What is the dream of a baby: crying or smiling? Basic interpretations of different dream books - what a baby dreams of


In a dream, you may be around different people. These may be people you know and those you see for the first time.

What is the dream of the baby? How to interpret this dream?

What the baby dreams about - basic interpretation

If in a dream you see a baby - this is a positive sign. So, soon in your life a lot will improve, and you will be able to actively engage in your development, you will be able to help other people build their lives. But, it is important to consider all the prompts of sleep, all its details:

• Where did the baby come from in your dream;

• How he behaved;

• What did you experience after sleeping;

• Who else was in your dream;

• Have you experienced fear during the dream?

If in a dream you were afraid for the life and health of the baby, in reality you will also be afraid for the well-being of a loved one, it is possible that your family will be overtaken by a serious illness that you will try to cope with for a long time. In the end, you will have to turn to friends for help, who will help you figure out the reasons for the situation. Most likely, the cause will be a negligent attitude to your health by your relative.

If in a dream you wholeheartedly rejoice for the baby, and he smiles back at you, then in reality you will actively understand all the difficulties that have overtaken you before. These difficulties arose in your life not without the help of strangers. Therefore, try not to tell anyone, but to be more alone with yourself.

If you plan to start a new project, and in a dream a baby appears to you, deal with it so that no one knows anything until completion. So that no one can change your plans. Otherwise, you will encounter a wave of misunderstanding and even your loved ones will be offended by you. The dream book advises to achieve the goal at all costs, not to stop there.

If you dream that the baby asks to eat, you will need to invest a large amount of money in the business that you live in. Perhaps you decide to make a major purchase. The dream book advises weighing all the pros and cons and not allow weakness under any circumstances. You should not be weak in your decisions. You should have the courage to get to the end, especially when it comes to a major investment.

If you dream that you are feeding a baby from a bottle, you will take care of many people and you will be rewarded. Without expecting it, you will get much more from life than you invested. Try to trust your intuition and inner state, inner desires. Do not allow misunderstanding with loved ones, so that it does not happen that you do not have time to provide assistance and misfortune happens.

If you are trying to feed a baby from a bottle, and he turns his head and does not want to eat, then your help will not be needed, even if you were very much asked about her. Most likely, a person will find another way to solve the problem, and you will remain out of work. For you, this is not the worst solution to the problem.

You can be sure that when your help is really needed, they will turn to you and you will help. You will be able to help resolve the issues that so long tormented him.

If you dream that the baby is sucking a pacifier - wait for peace and quiet in life. You will be surrounded by pleasant people, be able to communicate with those who will be very useful to you in the future. You can take a break from household chores and work very fruitfully together with your colleagues who will inspire you for new projects, a new direction of activity.

If in a dream the baby is naughty all the time and does not want to go into your arms - you will not be able to agree on something very important, you will have to wait for the right moment to do this. Now you have no choice but to let go of the situation and wait for a more suitable moment to resolve the problem.

If in a dream the baby turns out to be dead - trouble and trouble await you. You will be in a state of constant tension, you won’t know what to do in this or that situation. It will seem to you that the whole world is against you and nothing can be done about it. If you dream that someone asks you to take the baby in your arms, but when you take it, sees that he is dead, you will almost agree on a very important thing for you and suddenly find that you do not have enough documents, permissions to bring him to the end. It will unsettle you. You can even abandon your plan.

If you dream that the baby begins to hiccup - someone will try in every possible way to denigrate you in the eyes of others. Do not worry, the shadow of doubt will not fall on you, you will continue to adhere to the position that it is better to have several reliable friends than many who can betray you.

If in a dream the baby has caught a cold, and often sneezes, don’t worry, you’ll just be upset because of the tricks and will not know what to do in this or that situation. Listen to your inner voice. He will tell you what to do in order to avoid problems.

If in a dream walking with the baby in the park - you will enjoy a pleasant trip. You may not go very far from the place where you live, but the trip will be exciting and you will enjoy it so much that soon you will repeat it.

What does a baby dream about in Freud’s dream book

In Freud’s dream book it is said that a girl dreams of a baby when she is not confident in her own abilities and does not know for sure whether she can cope with the problems that have fallen on her. She may worry about trivia in her personal life and not notice the rather important events that occur in her.

If a girl dreams that she has found an abandoned baby on the street, a relationship will suddenly appear in her life that can overshadow all the problems of her previous relationship. She can also meet a person who will help her in many ways in the future.

A dream in which a girl shakes her baby in her arms promises her chores in personal relationships, chores with her soulmate. They will start with little things that should be very easily and quickly solved, but, in the end, the problems will drag on for a long time.

The dream in which a pregnant woman sees a baby promises her problems in her personal life, in communication with her man. He will be unhappy with the state of affairs and will not want to yield. If she sees in a dream a screaming baby - scandals and misunderstandings will also be in her relationship with her husband. The reason for this will be mutual claims, which are important to avoid.

What does the baby dream about in the Esoteric dream book

If in a dream you see yourself as a baby - get ready for the fact that life will teach you a difficult lesson. You will get not just experience, but you can be disappointed in many ways. This dream is not positive for you precisely because in many endeavors after such a dream you will step back a few steps. If you were planning a move, it might take a while.

If in a dream you see your soul mate who is nursing a baby - get ready for a pleasant time in your relationship. This may be a period of joint caresses and declarations of love. Do not move away from your soulmate now. Try to devote maximum time, then the two of you will be happy and glad of everything that will happen in your life.

If in a dream you see your parents as babies - the time will come for you to worry about them. You will do your best to give them just as much attention as they deserve. Do not refuse their help, do not criticize their actions. Now is the moment in life when you need to take care of them.

What does the baby dream about in other dream books

In the dream book, Grishina says that the baby dreams when you really need the support of friends, perhaps you need her precisely because you do not want to assume responsibility for your own life. Think about whether it is time to reconsider your attitude to everything that happens.

You may play the role of a weak person, but it will not bring the result you need. Aesop’s dream book says what the baby dreams about, which the mother shakes in her arms - you will find pleasant surprises and changes that will spontaneously burst into your life and make you believe that everything is possible.

Perhaps you have lost faith in yourself and in your happiness, then it's time to think about the correctness of such an act. Soon, life will give you new opportunities, you will open new ways to move forward. You can solve many new problems pretty quickly. Do not deny yourself anything if in a dream the baby smiles at you.


Watch the video: Let's Talk About: Dreams - Babies (July 2024).