Will folk remedies save menopause for unpleasant symptoms? How much can you delay old age with folk remedies for menopause?


Menopause (menopause) is a special period in a woman’s life. He calls it the time of extinction. This is actually not the case.

During menopause, ovulation ends, and the fair sex will no longer be able to become pregnant. But the remaining organ systems, with the right lifestyle and self-care, are still quite young.

When the climax begins normally

Menopause normally begins between the ages of 45 and 55. But sometimes it can begin earlier (early menopause - up to 45 years) and later (late menopause - in women older than 55 years). According to statistics, the extinction of reproductive function most often occurs in 50-52 years.

Menopause periods

The essence of menopause is that in the body the production of the main female sex hormones (estrogen) is reduced. And their decline occurs quite gradually and smoothly. There are 3 periods of menopause.

1.    Premenopausal (premenopausal) period or changeopause - It begins about 3-5 years before menopause. The concentration of estrogen gradually begins to decline, menstruation becomes irregular. Sometimes a woman is tormented by ailments: sudden changes in mood, dizziness, increased fatigue and drowsiness, sleep disturbances and thermoregulation (it becomes abruptly cold or hot). In this period, the woman is still fertile (capable of fertilization), but her chances of having a baby are much less than at a younger age. This suggests that if the fair sex before the premenopausal age has not yet fulfilled her reproductive function, she needs to hurry up a lot.

2.    The menopausal period or menopause itself lasts about 12-18 months. The obstetrician-gynecologist determines the exact completion of the reproductive function when the woman completely has no menstruation for 1 year. At this time, the fair sex can be tormented by hot flashes, feelings of anxiety, brittle nails and hair, joint and muscle pain, headaches, memory loss, and jumps in blood pressure. If menopause occurs at the right age, then you should not worry. But a gynecologist needs to be visited for a routine examination. In the case when a woman with the onset of menopause has not completed her reproductive function and still wants to become a mother, modern assistive technologies (hormonal stimulation, IVF, surrogacy) can help her in this. With successful therapy, it remains possible to conceive and bear the baby on their own.

3.    The postmenopausal period lasts about 3-5 years. The woman’s body gets used to living with a low estrogen level. Unpleasant symptoms recede.

Life-threatening risks in self-treatment with folk remedies for menopause

What is important to pay attention to before taking folk remedies for menopause.

Menopause possible spotting from the vagina. Many women take them for irregular periods. But in reality this is unlikely.

If the reproductive function at the appropriate age for this is dying away, then most likely discharge of a similar nature is dysfunctional uterine bleeding. They can be symptoms of various gynecological diseases, many of which are very serious (polyps in the uterine cavity, cancer of the endometrium or ovaries, neoplasms of the cervix and the like).

It is worth remembering once and for all: with any spotting in the menopause, you need to urgently visit a gynecologist.

Folk remedies for menopause

As we wrote above, the premenopausal and menopausal periods are often accompanied by unpleasant sensations that interfere with the normal quality of life of a woman. It is especially worth considering that in these years our ladies usually still work. Therefore, they require a lot of attention and activity. Based on this, women in various ways try to remove the negative effects of menopause. Often they seek help in traditional medicine, trying folk remedies for menopause. But it can be extremely dangerous. We will analyze the most popular methods and dispel myths about their miraculous action.

1 TOred brush (four-membered rhodiola).

From this plant, women prepare decoctions, alcohol tinctures, teas, and more.

Also in pharmacies they sell vaginal suppositories (suppositories) and tablets that contain this herb.

The red brush has plant hormones in its composition, which indeed, with some gynecological diseases, have a beneficial effect on the body.

But our women adore traditional medicine because treatment is prescribed not by qualified doctors, but by “good” counselors on forums on the Internet, “doctors” from magazines and presenters of television programs on health.

Because of this, the red brush often causes irreparable harm to the body. Under the influence of plant hormones, the estrogen balance is disturbed: bleeding, tumors in the pelvic organs and mammary glands, and other serious complications of self-medication are formed.

Also, this herb has a huge number of contraindications: it has increased allergenicity, is prohibited in hypertension and during inflammatory processes, can cause increased psycho-emotional arousal.

2. Pine uterus (one-sided ortilia) - one of the favorite female herbs.

It is taken in the form of a decoction for almost all gynecological problems. And this is dangerous. The mechanism of action of this herb is identical to the red brush - it also contains many phyto-estrogens.

Therefore, side effects due to hyperestrogenism will be the same. The danger of the uterine uterus lies in the fact that it very dilutes the blood and can cause bleeding in various organs.

But women who self-medicate very often take gynecological bleeding for restoring the menstrual cycle. What are very happy and continue to drink miracle broth. And this is dangerous.

Severe blood loss can result in sad consequences, even death.

3. Red clover is often used to reduce the unpleasant effects of menopause.

It also contains many phyto-estrogens. Also, the beautiful half of humanity uses infusions and decoctions of this herb to restore sexual desire.

It is a pity that women do not think about the contraindications and side effects of this folk remedy for menopause.

It can cause interruptions in the work of the cardiovascular system (up to a heart attack and stroke), thrombophlebitis (inflammation of the veins near an already formed thrombus), disturbance of the gastric mucosa (gastritis and ulcers), and severe allergic reactions.

4.    Royal jelly apparently, due to the fact that the adjective has one root with the main female organ, pi of all climacteric manifestations is often used.

Yes, treatment can bring them improvement, but not in the case of self-administration. The fact is that royal jelly can only increase tides, and insomnia, and bad mood if used incorrectly.

It is especially dangerous because it raises blood pressure and increases blood coagulation (it threatens to form blood clots). In case of adrenal and thyroid gland dysfunction, taking this folk remedy for menopause is contraindicated.

5. Juice therapy gaining popularity over the past 20 years.

The most fun thing for doctors in this method of "treatment" is that for some reason women force themselves to choke on exclusively vegetable juices. Let's analyze the most popular of them:

• Cucumber - a cucumber already consists of 95% water, which can help its juice with menopause, it is difficult for doctors to answer. But, if a woman really wants to believe in it, let him drink. Water does not cause harm. It is necessary to be careful only with kidney diseases, as is the case with any fluids;

• Beetroot - yes, it has a lot of vitamins. Doctors approve of it if the patient likes it. There is one drawback: beets greatly increase intestinal motility and lead to prolonged diarrhea. But, if it suits you - drink to health;

• Carrot is also a great drink. It is only necessary to take into account that the vitamin A contained in it is fat-soluble, and for its full action do not forget to add a little oil to the juice.

It is also important to remember that most juices contain a considerable amount of sugar, therefore, with diabetes, you need to be extremely careful.

How to alleviate the manifestations of menopause

No need to self-medicate and read crazy articles. Every woman passes through this period of life, and it is considered physiological, that is, absolutely normal. It is bad when menopause does not occur at the right age.

To remove unpleasant symptoms, consult your obstetrician-gynecologist. It will identify the possible presence of concomitant diseases, determine the level of hormones.

In the modern world, there are many drugs that help you survive the decline in estrogen levels painlessly, including folk remedies for menopause, but they should be prescribed by a doctor.

Also developed a lot of dietary supplements, which contain all the same popular herbs with phyto-estrogens, but in normal concentrations.

Remember, the most important thing is not to harm your body.

Menopause is no less important period in a woman’s life than puberty, pregnancy or childbirth.

Consult a doctor and menopause will no longer be associated with old age!


Watch the video: Menopause Explained in Hindi. Patient Education I MIC (June 2024).