Does propolis tincture treat dermatitis and prostatitis? Recipes home propolis tinctures and rules for use


Propolis is perhaps the most effective healing product from beekeeping products, the methods of application of which are amazingly diverse, and the benefit knows no boundaries, literally encompassing the entire human body. Since ancient times, tinctures from it have been known, which are easy to cook at home..

What propolis is and how homemade tincture from it improves health

Bees are hunters not only to flower nectar and pollen, but also to the sticky substance secreted in spring by tree buds (birch, alder). However, not only propolis is obtained from it. And in general - exactly how and from what the bees make it - scientists are still pondering over this. The striped workers themselves need it, in particular, for minor repairs in the hive. Without depriving them, from one "house" you can collect 30-160 g of propolis for the summer season.

In appearance and touch it is a solid, plastic dark mass, brown, sometimes greenish in color. Its chemical composition is also largely mysterious for people of science (in particular, wax, essential amino acids, and vitamins were discovered).

But it is known for certain that tincture of propolis can be described as a means:

• antiseptic;

• anti-inflammatory;

• decongestant;

• antitoxic;

• pain medication.

As well as immunostimulating and activating metabolic processes.

In addition, propolis contributes to the optimal consumption of adrenaline in the body.

And it is priceless that no fungi, viruses, are able to adapt in their evolution and become invulnerable to propolis, as they often do with synthetic drugs, antibiotics.

Propolis tincture is extremely effective for the treatment of:

• dermatitis, pressure sores, frostbite, slowly healing wounds, burns (outwardly);

• mastopathy;

• gastrointestinal diseases (including gastritis, colic, flatulence);

• prostatitis;

• pathologies of the cardiovascular system (including arrhythmia, thrombosis, hypertension, atherosclerosis);

• migraine;

• osteochondrosis (including externally);

• insomnia;

• urinary tract diseases.

In all these cases, unless otherwise indicated, she, of course, is drunk.

In diseases of the respiratory system and throat (for example, acute respiratory infections, runny nose, tonsillitis, and even diphtheria), it is effective not only to drink tincture, but also to apply compresses with it and inhalation.

Tincture is used internally, used for dressings, douching in case of gynecological diseases (including chlamydia and thrush), instillation into the nose and ears (soaking turundas with it), lubrication of the oral mucous membranes (with gingivitis, periodontal disease).

Propolis water infusion takes good care of the hair (when rinsing them or rubbing them into the scalp):

• protects from mechanical (hairbrush, hairpins) and temperature (tongs, winter walks without caps) damage;

• accelerates growth (deeply nourishing and awakening the "sleeping" hair follicles);

• restores the damaged structure (resembles the effect of lamination).

Propolis tincture and facial skin will help, especially oily, with acne, black spots and sagging of the epidermis. True, if the skin is dry and sensitive, you should not take a remedy for alcohol. Tincture can be used as a lotion and added to masks.

Golden rules for making homemade propolis tincture

For any tincture, propolis is crushed (having previously stood in the refrigerator to harden), and it is better not to crush it with a knife, but to grind it on the fine side of the grater - this is the only way it can transfer useful properties and valuable substances to liquids to the maximum.

The preparation of tinctures is completed by filtering them, usually through a multilayer gauze, and this cleaning should be especially thorough if the product is supposed to be used for the treatment of ears and nose indicated above, and douching.

All propolis tinctures should be kept and stored in glass containers, very preferably made of dark glass. Firstly, this material is neutral and does not enter into any dangerous chemical reactions with the ingredients of any tinctures in principle.

Secondly, it perfectly protects the product from the harmful effects of sunlight (in dark glass, by the way, unrefined olive oil is also stored).

Plus, the location of the tinctures should be cool and inaccessible to direct sunlight.

It is noteworthy that, unlike honey, propolis does not lose its positive qualities when heated, which, naturally, expands the possibilities of preparing tinctures.

The best recipes for homemade propolis tinctures

Alcohol is a powerful, albeit peculiar medicine, but combining it with propolis has special meaning, since this liquid is able to enhance its healing properties.

Propolis alcohol tincture can have a different strength - from 5% to 60%, but in order not to acquire a lot of its versions, you can prepare 1 minimum strength and 1 maximum, and diluting the latter with water, create intermediate options.

As a rule, for external use, the fortress should be larger, for internal - less. But the strength of the original element, alcohol, is constant - 70%.

To vary the ratio of liquid to dry ingredient is simple:

• for 5% tincture take 95 ml of alcohol and 5 g of propolis;

• for 20% tincture - 80 ml of alcohol and 20 g of propolis.

Also, the proportions easily change further.

To get alcohol tincture, all you need is:

• pour propolis into the container;

• add alcohol to it and close the container tightly with a lid;

• set aside the container somewhere for 10-12 days, regularly shake its contents;

• filter the tincture, pour into clean containers and put in storage, up to 3 years.

If tincture is needed quickly, you can use the hot method;

• warm alcohol and propolis mixed with it in a water bath to 70-80 ° C;

• remove the liquid from the fire, clean by filtering;

• pour into the container, close the lid and put it away for storage.

Vodka tincture is almost equivalent to alcohol, except that in order to not reduce the medicinal properties, it is not recommended to dilute it with finished water. But it tastes better.

To prepare it, you need:

• 250 ml of 40% vodka (the highest quality);

• 50 g of propolis.

The process of creating the tool is still simple:

• combine the ingredients in one container and seal it tightly;

• for 14 days, remove the container in a suitable place, shake it from time to time;

• strain the tincture and, pouring it into a bottle, put into storage, for up to 3 years.

It is important to note that many beekeepers who thoroughly study the properties of the products of their "wards" insist that alcohol-containing propolis tinctures are actually fully effective only for 12 months, and then weaken.

Propolis water tincture is also simple:

• pour propolis with boiling water (proportions can vary greatly, but let's say 1: 8);

• close the container with a lid, wrap it up (or take a thermos);

• insist for 24 hours, sometimes shaking;

• filter and pour into containers for short - 7 days, storage.

For treatment, these two simple varieties of tinctures are often used, but their complicated options are also found, for example:

• crushed garlic is mixed with vodka at the very beginning of preparation;

• ready-made alcohol with fruits of aronia and rose hips is infused for several hours in a mixture with boiling water;

• the finished vodka tincture is combined and warmed up with vegetable oil.

Rules for the use of propolis home tinctures

It is unacceptable to drink alcohol preparations:

• children under 10 years old;

• women during pregnancy and lactation;

• encoded from alcohol.

Outwardly, such tinctures are not prohibited for the first two categories, but are also contraindicated for children under 3 years of age.

Babies older than 1 year, expectant and lactating mothers, and everyone who can’t drink alcohol, are well suited for homemade propolis water tinctures.

In the treatment of ailments, such as colds and flu, with alcohol tincture in parallel with taking antibiotic-related drugs, you can use it no earlier than 3 hours after them (to avoid a difficultly predicted, but definitely negative load on the body).

After oral (i.e., by mouth) intake of propolis tincture of alcohol, doctors strongly recommend that at least 1 hour later, at least it is easy to have a snack - after all, the positive properties of the stomach product do not block the negative irritating effects of the alcohol on the digestive tract.

Alcohol tinctures are usually diluted in water, herbal tea, milk (and adding a spoonful of honey means speeding up recovery).

The number of drops (from 2 to 60) and the frequency of administration (1-6 times per day) vary depending on the purpose of taking the drug, but you must always remember that self-medication is a huge risk and before you reach for tincture of propolis, you need to consult a specialist , familiarization with the recommendations for his authorship.

With a little less caution apply to the external use of tinctures (they are diluted less often in water, for example, when it is necessary to gargle)

Means with propolis are not addictive, however, in order to avoid the conditions for the formation of individual intolerance and stimulate the body's natural forces, after 1 month of their use, an interval of 2-3 weeks should be maintained. But often, 3-14 days are enough for the whole treatment.

Contraindications and harm home propolis tincture

A clear contraindication to the use of the drug is an allergy to beekeeping products.

Other cases where treatment with alcohol tinctures may have to be forgotten include:

• acute pancreatitis;

• the presence of stones in the gallbladder;

• chronic liver disease.

With caution, propolis is used with low blood pressure.

Exceeding the appropriate dosage of tincture is expressed by side effects:

• nausea;

• general weakness;

• difficulty breathing;

• skin rash;

• headache, dizziness;

• heart rhythm failure.

As soon as they are noticed - the rate of the drug decreases, if it does not help - it is canceled.


Watch the video: propolis from nature (June 2024).