Salmon milk - benefits and features of consumption. When is it desirable to add them to the diet and is there any harm in the salmon milk


Salmon milk is an unusual, in its own way tasty and extremely healthy product, which, unfortunately, is often left without due attention. Therefore, it is important to know the main thing about him and at least sometimes include in the menu.

How a Unique Composition Benefits Salmon Milk

Salmon is the collective name of many fish, but trout, salmon, chum salmon and pink salmon are considered the most valuable "source" of milk.

Females spawn, males possess milk - these are the seminal glands that produce and accumulate sperm from the milky pink color of these organs, and the name of the offal came from. The smell of fresh milk is moderate, characteristic fish. The consistency is smooth and whole, in no case should one acquire a mushy, crumbling offal.

Milk is not the most common product, but you can find them chilled and frozen, canned (with the addition of oil, in tomato sauce).

It’s best to bake or fry the milk, but the last option is not the most useful, it’s better to bake or boil it on the salad, in the composition of the fish soup, for the paste or the filling in pies (this will help mask the specific consistency and taste of the product).

In Asian cuisine, milk also happens to be eaten raw, and although this is a matter of personal taste, it is reasonable to bear in mind the always existing risk of infection with parasites.

Salmon habitats endow milk with the whole spectrum of beneficial properties of seafood.

But there is no excess iodine in them, but phosphorus is contained even more than in sturgeon fillet and pink salmon. Further, an impressive amount presents potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron and calcium.

Of the vitamins, A, E, C and some of group B deserve attention.

For example, cobalamin (B12). 90% of its daily norm is contained in 100 g of milk.

The by-product has general strengthening and tonic effects, improves metabolism (including protein synthesis and the process of cell respiration).

Milk can be eaten even by pregnant and lactating women, but it is known that they must take special care to carefully and meticulously care for their diet.

The norm of consumption for adults is 100-150 g of milk per day.

The energy value of milk is 90-100 kcal per 100 g, plus very little fat and a complete lack of carbohydrates.

But the main thing in milk is protein. Only 100 g of the offal provide up to 20% of the daily requirement for it, and this protein is saturated with amino acids. Glycine, for example, is necessary for the full functioning of the brain, healthy sleep, the conversion of glucose into energy for the body, the formation of muscle tissue and much more.

Protein from milk is not only an element of the tissues of the seminal glands, but also protamines - low molecular weight proteins found in the sperm nuclei of male fish.

One of the properties of protamines is to improve the effectiveness of a number of medicines, in particular insulin injections, which in diabetes, as a result of delayed absorption, per day will require a smaller amount.

Due to the high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids - 10% per 100 g, milk can rightly be equated in usefulness with fish oil.

And here one cannot fail to mention Omega-3 fatty acids, which provide the lion's share of the glory of the latter. Omega-3s are necessary for the health of the cardiovascular system, the normalization of pressure (with hypertension), and the prevention of the risks of stroke and heart attack. And also to strengthen cell membranes, the health of the retina.

When will the salmon fish milk benefit?

Like any seafood, milk strengthens the immune system, in particular, they are important for the prevention of colds and SARS, for the speedy relief of symptoms of sinusitis and rhinitis.

Also, with regular use, the benefits of salmon fish milk are manifested in the following:

· Increase physical stamina;

· The removal of toxins from the body;

· Lowering blood sugar (which, in fact, doubles the benefit of milk in diabetes, coupled with the above property to prolong the action of insulin);

· Strengthening bone tissue, not excluding teeth;

· Protect the body from negative UV radiation;

· Accelerated regeneration of damaged tissues;

· Reduction of inflammatory processes (including those that accompany or provoke diseases of internal organs).

The benefits of salmon milk are also manifested in improving liver function, including the restoration of damaged areas and, in addition, active substances from milk can accelerate the removal of alcohol from the body and somewhat reduce its destructive effect on the liver.

This seafood has a positive effect on reducing visceral fat.

The threat that he presents to health often goes unnoticed, since it is formed in the abdomen, but not on the sides, but inside the abdominal cavity, around vital organs. And this is fraught with a metabolic failure, a number of diseases.

The set of positive properties of salmon milk was so interesting for science that today they can also be purchased in the form of dietary supplements.

However, there will be no less benefit from milk as a food.

How does salmon milk benefit women?

Nondescript milk contains a group of organic compounds called nucleotides that are involved in replacing damaged DNA chains.

And this, according to scientists, is very important for prolonging life and delaying aging.

In addition, in the field of anti-aging effects, milk is useful in that it:

· Contribute to the production of collagen;

· Improve the epidermis perception of useful, nutrients from cosmetics;

· Give hair strength and silkiness.

But the property of milk to whiten the skin and reduce the visibility of age spots is manifested only when applied externally, that is, when using makeup products with appropriate additives from salmon milk.

It is useful for those who strictly monitor extra pounds and meticulously evaluate the shape of their figure to know that low-calorie milk is not only tasty, but also satisfying, which means it will be easier, after, say, soup with them, to prefer an apple to a bun.

And they normalize lipid (fat) metabolism and contribute to the removal of excess fluid from the body.

Could there be harm from salmon milk

Being one of the most valuable fish in the ocean, salmon, unfortunately, is distinguished by the ability to accumulate harmful substances, therefore, in order to consume salmon milk without harm, with benefit and pleasure, it is important to acquire salmon harvested in ecologically clean waters of wild nature, or from a farm reservoir, but in the latter case, it is important that the producer does not feed the fish stock with growth hormones, antibiotics and dyes.

If you are allergic to seafood, you can’t extract anything from harm from salmon milk, so they are strictly contraindicated.

Overweight and obesity also apply to cases where the use of milk is undesirable, because, although they are low-calorie, they are rich in proteins and can cause a bad metabolic rate.

Milk - the product is not the most delicious, but it can be overeaten, and this (just like an excess of butter) can cause diarrhea and vomiting.

Despite the fact that there is no harm to nursing mothers in the salmon’s milk, it’s very important for them to observe the general condition of the baby, do not forget to check whether there is a rash, in a word, we cannot exclude the possibility that his baby’s body will perceive the milk negatively.

By-products are allowed to be added to a children's diet from the age of 3 years, earlier - there may be harm from salmon milk as a result of individual intolerance, and in addition, it is not necessary to overload the digestion of a very young organism with a product with such a complex protein composition.


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