Fitness and food seasoning. How to season food so that classes are more effective?


Talking about fitness focuses on food and exercise. As for the topic of seasoning for food, it rarely arises. Meanwhile, everyone uses seasonings to make food tastier. Hence the question, seasonings - is it good for phyto-nads and “jocks” or not really?

Of course, not all seasonings are the same. There are seasonings with a more or less high sodium content.

The benefits of sodium

Sodium helps the body transport water more efficiently. Water is necessary for normal hydration of body tissues, as well as for protection against overheating.

Sodium helps maintain the acid and water-salt balance between blood and urine. In addition, it contributes to the effective nutrition of all organs, which is important for achieving any fitness goals.

Excess sodium

Too much sodium can cause side effects such as high blood pressure and water retention in the body’s tissues.

This can lead to bloating and weight gain, despite increased physical exertion.

According to studies, the daily norm of sodium should be no more than 2000 mg.

Natural products

It is better to use natural products. For example, when choosing between canned and natural corn, it is recommended to prefer natural.

Preservative-containing foods may contain too much sodium and trans-fatty acids.

When comparing the nutritional value of any canned product with the same food in its natural state, you can immediately notice the difference.

Canned foods contain more sugar, sodium and fats, while natural foods have a sugar content close to zero, while sodium and fat are minimal.

Recommended Seasonings

Garlic powder - one of the best and extremely popular seasonings. Garlic powder is good for health as it helps
* lower cholesterol,
* body immune system with protection against infections.
Garlic powder is recommended as a means of supporting the cardiovascular system. It is used as a seasoning for chicken breasts, steaks and low-fat beef chops and cutlets.

Oregano - A powerful antioxidant that helps the immune system fight infections and helps repair cells with oxidative damage. This seasoning is recommended for chicken, rice, vegetables and so on.

Onion powder - seasoning that helps prevent cardiovascular problems such as heart attack and stroke. In addition, onion powder has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body. It is good for chicken, steak, fish, vegetables and so on.

Cinnamon - seasoning that helps cells in the body respond better to insulin. This is important because glucose will be absorbed more efficiently, and nutrients, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, can be more easily transported through the body. Cinnamon is recommended for oatmeal or sweet potatoes. But the tastes can be different, that is, everyone must decide for himself how and with what to use this seasoning.


Watch the video: 7 Fundamentals of Eating for Muscle Growth. Mass Class (July 2024).