The most harmful ways to lose weight


The desire to lose extra pounds, invented or real, periodically overcomes every woman. In this case, the most merciless methods of losing weight are used for the body. But you should think about how safe and effective the most popular methods are: diets, laxatives and diuretics, stomach fillings, chemicals, worming in utilities, stomach rings, psychotherapeutic coding.

Diets and mono-diets

In order for the figure to remain graceful and attractive, they have not yet come up with anything better than a balanced diet and physical activity. Sometimes you have to use express diets to lose weight for a particular event or event.

These calorie-restricted diets last from a few days to several weeks. Of course, they help get rid of a few kilograms, but never lead to a sustainable result. Specialists should prescribe a diet regimen after examination by a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist and other doctors.

With a lack of proteins, nutrients, vitamins and minerals, the body begins to use its own reserves. Muscle mass is primarily consumed, and fats are broken down most slowly.

With the restriction of carbohydrates and sugary foods, when the level of glucose in the blood decreases, dizziness, weakness, muscle tremor (trembling limbs). It’s as if the brain is screaming: I want a bun or a sandwich to restore working capacity.

A person becomes irritable, unable to concentrate on ordinary tasks. But "does not gobble up" and follows a trendy diet. You can carry out diets on your own no more than 5-7 days, no more than two times in six months.

In the video, the girl talks about her experience mono-diet:


Almost all diets are accompanied by the use of laxatives and diuretics to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and reduce performance on the scales.

Tablets, herbal medicines, vegetable oils with a laxative effect (bisacodyl, senna, magnesium sulfate, sodium picosulfate) disrupt the normal microflora of the stomach and disrupt peristalsis (contraction of the intestinal walls).

The accelerated process of emptying does not allow full assimilation of nutrients and violates physiological rhythms. Subsequently, this leads to dehydration, constipation, intestinal atony. It is allowed to apply no longer than 2-3 days for a month.

Diuretic drugs

Tablets or phytochemicals with a diuretic effect (bumetanide, torasemide, furosemide, hypothiazide, asparkum) with prolonged use lower blood pressure and cause arrhythmia. Violate the water-electrolyte balance, worsen metabolic processes.

As a result, the body begins to intensively store fats in order to replenish the supply of fluid in a critical situation, that is, the reverse process occurs.

The effect is situational; diuretics cannot be used without a doctor’s testimony for more than 3-5 days.

Gastric Excipients

Microcellulose (MCC) preparations swell in the stomach and create a feeling of fullness.

This is a sorbent powder that can significantly increase in volume, which leads to a stretching of the stomach, and subsequently a person can not control the amount of food eaten.

The instructions indicate that MCC is used for weight loss "against the background of a low-calorie diet" for 2-3 months without a break.

Without correction of diet and exercise, it does not affect weight loss and weight loss. Causes dysbiosis, digestive upset.

Appetite suppressants

Appetite suppressing tablets have many side effects. The most famous: amphetamine (phenfluramine, phenylethylamine) - a central nervous system stimulant and anorexigenic agent.

Promotes the production of neurotransmitters (dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin), reduces drowsiness and appetite. Long-term use leads to neurosis and schizophrenia, "withdrawal syndrome" in the form of depression and vegetative-vascular disorders is sharply manifested.

Phentermine - a psychostimulant used in the complex treatment of obesity, is allowed for prescription use. It is produced in fast-acting form (Adipex), and in the form of prolonged preparations.

Sibutramine is an anorexigenic that enhances the feeling of fullness. It affects certain parts of the brain, can cause anxiety, insomnia.

Introductory video about diet pills:

Parasite infestation

Most often, Ascaris lumbricoides, which remain in the small intestine and feed on undigested food, are introduced into the body for weight loss. Representatives of this technique assure that at the end of the life cycle, helminths leave the body naturally.

This is a serious misconception: for a noticeable result, hundreds of roundworms need to be populated. At the same time, parasitic intoxication begins, abdominal pain, nausea, cramps, digestive upset.

Further possible dysfunction of the entire gastrointestinal tract, general weakness and malaise. To eliminate parasites, a medical course of treatment will have to be carried out, and with bowel obstruction, urgent surgical intervention will be required.

Bandaging the stomach

This is a procedure in which rings are placed on the stomach that limit its filling, while the amount of food absorbed is reduced.

It can lead to spontaneous movement of the bandage, squeezing, inflammation, prolonged pain syndrome.

Slimming is almost ineffective - It helps to lose 10-15 kg, although patients with up to 50 kg of excess weight apply for the procedure.

Hypnosis or Coding

Particularly desperate turn to psychotherapists who promise to block the "gluttony center" and direct the energy channels in the right direction.

This is a hell of a mixture of psychotherapeutic techniques and popular myths about "fat burning."

If the patient is really determined to cooperate with the doctor, then he can perform the specified settings for some time. But the psyche will try to compensate for the forbidden actions and "respond" with neuroses, depression and other disorders.

Further, you can list such methods for weight loss: drinking a liter of water before eating, eating cotton balls, forced vomiting, regular enemas, the disadvantages of which are obvious to any sane person. Therefore, we recommend that you carefully consider the tips for losing weight and choose a healthy lifestyle.


Watch the video: Nutrition and Weight Loss with Amy Lee MD. UCLA Center for Human Nutrition (June 2024).