Features of the composition and preparation of dishes of white and brown rice. The benefits and harms of familiar rice porridge


The benefit of all cereal crops, as well as cereals and dishes prepared from their grain, is not in doubt. Rice in this row occupies a special place: this ancient culture serves as the basis for the cuisine of the ancient countries of the East, Asia and Africa. In many countries - Korea, China, Japan - even bread is made from rice flour - the so-called "rice cakes".

What is the use of ordinary rice porridge, and can a product so common and familiar to everyone be harmful?

Varieties of rice

We have all long been accustomed to polished white rice, which is used in large quantities not only in the countries of the East, but throughout the world. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in demand for brown and even “wild” black rice, which are much healthier than white. What is their difference?

Brown rice is not polished rice, the shell of which is nothing like ordinary bran. During processing, only hard husks are removed from the grains, and the fiber-rich shell remains.

During processing, white rice is ground, removing useful fiber. This is not so bad, but sometimes the grains are evaporated, subjected to various treatments for faster cooking. In such rice, practically no useful substances remain, except for quick carbohydrates.

IMPORTANT! Wild black rice, it turns out, has nothing to do with rice at all. This is wild cereal, which, with certain processing methods, is eaten, but it got its name "rice" by accident.

Composition of Rice Grains

Rice has been known for more than 10 thousand years and still has not been disappointed in it, despite all the rigorous studies of the chemical composition and properties. Let’s figure out what properties of cereals are most valued and which porridge is more useful - from white or brown rice?

Carbohydrates. Both white and brown rice are sources of “pure” carbohydrates, that is, it is a storehouse of energy needed by our body. The main thing is to use it for its intended purpose, so that excess carbohydrates are not deposited in the form of fat in problem areas.

Calorie content. Since fiber is present in brown rice, it promotes a better metabolism, removes toxins from the body, and cleanses the intestines. Due to this, its caloric content is slightly lower than white - 110 and 130 kcal / 100 g of finished product, respectively - porridge in its pure form without the addition of oil, salt, milk.

Glycemic level (index - GI). This is the main criterion for choosing products, especially fans of healthy eating and diets. The higher the GI, the more unspent energy will settle "heavy load" on the sides and waist. So, this indicator is the same for white and brown rice - 60, which is a fairly high index.

Folic acid (vitamin B9). Participates in the transmission of nerve impulses, and a lack of vitamin B9 in the body can lead to deep depression. So it turns out that the content of B9 in white rice is much higher than in brown.

• Useful minerals. Rice contains a huge amount of minerals, covering the daily need for them in humans. For example, in 100 g of the product there is 182% manganese (from the daily intake) - a very important element for strengthening bone tissue. Therefore, rice porridge is useful, first of all, for women after 45 years for the prevention of osteoporosis, children and the elderly.

In addition, rice contains phosphorus, magnesium, selenium, molybdenum, etc.

The benefits of rice porridge

Of course, rice porridge is very useful, it is a source of complex carbohydrates, which for a long time saturate the body with energy and useful substances. Although the benefits of rice largely depend on the method and the degree of its processing - the more polished and steamed grains, the less useful vitamins left in them.

Rice is a powerful natural absorbent and helps cleanse the body of salts, remove toxins and toxic substances, and normalize metabolic processes. Unlike other cereals, rice does not contain gluten - a strong plant allergen. Therefore, rice cereals are useful for baby food and feeding babies from an early age. Nursing mothers should include rice porridge in their diet, as it increases the amount of milk. On the basis of rice, various diets are made, even mono-diets, despite its considerable calorie content.

A decoction of rice is an excellent remedy for diarrhea, especially for young children, as it does not irritate the walls of the stomach.

INTERESTING! The Japanese, in whom rice is the basis of the kitchen, claim that it has a beneficial effect on brain activity, improves memory and helps to concentrate faster thanks to the lecithin that is part of it. Unpolished rice is most useful in this regard.

A high potassium content helps maintain water-salt balance, so rice porridge is useful to use daily for diseases of the joints, kidneys, genitourinary system, intestines.

Rice grains do not contain cholesterol, sodium, cholesterol and fats, therefore it is useful to use rice cereals for people with heart problems - atherosclerosis, coronary disease, and also suffering from high blood pressure (the absence of sodium does not provoke edema and does not impede blood circulation).

A sufficiently high content of selenium reduces the risk of cancer, is a good prevention of cardiovascular disease, arthritis.

All these useful qualities of popular cereals are inherent only to a high-quality product that has not undergone deep cleaning. Sometimes manufacturers, to increase the shelf life and improve presentation, carry out the processing of grains to the detriment of the quality of the product. Porridge made from such grains does not contain useful components and will be more harmful than useful.

The benefits of rice for weight loss

Rice must be present in the diet of those who decide to lose weight. Of course, brown rice is much more useful in this regard, since it contains a huge amount of fiber and few calories. By cleansing the intestines, brown rice porridge will contribute to weight loss.

But do not give up on white cereal - the main thing is to properly prepare the dish and eat it. Rice in combination with meat, fish, chicken, eggs (i.e. protein products) will help to build muscle, use healthy carbohydrates correctly. You can eat rice porridge with vegetables, herbs, fruits, but not with bread: two different carbohydrates in their composition will add extra pounds.

How and to whom rice porridge can harm?

Like any product, rice has some contraindications.

1. Rice porridge is harmful for people suffering from constipation, as it has a binding effect.

2. High glycemic index makes rice harmful for patients with diabetes and people with obesity.

3. Brown rice can also be harmful. Bran contains phytic acid, which interferes with the absorption of calcium and iron. Therefore, it is undesirable to use it for those who suffer from anemia, have weak bones, teeth. So that fiber of brown rice does not provoke constipation and colic in the stomach, it should be consumed in reasonable quantities and drink plenty of water - at least 2 liters.

Rice is a healthy food product that must be included in the diet for a healthy balanced diet.


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