How to get a ferret, at what age it is better to take it. Is it true that ferrets smell very bad?


The once-thunderstorm chicken coop is today one of the most popular pets. Graceful, dressed in a luxurious fur coat and terribly smart, the ferret captivates even before his first meeting, and after that there is hardly any escape from the decision to make him the main resident of his house. But before this happens, it is useful to familiarize yourself with the dossier on the ferret.

What kind of animal is a ferret?

 Originating from the Kunih family (along with ermine, mink and affection), the ferret was a domestic animal in ancient Rome.

Only in the second half of XX, the “fruits” of selection originating from the sources of three species of ferret (forest, steppe and American) became so refined and suitable for life in big cities.

Household parameters vary:

  • in the length of the body from 33 to 50 cm (plus tail up to 16 cm);
  • in weight from 600 g to 2 kg.

Males, as often happens in the animal kingdom, are significantly larger than females (1.5-2 times).

Domestic ferret is a mirror reflection of wild counterparts according to the outlines of a flexible, elongated body with a wedge-shaped muzzle with expressive bead eyes.

But unlike them, the color of the apartment animal can be much richer. In addition to the "forest" brown palette and classic albinos, there are cream individuals, coffee with milk, reddish and even black ones. Possible "mask" on the face, white spots.

A ferret is a pet with a developed intellect, he is very mobile, and is looking for adventure (if you want some peace of mind, you should have a more balanced male, and not an always active female).

A savvy creature can learn a couple of tricks, but in training it does not reach the dog. But no less than she is able to become attached to the owner.

There are ferrets more intelligent, and sometimes safer. But this is always a self-sufficient person requiring a respectful attitude (no rudeness in education!) And often does not like to be alone (so constantly busy people will not do).

A ferret is an abyss of charm. In it mirages show wild habits against the background of the talent to adapt to home life.

Despite the fact that it is a predator, the ferret is very neat and nice in relation to the owner.

The ferret has a lifespan of about 8 years, with good care up to 12 years, and in rare cases, up to 15 years. 

 Theoretically, a decision can be made that the house of a person is the house of a ferret and that, not sitting in captivity, live freely. Without dwelling on the advantages and disadvantages of such a choice, we note that the animal needs a personal territory (spacious cage) in any case. If only because it will increase his self-confidence, he will protect him when repairs / large cleaning are in progress.

Where the ferret lives, care must be taken to ensure that there are no wires in the access for his teeth and dangerous crevices where he can get stuck.

And with all the love for the owner’s affection, the ferret needs leisure time, which means biting and driving toys (silicone “snakes”, balls with sounds), as well as hammocks, swings, ladders, soft pipes.

In good weather (when there is no heat, no prickly frost, no rain) the ferret is walked - strictly on the harness and at a distance from crowds of people, dogs, cars.

Two molts of a ferret - spring and autumn, last from 1 to 3 weeks and during this period he needs frequent (once every 1-2 days) combing.

For the rest of the time, this clean animal can take care of itself. But a soft brush a couple of times a week will not be superfluous.

The ferret is bathed as necessary, and he enjoys the activity very much - he wants to swim, dive and frolic in the water. Therefore, the application of shampoo is postponed to the end of the bath, first satisfying the emotional wishes of the animal.

It is worth noting other hygiene procedures:

  • claws are cut every 3-4 weeks;
  • once a month they clean their ears;
  • regularly inspect the eyes - they should not watery and blush.

Experts recommend a store for ferrets intended for them, supplemented by not only special treats from there, but also fresh fruit and vegetables. If you choose a home diet - get up to the kitchen table daily - the ferret does not eat stale (and even less good). Such a menu should include:

  • lean meats, offal, saltwater fish;
  • porridge (buckwheat, oat, rice, millet);
  • low-fat milk (cottage cheese, some cheeses, goat milk);
  • vegetables and fruits (onions, apples and carrots are strictly prohibited);
  • chicken or quail eggs in the diet category.

Of course, it is unacceptable to treat the ferret with sausage, pastries, as well as dog food.

24 hours a day, the animal must have access to drinking water.

At least 2 times a year, a ferret is carried to the veterinarian for a preventive examination, and they are also necessarily vaccinated against rabies. And although in general the animal is strong, it is important to consider its predisposition to the following ailments:

  • avitaminosis;
  • rickets;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • cataract.

Plus, flea infection is possible.

They talk a lot about the unpleasant smell of a ferret. But those who are familiar with him closely, note that the coat of a healthy and well-groomed animal smells like musk with a drop of honey. So the problem is greatly exaggerated. In addition, the smell happens when the males mark the territory. And sometimes males (not only for this reason, by the way) are neutered.

It is also important to know about the real minuses of the ferret:

  • its fur, like cat's, is capable of causing allergies;
  • if a ferret has not been accustomed to the appropriate order since childhood, then once he finds a pot of flowers or plantings in a garden plot, he can begin to dig them;
  • young children are completely incompatible with the ferret, because they can play with him, and he will reply with bites;
  • because of hunting instincts, ferrets are dangerous to keep together with birds, small rodents (but the rabbit that grew with it can become a friend), lizards.

Experienced owners recommend taking a ferret from 1.5 to 4 months of age into the house, and older individuals are more educated and even when choosing it is clearer what will grow out of it in terms of morals. Also, it is advisable to purchase an animal from the breeder - at least to guarantee the health of the pet.


Watch the video: How To Bathe Ferrets (July 2024).