

It is impossible to force such a woman to obey, to listen to herself, you can only sincerely love her and believe in the miracle that once her cold heart melts and she begins to smile.


These women are quick-tempered and impulsive, family life with them, as in a minefield.

At the same time, they can be very nice and vulnerable in the early stages of a relationship, but after the wedding they can change dramatically.

Just one fine day, her husband will fall asleep with claims and retire in an unknown direction.

Scare her with a divorce is not worth it if you really do not want to get a divorce.


Such women are very passionate, but often, passion covers them with their heads, and they can no longer control themselves.

They begin to destroy everything around them, they stop doing homework, and all because they do not feel that they are loved and needed.

The husband simply did not realize that his wife wanted flowers, sweets and tenderness, and now he may be under stress for a couple of weeks, constantly listening to how he could do this to her.

Such wives are very jealous, they are owners. The husband will not succeed in absenting himself somewhere without reporting to his wife. A man will have to put up with the constant mood swings of her lover. Only a truly loving man will find the strength not to conflict with such a wife.


Such wives can not stand when the husband screams, but they themselves are always happy to shake their rights, tell everyone around that they were offended and betrayed.

Such wives are very fond of family dramas.

Often the husband does not know what this time offended his precious wife, so he calmly goes about his business while his lover continues to be offended.

Jealousy of such wives is simply unbearable. They suspect the husband always and in everything. They are often unhappy and do not admit that they are bending. They require affection and total attention. If your wife stopped calling you ten times a day for work, then your family is not doing so smoothly.


Such women are very unstable. They can not choose between calm and docile scales and stormy archers.

When they get married, life with them becomes simply unpredictable.

They are often capricious and require increased attention to themselves. Raise your voice in the house is not worth it, otherwise the wife will quickly find a more suitable option for a quiet, comfortable family life.

Not the most "harmful" wives in the zodiac sign: what the stars prophesy to the rest of the signs


They are too emotional and vulnerable. They live in their thoughts and illusions, pester everyone around with their speculations and are not allowed to rest.

Constantly keep their lover in good shape, not giving him rest.

Yes, they can suffer quietly over a cup of tea, and the husband may not be aware of the emotional torment of his wife. They can sob on a friend’s shoulder and be an exemplary housewife at home. But all this is temporary. Until the emotional volcano explodes.


Such wives are true actresses. They are not even shy about those around and close relatives, they really like to be in the spotlight.

They are always right, and even if it is not, they are doubly right.

There is no point in arguing with such a wife, just reconcile and save the family.


It’s very difficult with them, just unbearable. If you want to think all the time, where and with whom your wife is at the moment - then you are in such a marriage. But there are exceptions.

Then the husband should prepare for the constant change of his wife’s life vector.

She will rush between family and work, yoga and dancing, a nightclub and a movie.


These are the most powerful, but wise wives. There is always order in their house, which can only be broken by the end of the world.

The husband usually does not reread such a wife - it makes no sense.

Only expensive and chic gifts can soften the heart of such a wife. It is difficult with her only when you need to quickly solve something. Such wives are in no hurry and in no hurry, they are always ready to wait, but to do it their own way.


Such wives often criticize, they find weak partners for themselves and begin to save them, revive them, change them, and then, when they get the right version of their husband, they just say goodbye.

Such wives are often bored in a relationship, so they leave somewhere from home, or even change their husband.

Boredom is the worst condition for them.


Forcing such wives to do something is almost impossible. They often hesitate, often doubt, and as a result, they make a decision, but the responsibility is shifted to the husband.

They may forget to fulfill the request or stop doing something important at all, do it later. Then, when they themselves want it.

Therefore, the house often scandals and tears.


In marriage, such wives are very unstable. And it’s not at all their disobedient disposition.

They just can not argue.

Anyway, the man’s arguments will not be enough to force his wife to agree, and by pressure and screaming from her, certainly nothing can be achieved.

What is possible? You can long and confidently build a family, financial well-being. Such wives are able to earn money; their families always live in abundance. They are wonderful housewives, very cheerful and joyful when guests come to them. But, if these are husband’s friends, the joy quickly ends and reproaches with claims begin. How can one enjoy life if the wife is always unhappy? Just coordinate everything with your wife in advance. This will be the key to your calm life.

In any case, living in a family, both partners change, perhaps your wife, regardless of the zodiac sign, will become loving and faithful.


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