What is known about the benefits of salty breasts. What is special about them and whether salty breasts can be harmful


Salty breasts, one of the pearls of mushroom preparations, are not only tasty, but also extremely healthy. And therefore it is very important to know what this product consists of and what its properties are.

How the composition and benefits of salted breasts are interconnected

Bread - a common mushroom of spruce and mixed forests in a temperate climate, unpretentious (the crop does not deplete even with frequent visits to nature by humans) and often grows in numerous groups (the name comes from the old Russian word meaning "pile", "heap").

White (real) lactation belongs to the mushrooms of the 1st category, in which, for example, pine saffron and porcini mushroom are adjacent to it. This top-notch gift of the forest is more suitable for pickling more than other mushrooms, although yellow and black mushrooms still collect.

The latter species is usually assigned to the 4th category, this mushroom in pickling is often harsh and worse absorbed.

The highest taste and useful qualities are distinguished by young breasts, the hat of which in diameter does not exceed 10-15 cm (in principle, it can reach 25 cm).

All the mushrooms are conditionally edible mushrooms, which means that they are unacceptable to eat without prior processing. So before you cook, you must not only clean the breasts from twigs and earth, check for worminess, but also soak them for long hours with several changes of water to get rid of milky juice.

In any form, the breasts retain a pleasant density of pulp and excellent taste.

They can be fried with onions and potatoes, stewed with meat, thrown into a saucepan with soup, and even in the first Russian cookbooks that have come down to us, there were recipes for salted buns. They can be poured with sunflower oil and served as a snack, added to the salad and, again, in the soup, or prepared with them a hot dish, the filling for the pie.

Mushrooms are salted with cold and hot method, they can be filled with marinade with or without vinegar, the taste of mushrooms is enriched with spices, dill umbrellas, currant leaves and other additives.

It is noteworthy that salted (pickled, pickled) marmalade preserve nutrients better than dried marmalade. And they differ from fresh mushrooms.

The fact is that as a result of natural processes (for example, fermentation) that accompany these cooking methods, breasts become a valuable source of digestive enzymes that contribute to the healing of the digestive tract.

Yes, and various spicy additives in pickles stimulate appetite, and in combination with marinade, they can alleviate the symptoms of gastritis with low acidity of gastric juice.

And again, during the preparation of these blanks, the benefits of salted breasts are complemented by anti-inflammatory and anti-sclerotic properties.

In order for the benefits of salty breasts to be noticeable, it is recommended that little by little, literally 150-200 g, eat them 2-3 times a week.

Salted breasts are too heavy for digestion, therefore it is not recommended to eat them for breakfast, but they are appropriate for dinner. And for dinner, too, especially since they contain a substance called tryptophan, which acts as a soft sleeping pill.

Mushrooms are a good source of protein, they contain about 32%, and this is even more than in beef. But scientists and nutritionists doubt that mushrooms can be a complete substitute for meat, after all, these are completely different products.

Mushroom protein, in principle, is not very well absorbed by the body, and when introducing breasts into the diet, you definitely should not count on the fact that they will help to build muscle.

Mushroom fiber is useful for metabolism and elimination of toxins and toxins from the body.

All kinds of mushrooms are rich in vitamins, and mushrooms are no exception. Vitamins A, groups B, E and C are fully represented in them, but the content of D. is especially high.

Its main sources of the last vitamin are animal products, and if it is found in anything vegetable, then a little bit. So the breasts in this regard are unique and useful for:

· Health and beauty (without acne, age spots and dryness) of the skin;

· Phosphorus-calcium metabolism;

· Normal blood coagulation;

· Prevention of thyroid disease.

The buns contain a basic set of macro- and microelements that are essential for the functioning of the whole organism, including iron, magnesium, molybdenum, zinc, cobalt, phosphorus and sodium.

What diseases can benefit from salted breasts?

Since the glycemic index (GI) of fresh breasts is minimal - about 10 units, salty breasts can be present on the menu for diabetes, especially since they help normalize blood glucose levels.

The properties of the antibiotic allow the use of salted breasts for the following purposes:

· Prevention of tuberculosis;

· Treatment of colds and viral diseases, like flu and bronchitis (even breasts help with emphysema);

· Treatment of infectious diseases of the genitourinary system.

Also, the frequent presence of salty breasts in the diet contributes to:

· Reduce the risks of developing coronary heart disease and arrhythmias;

· Prevention of varicose veins;

· The full functioning of the liver;

· Alleviating the symptoms of urolithiasis (including improving fluid withdrawal and preventing the formation of sand).

In what other cases will there be benefit from salty breasts on the table

Adhering to a strict menu for weight loss, you can not refuse salty breasts - it contains only 16 kcal per 100 g (as in fresh mushrooms).

It is useful the property of salted breasts to remove radioactive substances from the body, including strontium-90, which provokes diseases of the bone system, DNA damage, and the slowdown in the formation of new cells.

But it is important to note that when growing in an unfavorable environment, the breasts (especially black) themselves are able to accumulate radionuclides, so saturated with harm.

Can there be harm from salty breasts

The use of mushroom pickles is fraught with excessive intake of salt and a violation of water metabolism, including fluid retention in the body, which loads the urinary system and is manifested not only by externally noticeable edema, but also by disruption of certain organs.

Also, you can’t eat salty breasts without harm, and therefore you should completely abandon them, with:

Peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum;



Digestive disorders, accompanied by increased acidity of gastric juice;

Diseases of the joints.

Going on a “silent hunt” it is important to remember that mushrooms, like sponges, absorb substances that pollute air, soil and water. Therefore, they can only be recruited in ecologically clean places, in a distance from highways and industrial facilities.

Insufficiently careful processing of raw materials, violations of manufacturing technologies and storage conditions, all this can endow salty breasts with harm, manifested in the form of one of the most dangerous diseases - botulism.

And even if you don’t think about it, canned mushrooms may not be completely inedible, but if you can only speak of their ideal quality with the prefix “almost”, then there is a chance that an adult will eat them and there’s nothing that impresses you from the excellent taste of the mushrooms spoil, but for a child under 8 years of age, pregnant or breastfeeding women, an elderly person - treating them will result in serious harm.


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