Brussels sprouts are good for better health. Possible harm from Brussels sprouts, is it possible for children and pregnant women


Wonderful Brussels sprouts are not only tasty, but also very healthy. It is appropriate on a strict dietary table and in the nutritional diet of the expectant mother, and its versatile useful properties are preserved with any method of cooking vegetables.

What can be said about the benefits of Brussels sprouts and about it in general

Brussels sprouts belong to the same Cruciferous family that cauliflower, broccoli and even mustard, and its exact origin comes from leafy cabbage, from which Belgian gardeners were brought from Brussels in the 16th century.

Emerald green heads of cabbage about the size of a walnut grow several tens on one stem, forming an elongated bunch surrounded by huge, sprawling leaves.

The taste with a sweet-nutty hue is complemented by a harsh smell, and sometimes notes of bitterness, and all this together creates unusual cabbage tastes, for which Brussels is so highly appreciated by gourmets of the whole world.

We, unfortunately, this vegetable is rarely found on sale in the form of fresh.

But he is also good frozen, provided, of course, that there were no defrosts.

Brussels sprouts are cooked in an extremely diverse way - they are added to soups, meat and vegetable stews, fried in breadcrumbs, baked and stewed, put out for casseroles and salads.

Theoretically, you can eat it and raw, but it's just not tasty, so it's better to cook.

The main secret - in any recipe not to overdo it with the duration of the heat treatment - from this cabbage loses its taste in charm, it smells bad and is not so useful.

The energy value of fresh Brussels sprouts is at around 40 kcal per 100 g. But, of course, this indicator can vary greatly depending on the methods of preparation of the vegetable. In any case, it can be recommended for diet food.

This variety of cabbage is characterized by a high protein content, and, in terms of value and digestibility, it is practically not inferior to animal proteins. Of particular benefit in this regard can be extracted from Brussels sprouts, if used in combination with chicken or turkey meat, moreover, it is better to cook vegetable and meat together so that their composition is maximally connected at the molecular level.

The composition of Brussels sprouts is often described in comparison with the composition of white cabbage and really - there is something to oppose.

Brussels contains many times more vitamins E, A and B9, and elements such as phosphorus, magnesium and sodium are absorbed from it by an order of magnitude better.

In fact, Brussels sprouts can be recommended for the prevention of vitamin deficiency and mineral deficiency.

Brussels sprouts in terms of vitamin C are superior to citrus fruits and compete with black currants. And it is well known how much ascorbic acid means to immunity.

And the combination of this vitamin with cabbage tender fiber (effective, however, not inferior to fiber of whole grain bread) has an exceptionally positive effect on the digestive system - from reducing the acidity of gastric juice and treating heartburn, to stimulating the intestines.

Brussels sprouts also contain ash, mono- and disaccharides (valuable energy sources for the whole body), as well as glucosinolates - a special class of organic compounds, thanks to which this vegetable, not worse than many specialized medicines, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, makes them more elastic and prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the benefits of juice squeezed from fresh Brussels sprouts.

Few people like it for its specific taste, but, firstly, it is permissible to mix it with other fresh vegetables, and secondly, it can sometimes be useful to use a number of its properties:

· General strengthening;

· Wound healing;

· Soothing during stressful periods.

Also, it is able to improve the transport of nutrients to cells.

When are Brussels sprouts useful?

The positive effect of Brussels sprouts on vision is mainly due to the presence of three substances - lutein, zeaxanthin and vitamin A, which prevent the destruction of the retina, allow you to maintain acute vision and save it under daily stress, common for a modern person (such as a long stay in front of computer monitor).

Brussels sprouts start and support metabolic processes in the body, the production of enzymes, and serves to prevent malfunctions in the endocrine system.

Also, regular consumption of Brussels sprouts will be useful for:

· Strengthening bone tissue, and this can positively result, in particular, in the prevention of osteoporosis in old age;

· Lowering blood cholesterol;

Optimal hematopoiesis, including the active synthesis of red blood cells;

· Normalization of pressure;

Liver cleansing;

· Improving the state of the respiratory system, both with diseases that have already arisen, and for the prevention of asthma and complications from colds and SARS;

· Prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The benefits of Brussels sprouts during pregnancy and for baby food

Once the property of Brussels sprouts to positively affect female reproductive functions was known to folk medicine, but today it is scientifically confirmed, as well as the fact that this vegetable stimulates the production of the female hormone estrogen.

During the happy time of pregnancy, this variety of cabbage is useful for increasing vigor, tone of the whole body and strengthening it before physical exertion, to which future mothers are known to be very sensitive.

Also, Brussels sprouts can reduce edema and normalize the water-salt balance, reduce the manifestations of toxicosis, and remove waste products from the body.

Folic acid is one of the main elements of its composition. It is invaluable for preventing fetal malformations, and during the period of feeding the baby it only reliably supports its emerging immunity and central nervous system.

The benefits of Brussels sprouts are invaluable for baby food, and, as part of a variety of mashed potatoes, it can appear on the baby’s menu from the age of 6 months.

What could be the harm from brussels sprouts

Theoretically, excessive enthusiasm for any cabbage, including Brussels sprouts, can lead to disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, manifested, at least, in rumbling, bloating, colic and diarrhea, and a deterioration in the digestibility of other foods. With such symptoms, Brussels sprouts, of course, should be immediately excluded from the diet and returned to the menu only after restoration of health.

With gout, Brussels sprouts are likely to be harmful because it contains a fair amount of purines.

Also, there is a version that there may be harm from Brussels sprouts to the endocrine system due to the goitrogens contained in it - compounds that interfere with the absorption of iodine by the thyroid gland, preventing it from producing hormones.

However, recent studies have explained that this harm to Brussels sprouts is likely only when it is consumed in a fresh, raw form and is reduced to zero after heat treatment of the vegetable.


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