Alkaline diet for weight loss and recovery in general. How to combine an alkaline diet for weight loss with daily nutrition


It will be about a diet that is most consistent with the principles of a healthy diet, which many people adhere to and without the need to lose weight. Plus, this method of losing weight by scientists is recognized as one of the safest.

The main thing about the alkaline diet for weight loss and the acid-base balance of the body

Alkaline, or alkaline diet, is a nutrition program for balancing the acid-base balance of the body, where the opposite values ​​are 0 and 14 units, and the norm is an indicator of about 7 units with fractional fluctuations.

If the numbers exceed the norm - there is an excess of alkali in the body (an extremely rare phenomenon), if below it - we can talk about its acidification.

The second, according to doctors and scientists, is often the cause of many diseases and disorders, including the tendency to gain weight, the accumulation of body fat and the difficulty of parting with them.

The alkaline diet process can be represented in three consecutive phases:

• From 1 to 7 days, the pH balance is actively transformed, which is accompanied, firstly, by the largest weight loss for the whole diet - 3-5 kg, and secondly, it can become unhealthy due to the removal of toxins. But if the discomfort in the stomach, general weakness and headache last for days, this is a signal that this type of special nutrition is not suitable in an individual case;

• with a favorable development of events, from 7 to 14 days the body "polishes" the pH balance to normal, the process is no longer sharp, which positively affects one's well-being. But weight - leaves more slowly, it will be possible to rejoice at a loss of only 1-3 kg;

• from 14 to 21 days (optimally - to 28 days) a special diet allows you to consolidate a healthy balance of the pH balance and accustom the body to maintaining it for the future. During this period, you can part with another 1-2 kg, but you can’t lose weight anymore.

You don’t have to go hungry on this diet, but still the diet will become more “fresh” due to the limited set of alkaline products and recommendations to consume the lion's (plant) share in raw, not really supplemented form.

Classification of products for weight loss on an alkaline diet

The diet of modern man is 85-90% composed of so-called acidic products, whereas for a normal pH balance, their proportion should not exceed 20-30%, and the rest of the food should be made up of products alkalizing the body.

But although such a diet may seem unusual, it can’t be called monotonous, because a lot of alkaline products are that can be collected at least in the following list.


• peaches and apricots;

• bananas;

• apples;

• a pineapple;

• kiwi;

• watermelons;

• grapes;

• avocado;

• pears;

• mango;

• cherries;

• figs;

• papaya;

• citrus fruits;

• melons;

• dates.


• currant;

• Strawberry;

• raspberries;

• cloudberry;

• blueberries.


• cabbage (all types);

• cucumbers;

• radish;

• green beans;

• potatoes;

• turnip;

• okra;

• garlic and onions;

• celery;

• greens (very different);

• carrot;

• potatoes (preferably young and peeled);

• asparagus;

• spinach;

• green pea;

• zucchini;

• pumpkin;

• bell pepper;

• beets.

Milk products:

• milk serum;

• skim cheese;

• natural fat-free yogurt.

Fats (oils):

• olive;

• flaxseed;

• rapeseed.

Meat products:

• hen;

• turkey;

• river and sea fish (low-fat, preferably with white meat).

Other approved products include:

• almonds and hazelnuts;

• chestnuts;

• olives;

• soy (in all its variety - from meat to milk and cheese);

• wheat sprouts;

• sesame seeds;

• rice (wild and brown);

• lentils;

• chia seeds;

• bitter chocolate;

• quinoa;

• sea kale.

Vegetable products are best eaten raw (for example, preparing salads), they are recommended to be consumed in the maximum amount during breaks between main meals.

But - the sign "benefit" changes to "harm", you just have to turn the fruits into jam or pickles, take the store juice.

Of the drinks, you need to abandon black tea, coffee, soda, give preference to green tea, and even better - herbal decoctions and tinctures, you can drink coffee from chicory and will greatly contribute to finding harmony ginger tea.

In order for the alkaline diet for weight loss to bring results, the presence of the following acid products on the table is unacceptable:

• barley, buckwheat and corn grits, white rice;

• dried peas;

• white flour products (bread, pasta, cakes, cookies);

• starch;

• rhubarb;

• white beans;

• sunflower oil;

• sugar and everything in which it is present;

• hard cheeses;

• nuts (almonds and hazelnuts - an exception);

• milk and white chocolate;

• sausages;

• fish - like hot smoked mackerel, salted trout, as well as red caviar;

• mollusks;

• heavy cream and butter;

• meat (beef and beef offal, lamb, pork, game).

And finally, there is a category of food allowed, but in small quantities:

• black (rye) bread, which is better absorbed in the form of toasts or crackers;

• whole grain flour products prepared without yeast;

• soft cheeses (such as ricotta) and goat cheese;

• eggs of hens and quails;

• cow and goat milk;

• spelled;

• sour cream;

• Varenets and ryazhenka;

• mushrooms;

• tomatoes;

• margarine;

• cereals.

You can take any recipes in the alkaline diet for weight loss, the main thing is that there is no roast (but you can grill on the grill). It is permissible to cook (ideally - steamed), stew and bake.

It is almost impossible to salt and sprinkle with spices and spices.

Sugar can be replaced with artificial sweeteners, but it is even better to take honey and maple syrup.

On this diet there will be no harm either to the progress of losing weight or to health, if once a week you allow yourself to "excess" in the form of a cake or ice cream.

But it’s more reasonable to eat more often cottage cheese with sour cream, cheese, yogurt (with honey and fruits - a delicious dessert) - an alkaline diet contributes to the development of calcium deficiency in the body.

Sample menu alkaline diet for weight loss

First day

Breakfast - yogurt, fresh fruits, dark chocolate.

Lunch - spaghetti (whole wheat flour) with pesto sauce, cucumber, radish and greens salad, rye bread toast.

Snack - a salad of cabbage, carrots and apples.

Dinner - steamed chicken breast with steamed broccoli, a warm salad of baked zucchini with tofu.

Second day

Breakfast - poached egg on rye toast with stewed spinach and zaziki sauce.

Lunch - boiled asparagus, fish (marinated in orange juice) baked with Provencal herbs, mashed potatoes, salad of apples, pears, raisins and ricotta, watermelon.

Snack - fermented baked milk, nuts and dried fruits.

Dinner - stewed cabbage, rye bread toast, apples.

The third day

Breakfast - kefir, fresh fruits.

Lunch - mushrooms with potatoes in a pot, steamed chicken dumplings, fresh vegetable salad with olive oil.

Snack - Varenets, fresh fruits and berries.

Dinner - risotto with mushrooms, sliced ​​from fresh vegetables.

Fourth day

Breakfast - cottage cheese, fresh fruits.

Lunch - chicken soup with oatmeal, a salad of fresh vegetables.

Snack - boiled egg, cabbage salad.

Dinner - vegetable stew with turkey, baked potato wedges, radish salad with cucumber.

Fifth day

Breakfast - smoothie from yogurt and fresh berries, fritata (scrambled eggs) with vegetables, toast from whole grain bread with honey.

Lunch - pumpkin puree soup, pasta (from rye flour) with spinach sauce, yogurt smoothie with banana and honey.

Snack - a salad of baked vegetables, dark chocolate.

Dinner - a salad of fresh vegetables, ear, rye toast.

Sixth day

Breakfast - a magnificent omelet in the oven, vegetable slices, rye toast with soft cheese and herbs.

Lunch - puff chicken and vegetable casserole, boiled potatoes, fresh vegetable salad.

Afternoon snack - Varenets baked with nuts and pear honey.

Dinner - Greek salad, vegetable casserole, fresh fruits.

Seventh day

Breakfast - oatmeal on the water, kefir, fresh fruits.

Lunch - lentil soup with rye flour dumplings, fresh cabbage salad.

Snack - a dessert of baked pumpkin and apples, with nuts, dried fruits and honey.

Dinner - baked chicken with a side dish of boiled green peas and tomato sauce, stewed carrots and cabbage.

What else you need to know about the alkaline diet for weight loss

It is useful to know that the effectiveness of the diet will increase if you follow a few rules:

• from awakening to breakfast, at least half an hour should pass, for which the body must wake up, which will help with a shower, exercise, walk in the fresh air;

• after 7 pm it is undesirable to eat, but it is important to drink - herbal teas, sour milk;

• you need to eat everything without haste, chewing thoroughly - firstly, a lot of food begins to be digested already in the mouth, and secondly, saturation signals are sent to the brain with a delay of a quarter hour from the ingestion of food into the stomach, which means that deliberation prevents overeating;

• you can drink the dish with a couple of sips, but volumes above 150 ml should be drunk half an hour before, or an hour after a meal.

A change in the acid-base balance to normal naturally affects not only weight loss, but also contributes to:

• strengthening immunity;

• increasing physical and intellectual performance;

• improving the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

But despite the importance of the correct pH balance, it is the alkaline diet for weight loss that is contraindicated in a number of cases, which include:

• renal failure;

• some pathologies of the heart (including angina pectoris);

• chronic gastrointestinal diseases in the acute stage;

• gastritis with low acidity.

The correct way out of the alkaline diet for weight loss involves a gradual increase in the diet of acidic foods, with the same smooth decrease in the volume of alkaline foods.

According to experts, the total duration of exit from this diet should be equivalent to herself - that is, 3-4 weeks.

During which, in order to maintain weight and positive changes in health, it is very important to drink plenty of fluids, not to drink alcohol and limit your treats to fried and smoked foods.


Watch the video: Dr Sebi Diet - Alkaline Foods That Will Flush Toxins And Mucus From Your Body (July 2024).