Why are cowards needed and are they really needed? All the pros and cons of wearing cowards


Why do we wear underwear, if, of course, we wear? A lot of people on the planet knowingly don’t put on underwear. They are convinced that in this way you can feel freer, someone is attracted to the idea of ​​being less "right."

Experts say that the practice of refusing to wear underwear is very sticky, and you just have to experiment, how to make a person put on his underwear again will not be easy! To get to the core of the issue, we will plunge into the history of the appearance of underwear.

Why are cowards needed and why did they come up with

The wardrobe of a modern girl is full of various panties, but we did not think about who was the first to wear this scrap of fabric and what prerequisites mankind had for the appearance of underwear.

Panties, as we know them today, appeared not so long ago - only in the last century. Once it all started with a loincloth, later it was replaced by a lower shirt. Such luxury in those days could only afford wealthy nobles. Later, centuries later, trousers appeared to the world, they were long, up to the ankle, but eventually shortened, "stopping" at the knees. And now the 20th century gave women the courage to throw off a pile of excess fabrics, skirts and dresses became shorter, and at the same time, underwear began to change. So the trousers were replaced by cowards - at first women and men practically did not differ, but the sexual revolution consolidated a purely feminine style - this is how the main classics and the favorites of beautiful women and women of fashion, bikinis and thongs appeared, as well as more “modest” panties-shorts and the most ordinary panties-slips .

Beautiful, fashionable, sexy. Is that all cowards are for?

Do people really need cowards and why? "To wear or not to wear?" - Like the hero of Shakespeare, let's ask this question today. Everyone is free to make such a delicate choice for himself, however, what are the pros and cons? Most of us are convinced that wearing underpants is necessary from the point of view of aesthetics and hygiene, conservatives will add something about morality, but let's try to first consider what are the advantages of rejecting this type of clothing.

5 reasons not to wear underpants

All arguments that cowards are good for health and it is necessary to look aesthetically pleasing to opponents of underwear are challenged at a time. These are the reasons when the question “why do you need cowards” sounds like a grin, because there’s no reason.

1. Ventilation. Cowards, especially if there is a lot of synthetics in the fabric, inhibit the penetration of air to the body, do not allow it to cool, which provokes the appearance of bacteria and fungus. But trousers or jeans should not be made of coarse fabric, otherwise abrasions are possible. In addition, you need to wash your pants more often than usual, maximum after a couple of days of socks. It is worth taking an example from Asians, many of them are very fond of using talcum powder, it protects delicate skin from damage and serves as an antibacterial defense.

2. Just comfortable. Throughout the day, underwear absorbs sweat and external moisture, and by the end of the day you feel uncomfortable - you want to undress more quickly in the shower. Why, then, need cowards ?!

3. Sexuality. Psychologists, all as one, assure that if you stop putting on your underwear, your sex life will suddenly find new bright colors. Thoughts about sex are becoming more, in addition, women note an increase in sensuality. A man, he only needs to know that his beloved has nothing under his clothes, includes fantasy. And this is understandable, because the absence of panties will reduce the time for exposure, which means that you can quickly start the fun!

4. Circulation. Modern fashion denies wearing spacious, "family", underpants. Beautiful, but tight, underwear puts pressure on the skin, rubs and overheats it, and also inhibits the flow of blood to the most important organs. If you refuse to wear underwear, these dangers do not threaten you!

5. Sudden problems. Panties do not always sit comfortably on the body, sometimes turning up, twisting, gathering accordion and clogging between the buttocks. You have to show the virtuoso skills in order to return them to their previous state. In a word, only cowards are from cowards!

And yet - why are cowards needed? Why do they wear most?

Why do most still prefer to wear underpants? If you take into account the above disadvantages and draw conclusions, you can also find the advantages of putting on the genitalia of underwear.


The history of the appearance of underwear was originally associated with the protection of intimate places from external pollution. Our ancestors also began to wear something that could be called underwear in order to not wash their clothes so often, because once there were problems with this. But any princess in the process of life, one way or another, there are discharge, soiling external attire. Now we can afford to wash much more often, but the life of our contemporary in a big city is surrounded by sewage, and picking up a sore is easy.

Heat protection

Europe and most of our country live mainly in cool climates, and cowards often protect in the frost the most expensive from freezing. And this is not only a comfortable feeling of warmth, because strong cooling is fraught with infertility in women, and men need to take care of the prostate so as not to become a "weakling" in bed before they are laid.

You just need to choose the right pants. If there are too many synthetic threads in the fabric, the air circulation will be inadequate, this is where bacteria, fungus and other infections are expanse.

Socialization and Symbolism

To hide that part of the body on which underwear is worn, makes public morality, which considers all topics about the human genitals taboo. Perhaps this is the most useless argument in favor of the need to put on underpants, but we don’t wear clothes not only depending on the temperature outside the window, but also according to the place, time and other factors that determine the choice - a dress, a business suit or a sports style. So with this type of clothing - if you are not Mowgli, be kind and behave yourself - pull on your panties.

Psychological comfort

One more thing follows from the previous paragraph - a man in underwear feels calmer - in his underpants he seems to have put on armor, which protects the most intimate places from prying eyes, and maybe even touches.

The reader has the freedom of choice, think for yourself, decide for yourself - to wear or not to wear, to remove or not to remove. But get rid of cowards only with pleasure, whether it be a long-awaited shower, going to bed, a love bed or a dressing room on the beach!


Watch the video: The recent move by the NRA is absolutely NOT "Genius", it's cowardly. (June 2024).