The benefits of quail eggs for women: a treasury for the health of the female half. Help Eggs Slimming


Quail eggs are a very nutritious product with a host of beneficial properties. They practically do not cause allergic reactions. Such eggs are much safer, since quails have a rather high body temperature, due to which all harmful bacteria die. The product also contains a large number of minerals and vitamins that strengthen the immune system.

The use of quail eggs for women: composition and properties of the product

The secret of small testicles is a unique composition, including:

· B vitamins, A, D;

· Various minerals such as phosphorus, zinc, manganese, magnesium, potassium, cobalt;

Trace elements such as copper and iron;

Amino acids such as methionine, tryptophan, lysine, cystine;

Fats and proteins;

Nicotinic, folic, aspartic, glutamic acids.

All of these nutrients are essential for women's health. Hormonal female background is significantly different from male. The lack of hormones has a negative effect not only on the appearance, but also on the physiological processes in the body.

For each stage in life, testes have their own benefits:

1. Puberty. This period is characterized by hormonal surges. Girls become aggressive, nervous. Quail eggs will help normalize hormone levels. Folic acid supports the formation of the reproductive system.

2. The period of gestation and breastfeeding. Useful elements in every way help the embryo to develop. Also cope with toxicosis. When feeding, the quality of the dairy product improves.

3. Age-related changes. Quail eggs help eliminate pressure surges, fight vascular diseases and inhibit the metabolic process.

4. Preservation of external beauty. When eating eggs, not only inside, but also externally, you can significantly improve the condition and complexion, the condition of hair and nails.

Using folk recipes with the addition of quail eggs is recommended after consulting a doctor.

The use of quail eggs for women with weight loss

With excess weight and the desire to lose weight, it is possible to resort to a diet with the use of quail eggs. Such a diet is distinguished by its lightness, taste and nutrition. Diet with the use of this product is designed for two weeks. If you combine it with other methods of losing weight, physical activity, you can get the maximum effect.

Zinc and iron, which are observed in the composition, have a good effect on muscle recovery after exercise. Also, after taking the blood formation process returns to normal. Especially the product is indicated for weight loss patients who suffer from cardiovascular and nervous diseases.

Weight loss with the help of the testicles does not occur so quickly, but the female body does not lose beneficial elements and amino acids. Such substances speed up the metabolic processes in the body.

When losing weight, you can eat eggs in several ways:

1. Raw product. Drink the contents or add to other dishes.

2. Cool. Boil testicles for three to five minutes.

3. Soft-boiled. Put the eggs in boiling water for just a minute and no more than one and a half minutes.

The shell also has a positive effect on the body. It should be crushed and grated, and then added as an additive to dishes.

The use of quail eggs for women in cosmetology

Such a product brings many benefits to women's health. It can be noted that the reception:

· Improves the condition of the dermis and hair;

· Improves brain activity;

· Delays the aging process;

· Improves the function of the circulatory system;

· Lowers blood cholesterol;

· The immune system is strengthened.

In cosmetology, the testicles even out the complexion, help make the hair stronger and more shiny. Masks with the addition of eggs are not so popular, but they have an amazing effect on the dermis. The result is provided by:

Vitamin A, as it increases turgor;

Vitamin B, smoothing the epidermis and eliminating irritation;

· Useful microelements that improve the structure of the dermis, rejuvenate it and fight inflammation;

· Tyrosine brightens age spots;

Lecithin fights swelling and fights fine lines.

When using masks with the addition of a product, women can solve a number of problems with dermis:

· Get ​​rid of puffiness and signs of fatigue;

· Slow down the aging process;

· Improve the tone of the skin;

· Smooth out small wrinkles;

· Normalize the hydraulic balance.

The most effective masks with the addition of eggs:

1. This recipe is suitable for those girls who have oily skin. Mix a small spoonful of lemon juice with three egg whites. Mix the composition very well and apply evenly on the dermis of the face for a third of an hour.

2. The second recipe is effective for flaky skin. Also, the recipe can be used in the winter after the weathering of the epidermis. To obtain a healing mass, mix a small spoonful of honey, half a small spoonful of oatmeal and three egg yolks. Mix the mixture thoroughly and apply to the problem area for a third of an hour, then rinse with warm water.

Such mixtures give the skin a natural glow, smooth wrinkles and give the epidermis a healthy appearance.

The use of quail eggs for women during pregnancy and other ailments

Quail prevent miscarriages during pregnancy and charge a woman with energy. During the bearing of the baby, the testicles help to cope with heartburn, and reduce the acidity of the stomach. This is an indispensable tool for pressure surges.

Eggs have a beneficial effect on the work of many organs in women:

1. For the stomach. To combat impaired motility of the digestive tract, beat four eggs, add 30 g of cognac and a small spoonful of sugar. Drink on an empty stomach.

2. For the liver. The product helps restore the body's natural functioning. Drink 5 raw eggs every day for three weeks.

3. With gastritis. Before breakfast, drink an egg on an empty stomach. In case of advanced diseases, drink three eggs.

4. With pancreatitis. In case of inflammation of the pancreas, it is important to adhere to the norm and consume one egg per week.

Eggs are especially useful after childbirth, when many diseases are aggravated, and most of the products are forbidden to eat.

Possible harm to quail eggs for women: contraindications

Quail testicles are practically harmless. There is a danger only in case of excessive use. In this case, there is heaviness in the stomach, bloating and other unpleasant sensations. Possible manifestation of an allergic reaction when overeating. Also, there is still a risk of salmonella infection, due to which quail eggs will harm the woman.

In order not to harm the quail eggs, a woman should study contraindications for use. It is forbidden to use the product for diseases of the liver and excessive body weight. The product is very high-calorie, therefore, with a strict diet, use eggs inside with extreme caution. If the testicles are stored properly and included in the diet, only benefits will be brought.


Watch the video: Using Quail Eggs to Treat. . Just About Anything? - The SR Quail Update 1-16-17 (June 2024).