Folk remedies for sweating - which are really effective and which are useless?


Sweating is a natural process in the human body. But some people suffer from excessive sweating. They sweat much more often and more than others. At the same time, deodorants and antiperspirants do not save for a long time. In such cases, you can use homemade recipes to help get rid of the problem.


When using external and internal means, the effect increases. Folk remedies for sweating for ingestion are infusions and decoctions of herbs.

Recipe number 1:

• 2 tbsp. l nettle and sage pour 500 ml of boiling water;

• bring to a boil and insist 40-50 minutes;

• drink in small sips throughout the day.

One course - two weeks. You can separately brew sage or nettle, alternate them. Separately, they also cope with excessive sweating.

The second recipe:

• 1 tbsp. l pour mint and lemon balm into a glass of boiling water;

• let it brew for 20-30 minutes;

• split in half and drink twice a day.

The course lasts from 2 to 4 weeks depending on the effect.

Infusion of Nasturtium:

• 8 flowers, or 1 tbsp. l seeds, or 12 young leaves pour a glass of hot water;

• insist until it cools;

• drink sips throughout the day.

The course of taking the broth is 3 weeks. It is recommended to use nasturtium after a course of sage.

Bean broth:

• take 5 bean pods or 8 pea pods;

• pour a glass of boiled water and insist until cool;

• drink three times a day 30 minutes after eating.

Take a decoction course of no more than 3 weeks.

Important: all infusions, decoctions are consumed without sugar, despite the unpleasant taste in some cases.

Herbal harvest:

• combine 100 g of immortelle, birch buds, chamomile leaves and hypericum;

• take 1 tbsp. l the resulting composition and pour a glass of boiling water;

• insist 20 minutes, then strain through cheesecloth and cool;

• drink a glass twice a day, morning and evening, with the addition of a teaspoon of honey.

The course ends when the herbal mixture is over. This is a powerful tool that normalizes the work of sweat glands. The course is recommended to be repeated only after 3 years.

Outdoor folk remedies for sweating

These include wipes, lotions, baths, compresses, home deodorants. What else can be done:

1. Take daily cold and hot shower. A few minutes to be under warm water, a few minutes under cool.

2. Exclude from the diet sweating foods: spicy and spicy spices, salted foods, smoked meats, sausages, sweets. Drink more plain water.

3. Observe hygiene: Take a shower twice a day, wear clothes made from natural fabrics, especially underwear and socks. Do not wear the same pair of shoes for two days in a row.


Usually they use infusions on water or vodka, decoctions of various herbs.

Chamomile recipe:

• mash into powder 6 tbsp. l leaves and flowers of a pharmaceutical camomile;

• pour 2 liters of plain water and cover;

• insist about an hour;

• add to the infusion 2 tbsp. l baking soda and stir until dissolved;

• moisten a cotton pad and wipe armpits several times a day.

Daily it is recommended to prepare a new infusion. Even in the refrigerator, it will deteriorate in a day. You can halve the amount of ingredients if too much liquid remains.

Horsetail tincture on vodka:

• for 1 part of horsetail, take 10 parts of vodka;

• mix thoroughly and pour into a glass bottle;

• place it in a warm dark place for one and a half weeks, periodically shake;

• moisten a cotton pad and wipe armpits as needed.

Instead of horsetail, you can use birch buds, a recipe to do as well.

Important: all folk remedies for sweating, based on vodka, can irritate the skin and cause allergies. Therefore, before use, an allergic reaction test is performed. It is necessary to lubricate the skin on the wrist with tincture and wait a few hours. If during this time there is no negative reaction, you can use the tool.

Alcohol tincture of walnut leaves:

• combine 10 parts of vodka and 1 part of walnut leaves;

• place in a glass container and send to a dry, warm place for a week;

• periodically shake the bottle;

• wipe armpits 1-2 times a day or as needed.

If there is alcohol, it can be diluted in half with water and used instead of vodka. Do not abuse alcohol tinctures. Even if there is no allergic reaction, alcohol still dries the skin. It is worth using these recipes only if other means could not help.

Infusion of oak bark:

• in a glass of water at room temperature, stir a teaspoon of oak bark;

• drip a little lemon juice and mix thoroughly;

• wipe problem areas in the morning and evening.

Decoction with young pine branches:

• put a few medium pine branches in a pan and pour water;

• put a pan with branches in a water bath and after boiling cook for 20 minutes;

• Cool and apply as a wipe if necessary.

With this decoction, you can soak gauze and make a compress. It is also added to the bath.

Simple folk remedies for sweating in the form of wipes:

• a fresh slice of lemon;

• strong black tea;

• Apple vinegar;

• undiluted chamomile or tea tree oil.

Important: lemon or vinegar can irritate the skin. They should be used with caution and before use, conduct an allergy test.

You can apply essential oils of mint, eucalyptus, sage, lavender undiluted, but only on the feet. If the skin is normal, not sensitive, then peppermint and eucalyptus oils will give a pleasant coolness to the skin and protect it from smell.

Lotions and compresses

Manganese solution:

• dilute a small amount of potassium permanganate in warm water so that a pale pink liquid is obtained;

• moisten gauze and apply to problem areas for 5 minutes;

• do daily until the effect is noticeable.

Saline solution:

• dilute in a liter of water 1-1.5 tbsp. l ordinary salt;

• attach a cloth soaked in water to the armpits and wait a few minutes;

• do daily 1 time per day.

Skin can be allergic to salt, so if you experience any discomfort, rinse it with clean water and do not use this recipe anymore.

It is easy to make a contrast compress: apply hot and cold compresses one at a time. Hold for approximately 5 minutes.


Apply special baths as a folk remedy for sweating.

There are two options for using the bath.

With a decoction:

• brew 200 g of the required plant in 2 liters of water for half an hour;

• strain and pour liquid into the bath.

Another variant:

• put 250 g of grass / branches into the bathtub and fill it with the most hot tap water;

• wait until it cools down to 37-38 degrees and you can go to bed.

For bathing against sweating, apply oak bark, pine branches, horsetail, cones of alder, chamomile flowers. Take a bath for 20-30 minutes.

You can use essential oils of lemon, mint, eucalyptus, lemon balm, sage, pine, cedar, spruce, fir, tea tree. They do not dissolve in water just like that. First they are bred in base oil, milk or honey. Apply 10-15 drops per bath, depending on the type of oil. Tea tree or sage can be larger, but mint or lemon should be handled carefully, otherwise the sensations will not be pleasant.

Natural Deodorants

There are many recipes for home deodorants: solid, cream, powder, liquid.

Simple spray in 5 minutes:

• pour a glass of boiling water 1 tsp. soda and mix thoroughly;

• pour into an empty container with a spray;

• use as a purchased deodorant spray.

Solid Wax Deodorant:

• in a water bath melt 2 tbsp. l wax;

• add 1 tbsp. l coconut oil and hold on the stove a little more;

• remove from heat, add 15 drops of tea tree essential oil and a little bit of any other to the liquid;

• Stir everything, pour into a clean jar and leave until it hardens.

Store such a tool at room temperature, you can in the refrigerator. Wax will not let the deodorant deteriorate.

Recipe from Cleopatra:

• in 1 tsp. grape seed oil add 7 drops of rosemary oil and 10 drops of tea tree;

• mix and place in a clean glass container;

• Store in a cool place.

If after a while you smell the old oil, do the deodorant again.

You can get rid of excessive sweating at home. Folk remedies for sweating are not always safe, so you should carefully consider the choice of a compress or lotion.


Watch the video: STOP Armpit Sweat 5 Easy Steps Fix HYPERHIDROSIS & Excessive Perspiration. RMRS Grooming Videos (June 2024).