How to treat lichen in folk remedies in humans at home? Doctor's opinion about the dangers and effectiveness of some folk methods


Lichen is a group of inflammatory skin diseases in which there are small itchy rashes.

Lichen includes various forms of eczema that are classified according to different criteria. The disease is characterized by severe local erythema and severe itching throughout the body.

Causes of lichen

Lichen is the most common skin disease (3 to 20%). The probability of occurrence of the disease at least once in life is almost 75%.

Staphylococcus aureus is often found in severe eczematous lesions and may aggravate the course of the disorder.

A recent study confirms that staphylococcus populations often dominate the skin of patients (microbiota) with severe eczema. This confirms the hypothesis that some bacteria can worsen the intensity of rashes.

The cause of shingles is chickenpox virus (BBP). It is an oval double-stranded DNA virus that belongs to the Herpes family. The chickenpox virus is relatively closely related to the herpes simplex virus.

Many patients do not know whether and how to treat lichen with folk remedies in humans at home. The possibility of therapy depends on the causative disease. With bacterial infections or mild eczema, folk remedies are not contraindicated. Viral invasions (shingles) traditional medicine will not cure, because there are no safe systemic virocides.

How to treat lichen with folk remedies in humans at home: herbal medicine

1. Birch tar.

Doctor's comment: birch tar is a reddish-brown tar with a characteristic strong odor. As in other products of dry distillation of wood (resin), the composition of birch wood is very complex and not fully understood.

Tar contains phenols, guaiacol, cresol, catechol, phenanthrene, many other cyclic hydrocarbons, and sesquiterpenes. Less common chemical compounds are betulin, betulinic acid, and lupeol.

Birch resin is completely soluble in ether, amyl alcohol, benzene, chloroform, carbon disulfide and turpentine. It partially dissolves in light gasoline and weakly in concentrated ethyl alcohol.

Birch tar can help with lichen infections caused by bacterial infections. It is ineffective against viral and fungal infestations. Prolonged application of tar ointment (Vishnevsky liniment) increases the risk of skin cancer. The potential risk outweighs the benefit, so it is advisable to refuse the prescription.

2. Apply nettle leaves to the affected area of ​​the body.

Doctor's comment:the leaves contain scopoletin, β-sitosterol, from 1 to 2% flavonoids (quercetin, kaolin glycosides) and silicates. The root additionally contains 0.1% of a specific lectin. The juice contains histamine, acetylcholine and serotonin. The plant is rich in vitamins A and C, iron, potassium, manganese and calcium.

Nettle leaves rich in protein, vitamins and minerals are used as a salad. Leaves do not sting if they are thermally or mechanically pretreated. Nettle does not help with deprivation, since there are no substances that affect pathogenic microorganisms.

3. Grind 100 g of peeled horse chestnut coffee with a coffee grinder, pour 1000 ml of vodka and let it brew for 7 days out of the reach of the light. Then strain, and drip the resulting mixture 15 times on a gauze dressing. Apply to the affected area and keep for 2 days.

Doctor's comment: seeds, bark, leaves and flowers are used to produce raw materials in the pharmaceutical industry. Aescin, which is found in horse chestnut, has a vasodilating, anticoagulant and anti-inflammatory effect. Preparations derived from them are used, for example, for the treatment of stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers, uterine bleeding, varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

The fruits of ordinary horse chestnut strengthen blood vessels. Therefore, they should be used against thrombosis, phlebitis, varicose veins and hemorrhoids. For lichen, horse chestnut extract can also be applied topically. It reduces itching, improves the structural condition of the skin, but can cause allergic reactions. The recipe will help relieve symptoms, but the root cause does not eliminate.

4. Dandelion.

Doctor's comment: a decoction of the roots, tincture or freshly squeezed dandelion juice is used to treat arthritis. Roots and leaves have an appetite stimulating effect due to the presence of bitter substances. Plant juice can be used against lichen, since it has a weak antibacterial effect. With fungal, viral and protozoal diseases, dandelion is useless.

How to treat lichen with folk remedies in humans at home: ointments and food

1. Cream "Candide".

Doctor's comment: Clotrimazole is used in the treatment of fungal infections of the skin. It acts the same way with respect to the three main groups of fungi involved in the development of skin mycoses, - dermatophytes, yeast and aspergillus. Clotrimazole does not act as an antifungal spore.

Besides its main use against fungal infections, clotrimazole is also effective against many gram-positive bacteria. Therefore, it is used for some bacterial skin diseases, including lichen.

However, not all gram-positive bacteria are considered sensitive enough to treatment with clotrimazole. The drug acts against Trichomonas infection. It is not considered the drug of choice for this application, since it is less effective than, for example, metronidazole. The ointment is effective for fungal infections, but it is absolutely useless for invasion by gram-negative bacteria or viral pathogens.

2. Ointment "Nitrofungin".

Doctor's comment:"Nitrofungin" is prescribed for the local treatment of inguinal dermatomycosis and fungal lichen. The ointment was also effective in the treatment of cutaneous candidiasis, although it showed a lower efficiency compared to imidazole.

In a significant proportion of patients (up to 6% of patients receiving treatment), topical use of the drug can cause short-term redness and burning. Other disorders of the skin and subcutaneous tissue may also occur, such as dryness, itching, local irritation (up to 2-3% of cases), a rash, and sometimes contact dermatitis.

It is allowed to use no more than 6 days, then a doctor’s consultation is required, which will tell you how to treat lichen in a person at home with folk remedies or medicines.

3. Daily use of raisins.

Doctor's comment: raisins can be consumed as a snack, which is rich in fiber and carbohydrates. Raisins has a low glycemic index and contains many minerals, vitamins and other trace elements. Due to its high nutritional value, raisins are recommended as an appetizer, both for weight control and for maintaining good health.

Raisins do not help against fungal diseases, but can prevent diabetes, as Spanish studies have shown. Non-insulin-dependent diabetes is a major risk factor for skin lesions. The recipe is partially useless, but harmless.

4. Honey with grated garlic.

Doctor's comment: garlic is used topically to combat lichen, and is also an effective moisturizer. There is a long tradition of use in herbal medicine for hoarseness and coughing. Cherokee Indians use it as an expectorant for horses to cough.

Honey with grated garlic is able to slightly inhibit the growth of bacterial pathogens, but does not affect fungal and viral pathogens.

How to treat lichen with folk remedies in humans at home: unsafe methods

1. Iodine with vodka.

Doctor's comment: iodine is an effective local antiseptic that acts against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.

Vodka enhances the effect of iodine, but regular application of the combination causes severe skin irritation.

The dehydrating effect of ethanol drains the skin and increases the risk of ulcers.

The recipe is dangerous in the long run, but will help to disinfect open eczema.

How to treat lichen with folk remedies in humans at home should be discussed with a doctor.

ATTENTION! Bacterial and fungal infections can be treated independently for up to 6-10 days, then a doctor's consultation is needed.
