TOP 10 most rare dogs in the world: unusual pets. Characteristics and photos of the smallest and most amazing breeds


Labrador, German shepherd, poodle ... These four-legged friends of man are known to each of us. But among a huge number of representatives of the canine family there are breeds whose names are known only to professional dog handlers.

Today we will talk about the rarest dogs in the world, whose exotic appearance has always attracted attention.


According to Hungarian documentary sources, shepherd dogs of medium size with wavy "sheep" wool were known back in the 17th century. The breed was officially recognized in 1936. At the same time, the standard of the animal was determined: height 40-46 cm and weight 9-13 kg. In Russia there is only one breeding nursery.

Moody - dogs are multifunctional. They are used for grazing, and for hunting, and for rescue operations in the mountains. Representatives of the breed are oriented to humans. They have a cheerful disposition, indefatigable energy and independence, so the future owner should have experience in training. Important! You should not take a puppy to a family with young children - muds tend to bark and bite loudly.


These white-red dogs have the title of not only rare, but also the most unusual dogs in the world. Four-legged beauties, bred in Africa, do not know how to bark. They make sounds like snorting and rumbling, but you will never hear the usual yapping. Zoologists explain this feature by the structure of the larynx.

Embalmed dogs, similar to modern basenji, were discovered during excavations of the tomb of Tutankhamun. In Europe, harmoniously built animals appeared only in 1905 - the first individuals were exhibited at the Berlin Zoo as wild African dogs. The growth of basenji is 40-43 cm. Dogs are smart, independent and extremely clean. They have been known in Russia since 1997, but they have not won popularity as pets.


The roots of saluki (Persian greyhound) go back to biblical times. The first images of dogs resembling elegant gazelles were found on the Arabian Peninsula and date back to 3,500 BC. e. Arabs valued graceful animals for their strength and beauty. At home, the Saluki were considered members of the family: they were presented only as a gift, sales were prohibited. Today, representatives of this rare breed claim the title of the most expensive dogs in the world: the cost of a puppy from a famous Arabian kennel is about 10 thousand euros.

Saluki reach 70 cm at the withers, have a lean body and slender strong legs. Having decided to purchase a dog of this breed, you must remember that the animal is not intended for a city apartment. The Persian Greyhound is a born sprinter, she needs daily long walks and regular races.

Czech wolf

This dog is called a wolf-skinned dog. The breed was bred in Czechoslovakia in 1955 and is a hybrid of a German shepherd and a Carpathian wolf. The International Federation of Cynologists recognized the wolf in 1999. There are no breeding nurseries in Russia.

By their temperament and appearance, independent dogs resemble their wild ancestor. A wolf-wolf is a muscular animal of a strong physique. Height at the withers of males reaches 65 cm, bitches - 60 cm. From the first months of life, the dog needs the authority of the owner and early socialization. Dog handlers recommend getting wolf puppies to people who already have sufficient experience in raising dogs of service breeds.


Representatives of this rare breed are one of the largest dogs in the world. The height of the dog at the withers varies from 65 to 80 cm, the weight reaches 78 kg. Majestic giants were bred in 1846 with the goal of creating a living coat of arms of the German city of Leonberg, whose name translates as "Lion Mountain". The new breed, obtained by crossing St. Bernard and Landser, became the embodiment of nobility and power.

Despite the impressive size, the Leonberger is known as good-natured and meek animals, sincerely attached to the owners. They are tactful, intelligent and perfectly trained. Today in Europe there are about 8 thousand individuals.

Catalburun (Turkish Pointer)

A gun dog bred by Turkish breeders is almost unknown outside the country. Anatolian hunters highly value these beautiful animals for their unique keen sense of smell. The dog owes its name to a bifurcated nose lobe ("rolled" - a fork, "breaker" - a nose).

The Turkish Pointer is a medium sized animal. His height is 60-63 cm, weight - 15-24 kg. Serious looking dogs give bryl and wide-set eyes. The coat is short, stiff. Representatives of the breed have a calm temperament, they are sincerely attached to the owner and his family. Catalburuna is distinguished by its exceptional working capacity - already at the age of seven months puppies achieve success in hunting.


Today in the world there are 3,500 dogs of this hunting breed. All of them are found only in the Netherlands and northern European countries. The first puppy of the stabichun was born in one of the Dutch provinces in the middle of the XIX century. The International Association of Cynologists adopted the official standard in 1942.

Stabihun is a proportionately and firmly built dog. The height at the withers is from 48 to 52 cm. The dog has a calm disposition. He is kind, unpretentious, quick-witted and well trained, gets along well with children and gets along with other pets.

Thai ridgeback

Powerful animals with a height of 52-60 cm with athletic muscles and a steel sheen of wool are distinguished by independence and a strong character. They need a solid hand, so you should not make such a friend to people who do not have experience with four-legged pets.

Thai Ridgeback is one of the oldest and rarest dogs in the world, a national breed and pride of the Kingdom of Thailand. Studies by archaeologists prove that these dogs appeared about four thousand years ago. The written mention of the breed dates from the 17th century. Today, about 2 thousand animals are officially registered, of which 400 individuals live in Russia.


Chongqing comes from the Chinese eastern province of Sichuan, where representatives of the breed were used 2,000 years ago as hunting and guard dogs. Even then, these animals were considered a rarity, only the elite could afford to have chongqing. Today it is impossible to buy a puppy outside the PRC.

Celestial dogs have a compact muscular torso. Height at the withers of the dog is 40-46 cm, bitches are 5 cm lower. Chinese bulldogs are bold, independent, intelligent and disciplined. An independent and wayward nature implies that the owner has experience in training. Raising a puppy is necessary from the very first days of its appearance in the house. Otherwise, the dog will grow uncontrollable.


At the beginning of the last century, the American dog sled racer Arthur Walden created a new breed by crossing a Belgian shepherd, mastiff and husky. The result was an animal of powerful physique that has no equal in transporting heavy loads on a sleigh. The height of the sled dog at the withers reaches 68 cm, weight - 41 kg. Chinook is hardworking, friendly and balanced. He is good as a guard and companion for an active person.

These dogs are currently the rarest in the world. According to the Guinness Book of Records, in 1981 there were only 11 individuals on the planet. Despite all the efforts of the breeders, the breed is threatened with extinction.


Watch the video: World's RAREST Dog Breeds Ever! (July 2024).