Regular care for problem skin. How should a teenager eat if there are a lot of acne on his face?


A large number of girls suffer from acne and blackheads on their faces. All this is due to the fact that they do not know how to properly care for their skin and do not know how to eat better with such problems.

Problem skin, what is it?

Problem skin - skin with enlarged pores, with abundant secretion of sebaceous glands, regular rashes and black spots. Most often, this type of skin occurs in adolescence, when the hormonal background and the person is rebuilt, but adults also suffer from such problems. Everyone wants their skin to look healthy and beautiful. But not everyone knows how to properly care for such skin in order to prevent constant rashes.

Facial skin care

Everyone should look after their skin EVERY DAY. List of funds that must be present in the home of any person:

1. Gel, foam, milk, soap for washing;

2. Micellar water;

3. Day cream;

4. Night cream;

5. Face tonic;

6. Facial scrub;

7. Nourishing, moisturizing, cleansing face masks.

A sutra must be washed in order to cleanse the skin of the face, it also gets dirty during the night. Then you need to wipe the skin with a tonic and use face cream. Face cream is needed as a foundation for makeup, but you can first use a day cream, and then the foundation for makeup. In the evening, you must first wash off the makeup with micellar water, then wash your face with gel, foam or soap for washing, then use face tonic and night cream again.

Any type of skin needs hydration and nourishment. Do not dry oily skin with matting agents. In general, matting agents can and should be used by owners of oily skin, but in combination with them, it is necessary to use moisturizers and nutrients.

Masks and facial scrubs must be used one to three times a week. Scrub will help get rid of dead skin cells. Masks will help moisturize or cleanse the skin, depending on the purpose of the mask.

Before choosing makeup products, you need to understand what type of facial skin is. In stores, all products are divided into skin types. On each tube it is written for what type this product is intended. Nowadays, a huge variety of products for problem skin.

Care for problem skin at cosmetologists

Nowadays, there are a lot of cosmetologists. Many people with problem skin turn to them because they trust their face to professionals. For proper and deep cleansing of the skin of the face, a regular visit to the cosmetologist is necessary. At the beautician you can do peeling and facial cleansing. A professional will do this procedure efficiently and correctly. Also, a cosmetologist will advise on facial care, and advise good care products.

In no case should you squeeze acne or black dots on your own. Firstly, there will be a scar, and secondly, you can bring any infection with dirty hands or decorative cosmetics.

Nutrition for problem skin

Very often skin problems sit inside the body. Owners of problematic skin prone to frequent rashes, it is advisable to adhere to proper nutrition. You should not abuse sweet, fatty, smoked, salty, bakery products, coffee, etc. Sweet can be replaced with fruits, ordinary bread with whole grains, coffee with chicory, etc. You need to eat a lot of vegetables, fruits and herbs, drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

Sweet, flour, fatty and smoked very negatively affects the skin. It provokes inflammation and rashes. Causes a greater secretion of sebum. Therefore, it is better to carefully monitor your diet, you can allow yourself to relax 1 time per week, but not more often.

Mandatory care rules for owners of problem skin:

1. Washing no more often and at least 2 times a day (frequent washing provokes the production of sebum);

2. Cleansing the face from makeup with micellar water or hydrophilic oil;

3. After washing, the mandatory use of tonic, lotion;

4. The use of night and day creams every day;

5. The use of masks and scrubs no more than 3 times a week (frequent use causes the production of sebum);

6. regular visits to the beautician (every 2 months).

Owners of problematic skin care is very important. It is necessary to constantly prevent the appearance of new inflammations and rashes. It is recommended to visit a dermatologist and gastroenterologist, they will be able to identify the true cause of the rash. You can not crush acne on your own, this will only lead to more terrible consequences. You need to take care of yourself and the condition of the skin.


Watch the video: Put an End to Adult Acne (July 2024).