Mannik - 10 correct recipes. How to properly and tasty make a manna: all the secrets of a magnificent cake


Whoever is not familiar with such miraculous baking as mannick, we suggest you do it right now. Why a miracle? Because the cake is so simple and easy to prepare that even a novice cook can handle it. With semolina, the biscuit is not as capricious as with flour, and the cake always rises well.

Mannik - general principles and methods of preparation

The composition of the recipe necessarily includes semolina, which is why the name "mannik" appeared. And also flour, butter, sugar and any dairy or sour-milk product, sometimes cottage cheese. To add flavor to the dough, you can add candied fruits, dried fruits, pieces of chocolate, poppy seeds, honey, apples, pumpkin, berries.

To give the cake a beautiful appearance, it is sprinkled with powdered sugar, smeared with fudge, icing, jam. And in order to improve the taste and make it more juicy, manna is cut into two halves and smeared with sour cream, condensed milk, jam, impregnated with rum or cognac. It turns out a real cake.

Mannik - product preparation

To make a tender and tasty pie, semolina must be soaked so that it is saturated with moisture and well swollen. It is left in the liquid for at least an hour, as much as possible. Otherwise, the semolina will disperse badly, and the grains in the finished pie will crunch on the teeth.

Mannik - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Classic Mannick

There are many recipes for manna that pretend to be the most classic, only some are mixed with sour milk, others with kefir, and others with sour cream. Therefore, these ingredients can be combined in one definition - dairy products, and you yourself choose which is closer to you. The rest of the composition is the same - semolina, flour, sugar, butter.

Ingredients: 1 tbsp. semolina, sugar and dairy products, 3 eggs, soda - 1 tsp., 100 g butter, 1 glass. flour.

Cooking method

Stir semolina with any dairy product of your choice and leave for an hour.

Mix and beat eggs and sugar. Add melted butter, mix and combine with semolina. Pour flour and soda. To avoid lumps, it is better to use a mixer to mix the mass. It should not be a very thick dough. If thick sour cream is used, the amount of flour can be reduced to one glass.

Grease the mold, sprinkle with semolina or flour and pour the dough. Bake (190C) for 35-40 minutes.

Recipe 2: Mannik on Sour Cream

Mannik on sour cream is not only very tender and tasty, but also always succeeds. In this recipe, the amount of food indicated on the standard cake pan. If you double the products, the pie will be the size of a large baking sheet.

Ingredients: 2 eggs, 1 glass of sour cream and semolina, 2/3 tbsp. sugar, without a hill of soda 1 tsp., margarine or butter (grease the form).

Cooking method

Mix semolina and sour cream and leave for an hour, so that the semolina has time to swell. If the sour cream is thick, it is better to hold one and a half to two hours.

Beat eggs by adding sugar. Mix with semolina, pour soda and mix. Lubricate the form and sprinkle with semolina, breadcrumbs or flour. Put the dough and bake for 30 minutes (190C).

Recipe 3: Mannik on Kefir

A simple recipe for manna on kefir. If you have already cooked such a pie in sour cream or milk, be sure to try also on kefir, you will not regret it. It turns out light, airy and friable. This is a basic pie recipe. You can add fresh berries, dried fruits, chocolate to the dough.

Ingredients: kefir - 1 cup (200ml), a cup of semolina (200g), 3 eggs, butter (grease the form), baking powder - 10g or soda -1/2 teaspoon, a pinch of salt, granulated sugar - 100g, vanilla sugar - 1 sachet.

Cooking method

Add a glass of semolina to kefir. When a glass is mentioned in the recipe, it means the legendary faceted Soviet glass for 250 ml. Leave the cereal to swell for at least an hour, or even two. The dishes can be covered with a plate or film.

We start to cook the dough. Beat eggs by adding salt and sugar. Beat it well, the easiest way is to do it with a mixer. Add vanilla sugar, then baking powder (or soda), but one thing.

It's time to combine the egg mass and kefir with semolina and mix them thoroughly. At this stage, add dried fruit, zest or citrus juice, if you wish.

The dough is ready, it remains to pour it into a mold and bake (190C). After about 40-50 minutes, the cake will be ready. He may cripple earlier, especially if the crust is very reddened. Then you should pierce it with a wooden stick. Usually this role is trusted with a simple toothpick. If it remains dry - mannik can be taken out.

Recipe 4: Mannik on Milk

Very tasty mannick, literally melts in your mouth. It is made from the simplest ingredients that are at hand every day, and is kneaded in just a couple of minutes. If you add a bag of vanilla sugar to the mass, the cake will turn from milk into flavored, and if a spoon or two cocoa, then into chocolate. Instead of butter, you can add chocolate butter, coconut or cocoa butter, this will make the taste of the cake more original.

Ingredients: 3 eggs, 1 glass of milk, semolina, flour and sugar, 1 table. lies. baking powder, vegetable oil - 80 ml, cream - 20 g, a pinch of salt.

Cooking method

Beat eggs with a mixer or whisk with sugar. Pour in vegetable oil, grind to a homogeneous mass.

Heat the milk to such an extent that the butter has melted. Do not heat or boil strongly so that the egg whites do not curl. Combine with semolina and egg mixture, set aside for 30 minutes to allow semolina to swell.

Mix baking powder with flour and combine with milk dough. Grease the mold with oil, for reliability, so that the cake does not stick to the bottom, powder with flour or semolina. Pour the dough into a mold and bake (180С - 40 minutes). It’s best to keep a wooden toothpick handy, periodically piercing it with a pie.

Recipe 5: Mannick in a slow cooker

Mannick and in the oven is easy to cook, and even in the slow cooker in general for one or two. In the recipe, in addition to cottage cheese, there is a small amount of sour cream. It can be taken of any fat content, but not too liquid. If soda is used instead of baking powder, the biscuit can turn out a little darker in color. If you are not a fan of too sweet pastries, reduce the amount of sugar. To achieve a more tender pie, the curd should be wiped or mixed with a blender to break the lumps.

Ingredients: a glass of sugar and semolina, 4 eggs, 0.5 kg of cottage cheese, baking powder 1 tbsp. spoon or soda ½ teaspoon. l., sour cream 5 tbsp.

Cooking method

Mix cottage cheese, semolina and sour cream. You can mix with a blender. Beat eggs and sugar separately, adding them to the curd. Pour baking powder and mix.

Grease the bowl with margarine or butter and pour the dough. Bake for 60 minutes in baking mode. When the cake is removed from the multicooker, it settles a little, but still remains quite plump and magnificent.

Recipe 6: Eggless Pumpkin Mannik

This amber sunny pie will appeal to many. Cinnamon, included in the manna, gives it a festive Christmas note. If you don’t like the flavor of cinnamon, just eliminate it from the composition. This recipe has one highlight - the finished pie is poured with syrup. This moment is especially appreciated by lovers of juicy and "wet" biscuits.

Ingredients: 2 cups grated pumpkin, semolina - 1.5 stacks, a glass of kefir, baking powder - 1 tbsp. or soda 1/2 teaspoon, sugar - 1/2 stack. Syrup: 100g of apple juice or 1 large orange (you will need freshly squeezed juice), lemon juice - 1 table. l., sugar 2/3 cup., a pinch of cinnamon.

Cooking method

Finely grate and squeeze the pumpkin. The resulting juice can be used for syrup instead of apple or orange juice, or find another application. You can freeze.

Stir the soda with kefir, the liquid begins to foam, so the reaction occurs when the soda is quenched with acid. Mix with pumpkin, sugar and semolina. The dough is kneaded, it remains to bake it. After 30-40 minutes, the cake will be ready at 180C.

While the manna is baking, prepare syrup. Squeeze juice from an orange, or use apple. Mix with lemon juice and sugar. Cinnamon lovers can put a pinch of this spice. Boil the syrup.

Pour boiled syrup over the hot pie. At the beginning, the manna will “float” in it, so it is better to put it in dishes with high edges. After 30-40 minutes, the cake will absorb all the liquid like a sponge. Then you can cut it and serve.

Recipe 7: Mannik with Raisins

For such a manna recipe, you can use light or dark raisins, this is not so important. Of much greater importance is its proper preparation. To make the additive tasty and aromatic, dried fruits need to be soaked. Dough for manna on milk.


• 150 grams of sugar;

• 170 grams of cereal;

• 0.2 l of milk;

• two eggs;

• 6 grams of cultivator;

• 65 grams of oil;

• 70 grams of flour;

• 100 grams of raisins.

Cooking method

1. Pour washed raisins with hot water from the kettle, leave for five minutes. Then we express water.

2. Warm milk is combined with sugar and cereal, add raisins, eggs, you can add salt. We mix everything well, cover, leave for at least twenty minutes, you can hold up to two hours.

3. Melt the butter, lubricate the mold, it should take 15 grams. Pour the rest into the dough and introduce a cultivator mixed with flour.

4. Send the dough into the form, level and bake a cake with raisins for 35 minutes at 200 degrees. A slow cooker is also suitable for cooking, in it a mannik will be cooked for at least 50 minutes.

Recipe 8: Mannick with Apples

This apple pie is not inferior in taste to everyone's favorite charlotte. For manna you can take any apples: sour, sweet, slightly lethargic and even beaten. All damage must be cut.


• 140 grams of sugar;

• 160 grams of semolina;

• 0.22 liters of kefir (ryazhenka);

• 10 grams of soda;

• two apples;

• 100 grams of oil;

• 130 grams of flour.

Cooking method

1. Throw salt in kefir, add the cereal and leave for 40 minutes. If time is short, then you can slightly warm up the dairy product, leave semolina in it for 25-30 minutes. Be sure to stir.

2. Beat eggs and sand, melt the butter, you can replace with high-quality margarine. Add all this to the croup. At the end we throw soda and flour. Since the dough is on kefir, you can not extinguish in advance.

3. Peel the apple, cut into slices, pour into the dough. Mix and send to the form. We put the manna for 40 minutes in the oven, bake at 170 ° C.

Recipe 9: Chocolate Mannik with Cocoa

Not always mannick appears before us a modest and boring cake. It can be a wonderful dessert if cooked according to this recipe. If desired, after baking, cover with glaze. Instead of yogurt, you can take kefir.


• 200 grams of cereal;

• 500 grams of yogurt;

• 60 grams of cocoa;

• two eggs;

• 100 grams of flour;

• 4 tablespoons of oil;

• 10 grams of cultivator;

• 190 grams of sugar.

Cooking method

1. Pour sugar and cereal with yogurt, stir and forget about them for half an hour.

2. In another bowl, beat the eggs, add cocoa, salt, stir. Pour over to the groats.

3. Add flour to the dough and add with baking powder. Knead until smooth.

4. Pour the chocolate mass into a mold with a diameter of about 20 cm. We bake a manna with cocoa at 180 ° C. If desired, grease with glaze, but do it after cooling the pie.

Recipe 10: Mannick "Tender" on sour cream with margarine

Mannik on this recipe always works. The cake is tender and friable, oily due to the addition of fats. If desired, you can add a little dried fruit to it or cut an apple, but even without additives, the taste will still please.


• 150 grams of margarine;

• a glass of low-fat sour cream 10-15%;

• 160 grams of cereal;

• 160 grams of sugar;

• three eggs;

• 6 grams of soda;

• 140 grams of flour;

• a pinch of zest.

Cooking method

1. Margarine for such a manna can be softened well, but it is better to melt and cool. Mix it with sour cream. It should not be too thick. We use a product with low fat content to make the dough the desired consistency.

2. Add the granulated sugar and then the eggs, introduce the zest, you can replace it with vanilla sugar.

3. We fall asleep semolina, leave the mixture for half an hour.

4. Introduce the flour and soda to be quenched. Mix the dough, transfer to the mold. Bake at 170 ° C for 35 minutes. If the shape of the small diameter and the cake is high, then you can add a few more minutes.


Galina 09.09.2016
The "legendary" faceted glass contains 200 g / ml. And it was never different !!! Do not misinform people, 250 g / ml will not fit there!

Love 08/19/2016
Cooked according to your recipe mannik on kefir. Just awful!!!!! It is worth considering that soaked semolina for the night! There is too much kefir, it turned out not a dough, but a disgusting slurry, I took out a pressed wet cake from the oven! People, do not use this recipe, you will be disappointed like me ((((

ANGELICA 07/08/2016

Maria 05/29/2016
I’ve cooked mannica for the first time, I chose kefir recipe, I liked it very much, yummy. In the comments, Nadezhda claims that 0.5 kefir is a lot, you need a glass, nothing like that, no porridge, semolina is swollen well, all tip-top. Thank you very much for recipes !! SUPER !!!!!!!!!!

Hope 04/12/2016
manna on kefir - you need 1 cup of kefir, 0.5 liter - too much, you get porridge.


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