What can be said about the benefits of baked milk. How to cook it at home and can there be harm from baked milk


In the kitchen, baked milk is used similarly to fresh, so it is very tasty and simple to introduce it into your daily diet and thus significantly improve your health.

The fat plus of baked milk is also that it can be prepared with your own hands.

What is the use of baked milk

Baked milk is also called stewed milk, which reveals the essence of its preparation - prolonged languishing at a moderate temperature, as a result of which simple fresh milk turns into a very special product.

Baked milk has a light beige color and a characteristic creamy taste; by consistency it can be drinkable like fresh milk, or it can be as thick as liquid cream (if it is oily or it is melted cream).

The benefits of baked milk are created by more than 100 components - amino acids, vitamins and minerals, fats, mono-and disaccharides. And in many ways the positive effect of baked milk is similar to that which has fresh milk on the human body.

But, if you compare them in detail, you can find both the pros and cons:

• baked milk is easier to digest than raw milk, in particular, by reducing the size of fatty molecules during heat treatment;

• when melting, excess liquid is evaporated from milk, due to which the concentration of nutrients increases, in particular, the content of iron, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A, E and D increases;

• after heat treatment, the content of vitamin B1 is halved in the drink and vitamin C is halved;

• baked milk from the original product has a higher energy value (an average of 75 kcal per 100 g) and fat content, which imposes a restriction on its use for those who want to lose weight.

It is recommended to use baked milk during rehabilitation periods after serious illnesses and surgical operations to strengthen the body and restore strength.

It can be found on a dietary table for various diseases, such as diabetes.

And athletes and fans of an active lifestyle will enjoy it due to easily digestible protein, which helps build and rejuvenate muscle mass at the cellular level.

Noteworthy are the features of the vitamin and mineral composition of baked milk:

• iron - normalizes the level of hemoglobin in the blood, relieves migraines and dizziness, accompanying physical and psycho-emotional overstrain;

• sodium - supports the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, improves the condition of joints and water-salt balance;

• phosphorus - necessary for the transmission of nerve impulses, the synthesis of hormones and DNA;

• magnesium - supports the health of the cardiovascular system, including - strengthens the heart muscle, normalizes blood pressure;

• retinol (A) - improves appetite, prevents diseases of the respiratory system;

• tocopherol (E) - acts as an antioxidant, cleanses the liver of toxic substances, prevents premature aging;

• calciferol (D) - provides the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, protects against harmful radiation from the sun, regulates the production of insulin and blood sugar.

Baked milk is extremely beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract - it relieves inflammation, prevents the development of gastritis and ulcers, treats heartburn and speeds up digestion.

Also, regular use of baked milk contributes to:

• reducing the strength and frequency of allergic reactions;

• prevention of visual impairment, which occurs as a result of overstrain of the optic nerve;

• normal functioning of the thyroid gland;

• reduce the risk of thrombosis;

• normalization of hormonal levels;

• improving complexion.

How to get baked milk with benefits and great taste at home

Unfortunately, today it is almost impossible to make baked milk in the same way as it was done centuries ago, that is, in a real old oven.

But in the home kitchen you can get an excellent dairy treat.

To make the drink, you need whole milk, usually they take cow, but goat is also a good choice.

It’s better to take what is fatter and, of course, the freshest.

Baked milk in the oven is very tasty and with characteristic foams (it is recommended to take ceramic pots for it), but you can also cook it on the stove and even in a slow cooker.

The essence of the preparation of the drink is that at first it is heated almost to a boil (85-99 degrees), and then, after slightly lowering the temperature, it is left to languish in a sealed container for 3-10 hours. You can keep it this way, for example, in a thermos, but the lid is not obligatory in the oven - it is replaced by a dense foam. Ready milk, cooled to 40 degrees, can be poured into containers for further storage in the refrigerator (48-72 hours).

To prepare baked fermented milk, all the above steps are repeated, and when the drink has cooled to the required 40 degrees, a little sour cream is added to it, cover the dishes with a towel and put in heat for 4-6 hours - by this time it should be deliciously sour.

Melanoidin compounds, arising in the process of languishing at high temperature from the synthesis of milk sugar and protein amino acids, give caramel a shade of color and taste to milk.

It is delicious to drink baked milk warm and chilled, you can pour a dry breakfast on it, boil porridge on it or make dough, add it to coffee, make desserts, jelly and marinades for poultry from it, and you can also make jam, fermented baked milk and even cheese.

In what other cases will the benefits of baked milk

Baked milk is very useful during pregnancy, when the body actively passes a significant amount of the nutrients it synthesizes to the child and the lack of calcium and phosphorus, which are so necessary for the formation and maintenance of the bone system (including teeth) of the mother and child, often comes to the fore. And it is important to note that these minerals are better absorbed from baked milk than from fresh milk. Stewed milk is recommended to be included in the first nutrition of the baby earlier than fresh milk.

It is useful to drink baked milk in an epidemic of influenza to increase immunity, as well as in autumn and spring to reduce the manifestations of seasonal vitamin deficiency, and if a high-grade diet and vitamins are used against it, for better absorption of nutrients.

A glass of warm baked milk at night promotes healthy, sound sleep, the drink soothes and helps you to think clearly under stress, and drives away the symptoms of chronic fatigue.

Is there any harm in baked milk

Few foods are distinguished by such a combination of beneficial properties and harmlessness as baked milk, and with many strict dietary diets, you can drink baked milk without harm.

In fact, the main contraindication to its use can be called an allergy to lactose, but sometimes, with not very pronounced manifestations of the reaction to raw milk, in principle, there is no harm from baked milk.

Due to the high content of saturated fats, baked milk is classified as a product that can increase the level of "bad" cholesterol, so some harm from baked milk with atherosclerosis, circulatory disorders and after a stroke is likely.


Watch the video: 5 Worst High Cholesterol Foods You Must Avoid Clinically Proven - by Dr Sam Robbins (June 2024).