Why after washing your hands become even dirtier. What soap really cleanses your hands


Liquid, antibacterial or solid soap - how should you wash your hands so that they become really clean? One of them will not only not destroy the bacteria on your hands, but with a high probability it will increase their number.

Does lump soap clean my hands?

Clean hands are concerned about scientists around the world. Such authoritative foreign publishers as The Times, The Telegraph, and Daily Mail recently published studies by scientists who say that harmful bacteria can remain on solid lumpy soaps. This is easily confirmed by the express purity test using a lumenometer device that determines their quantity. It seems that the soap, which many are used to since childhood, not only did not clean our hands, but on the contrary made them even dirtier. Shock, isn't it ?!

How to keep hands clean after washing with liquid or antibacterial soap?

If you take an ordinary family and check the cleanliness of your hands after thorough washing with liquid or antibacterial soap - the number of bacteria will significantly exceed the norm of 120 units. The reason why your hands remain dirty is covered in a towel (terry or waffle - it doesn’t matter!), Used to wipe hands after washing.

A cloth towel - fresh or used for several days, leaves dangerous bacteria on hand.

The last wet environment of the towel fabric is a haven for quick reproduction. Therefore, it is recommended to get your hands wet with paper napkins or paper towels - they are much cleaner than tissue analogues.

Conclusion: both liquid and antibacterial soaps can clean dirty hands well (the only condition is not to wipe them with a cloth towel), and ordinary lumpy soaps (especially in combination with a cloth towel!) can pollute them even more.


Watch the video: How Germs Spread. Explaining the Science for Kids (June 2024).