Why young families are crumbling: causes of early divorces and methods for their prevention


Many young couples seek to legitimize their relationship, even if they are not yet long enough. The Russian tendency to unshakable confidence in one’s partner has become especially frequent in recent decades. Most of the newlyweds divorce a short time after its conclusion. To avoid this situation, you should understand the causes of its occurrence.

Reasons for Early Divorces

The main causes of early divorces include the following:

1. Fictitious wedding goals.

2. Household routine.

3. Housing issue.

4. The birth of a child.

5. Financial difficulties.

6. Spiritual incompatibility.

Families are often destroyed due to fictitious goals of marriage, when the motivation was the desire to obtain a special social status or the desire to gain independence from parents. These reasons lie at the root of most unstable marriages, which are destroyed in the shortest possible time, because young people make such a responsible decision under the influence of their own ambitions and do not consider the nuances of further development of relations.

Household routine creates a real test for a young family. Newlyweds, who have poorly studied each other in terms of life and the characteristics of housekeeping, often break off relations because they cannot reconcile themselves with the partner’s specific habits. They are not used to being aware that family is continuous work, not a one-time trip to the store. But if the couple is willing to compromise, household routine will help strengthen relations.

The housing issue contributes to the overall statistics of divorce proceedings, because the problem of the lack of own housing today is especially acute. Often young couples rent an apartment, or live under the same roof with their parents. Since marriage at a psychological level implies stability and independence, the lack of personal space can be depressing; moreover, cohabitation with parents implies the observance of their interests during the solution of most of the everyday tasks of a young family.

Having a baby is happiness, but not every spouse is able to cope with the burden of responsibility and new responsibilities that he acquires after replenishment in the family. In the absence of moral preparation, this event entails fatigue and stress, provoking quarrels, which ultimately lead to divorce.

Financial difficulties are heating up the atmosphere in the family, because all the thoughts of the spouses are busy providing material wealth. Under such circumstances, the newlyweds lose their leisure time and devote insufficient time to each other, so the relationship turns into a routine and begins to be associated with stress.

Before the wedding, young people rarely attach importance to spiritual compatibility, because they are sure that over time everything will form by itself, however, understanding and harmony cannot be built artificially in a marriage if they were not originally. A sharp difference in the views, worldviews, passions of the newly-married spouses creates additional difficulties in family relationships.

How to avoid a divorce?

You should know in advance the views of the future spouse on life. To this end, news and social events can be discussed together. Joint leisure will help to identify common interests, and acquaintance with representatives of the partner’s inner circle will make it possible to determine the level of trustworthiness.

Family psychologists recommend long before the wedding to distribute responsibilities and discuss the nuances of conducting a joint household. If the couple is not ready for the birth of a child, contraceptives should be used. Before applying to the registry office, you should discuss with a partner the true reasons for marriage and objectively assess the need for this procedure.


Watch the video: Voice of the Child of Divorce (July 2024).