Apple cider vinegar: home cooking. Why is it better to cook vinegar from apples at home


Apple cider vinegar is obtained by the microbiological method from fresh apples (pulp or juice). Fermented vinegar has a richer taste and natural properties, unlike alcohol. It tastes much softer and more aromatic, well absorbed, improves intestinal microflora. Cooking apple cider vinegar at home is best in late autumn, when winter varieties of apples ripen.

Benefits of Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar

During the preparation of vinegar, the products do not heat up and are not sterilized, so all the beneficial substances from apples are preserved. In home vinegar there are no flavors, dyes and other additives, the strength does not exceed 4-6%. It does not have such a presentable appearance as purchased, since it does not pass pasteurization and is not refined (it is cleaned of impurities). But it is in such a muddy vinegar with a natural sediment that contains all the useful substances and enzymes.

In winter, apples gradually lose their beneficial properties, and all vitamins are preserved in vinegar.

Vinegar from apple raw materials contains more than 60 organic compounds, many useful substances:

• 16 amino acids - necessary to maintain the protein structure;

• natural sugars;

• vitamins (groups A, B1, B2, B6, C, E), provitamin beta-carotene;

• minerals (iron, potassium, calcium, silicon, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, sulfur);

• organic acids (lactic, citric, oxalic, acetic, malic);

• phenolic substances - participate in redox reactions, form the taste properties of products;

• Acetobacteraceae acetic acid bacteria (UXO) - essential for normal digestion.

Enzymes, complex protein molecules in apple cider vinegar accelerate biochemical reactions and improve metabolic processes.

Home vinegar is used as a seasoning in cooking, as a preservative for the preparation of seasonal preparations of vegetables and fruits. It is used in compliance with the diet and in a healthy diet. There are many beauty recipes for whitening and smoothing the face, to improve the structure of the hair and give it a silky shine.

Ways to make apple cider vinegar

This is a multi-stage process: first, ethyl alcohol (apple wine) is obtained from sugar in the fruit mass, and then alcohol is oxidized by special bacteria to acetic acid.

Cooking apple cider vinegar consists of the following steps:

• fermentation and fermentation - a biochemical process in the prepared raw materials under the influence of enzymes, as a result of which organic substances decompose, it is the processing of sugar by yeast, which are microscopic fungi and feed on sugar (added or as part of natural raw materials), without air access, as a result of which young wine with a strength of 6-8%;

• souring - the conversion of wine alcohol to vinegar under the influence of Acetobacteraceae bacteria, which are activated by oxygen and oxidize ethanol to acetic acid, an acetic mushroom is formed on the surface of the raw material, which is a dense translucent mass, after a while it settles to the bottom, which means the process terminates ;

• filtration of finished vinegar, packaging by containers and storage, preferably in the refrigerator or in a dark, cool place up to + 16 + 18 ° C.

The main methods of preparation depend on the components: apples or apple juice, sugar, and yeast are used.

The first recipe for apple cider vinegar at home

Peel the apples and prepare the juice on a juicer or in any other way, pour it into a 3-liter jar. Put a rubber ball on the neck of the can and leave it in a warm place for 3-4 weeks. The ball is inflated from carbon dioxide released during the fermentation process, you can make a puncture with a needle or a toothpick (although some are categorically against it, everything is determined empirically), replace the burst ball with a new one. As soon as the ball begins to deflate, then the fermentation is finished and you can proceed to the next stage.

After a month, pour the contents into a wide pot, cover with a towel or napkin and leave for another 1.5 months. The larger the surface area, the faster the process of interaction of acetic acid bacteria occurs and the oxidation of the product is completed.

In the process of fermentation, the mass will boil and foam, so leave 5-6 cm to the edges of the dishes. You do not need to remove foam and vinegar from the surface, they are necessary for normal oxidation. When the fungus sinks to the bottom, the pungent and unpleasant odor disappears, then the vinegar is ready for use.

The second recipe for apple cider vinegar at home

Cut the fruits into slices into 5-6 parts and leave for 2-3 hours, until they darken under the influence of atmospheric oxygen, which oxidizes the iron in the apples. Next, juice is made from slices in any convenient way, which is also left for 2-3 hours for oxidation. From time to time, stir it so that the juice acquires a rich caramel color. The prepared liquid is poured into a jar or bottle and the neck is closed with a rubber ball.

When the ball begins to deflate, pour the contents into a wider bowl, without adding a few centimeters to the edges. Cover the pan with a towel and let it sit for about 1.5 months. The process is finished, when the liquid becomes transparent, you can strain it and bottle it.

The third recipe for apple cider vinegar at home

3.2 kg of sweet apples

1 liter of water

200 g sugar

Grate the apples or grind them in a blender, put in a ceramic or enamel pan (in no case in an aluminum pan), pour cool boiled water and add 100 g of sugar, mix well until the sugar dissolves. Cover the pan with a towel, not a lid, for constant access to air and leave for three weeks, stirring daily with a wooden spoon.

After three weeks, strain the mass, add 100 g of sugar and pour into a clean container, which is also covered with a towel and again left for 3 weeks. Gradually the mixture will brighten, then it will become almost transparent, which means that the fermentation process is over and the vinegar is ready for use. The resulting liquid is filtered through gauze or a small colander and bottled with tight lids.

The fourth recipe for apple cider vinegar at home

4.4 kg apples

200 g of water

1 tbsp. l Sahara

0.5 tbsp. l dry yeast

Chop the apples and squeeze the juice, pour it into a jar or bottle. In a cup, dilute yeast, sugar and warm boiled water, pour it into a container with apple juice after 30-40 minutes. Put a rubber ball on the jar and leave it for 4 weeks. Then pour the apple wine into a wide pot, cover with a towel and leave for another 1-1.5 months, then strain and pour for storage.

The fifth recipe for apple cider vinegar at home

5.4 kg of apple extracts (after juice preparation)

1 liter of water

500 g sugar

100 g brown bread

Pour apple squeezes with warm boiled water, add sugar and slices of brown bread, leave in a saucepan under a towel for 4 weeks, stirring constantly for the first two weeks. Strain the mixture and pour into a clean bowl for another 2-3 weeks, then bottle.

Under the guise of apple cider vinegar, they often sell regular acetic acid with apple flavor. Long-term refined apple cider vinegar is supplied by a few manufacturers, in addition, it does not have known medicinal properties and can only be used for cooking and preservation. Therefore, prepare yourself homemade vinegar from apples (pears or quinces) in order to preserve your health.


Watch the video: How To Make Real Apple Cider Vinegar. Glen & Friends Cooking (June 2024).