Short hairstyles for girls: the most fashionable and relevant. Hits of short hairstyles for girls - 2018-2019


For many girls, choosing the right hairstyle for them sometimes becomes a real problem, and especially for owners of short hair. Many of them wear the same hairstyle for a long time. And sometimes the moment comes when you want to change everything, that's when most people decide to change their haircut.

This article will discuss how you can change the style of short hair, modify them, which short hairstyles are suitable for girls with different face types and which short hairstyles for girls will be fashionable this season.

Short hairstyles confidently hold their position in the hairdressing market, because they are suitable for the fair sex of any age. In 2018, short hairstyles became even more popular, because they will add to any image of audacity, outrageous and beauty. Nowadays, stylists can recreate any stylish idea on their heads, especially with short hairstyles. Let's look at several types of short haircuts!

Smooth short haircut

This type of hairstyle remains the same cult of the classics. This type of hairstyle is suitable for almost every lady. A smooth square will give the image of sophistication and will look stunning with any outfit. Also an undoubted advantage of this haircut is that it fits almost instantly, in just a few minutes you can turn such a hairstyle from ordinary and everyday into a hairstyle for a social evening.

Short hair pixie hairstyle

A pixie haircut is one of the most popular short hairstyles for girls. Fashion came into her back in the middle of the last century, she was introduced by Audrey Hepburn herself, who appeared with an insanely short haircut in the film "Roman Vacations". Even after such a long time, the hairstyle still remains very relevant and stylish. This type of hairstyle completely opens the neck and ears, and the haircut is perfectly combined with any color and type of hair. A feature of the hairstyle is a long bang, which gives femininity and sophistication to the image.

Short Page Hair

A special place on the pedestal of fashionable short hairstyles for girls of this season is occupied by a page haircut. Its homeland is magical Paris and the hairstyle itself gives a light and sophisticated retro. Among all the fashionable short hairstyles of our time, "page" is particularly elegant. But it is also worth noting the complexity of its implementation, this haircut should be performed by a real, experienced professional - a hairdresser. And, of course, before deciding on this hairstyle, think and consult with your master whether it is suitable for you. This hairstyle will look great on the fair sex with thick and smooth, straight hair.

Garson or Beanie Hairstyle

Immediately it is worth saying that this hairstyle is not suitable for everyone. Speaking about the "Garson" haircut, it is worth mentioning at once about the very short hair length. If you are still sure that this hairstyle is suitable for you and dare to do it, then your image will definitely have a mysterious romance and sensuality. There is nothing complicated in styling a hairstyle; it is suitable both for everyday life and for luxurious events. For more than a century, this short hairstyle for girls has remained unchanged in the TOP of fashionable images. It is suitable for those who love the "boyish image" and adds to the image of youth, arrogance and simplicity. Also, this hairstyle is suitable for women of any age.

So, you have definitely decided that you want to change your hairstyle, but how to choose a short hairstyle that suits you? First of all, you need to determine your face type. When choosing your hairstyle, keep in mind that it should hide your flaws and emphasize your unique image. After all, a hairstyle can change any face literally beyond recognition, so if you decide to change your hairstyle, first consult with a professional, he will definitely be able to choose the haircut that suits you.

And now about face types. Before changing your image, decide on the type of your face, your strengths and weaknesses.

· If you are the owner of an oval face shape, then you are very lucky, any hairstyle is suitable for this type of face, so you can experiment (but wisely)! A short hairstyle will look very beautiful and advantageous for you.

· Girls with cheeks and a round face shape should leave a smooth caret and curls on the sides, so your face will look smaller and more refined.

· Those who have a triangular face shape should stick to the usual square or bob hairstyles.

· If the shape of your face is rectangular or trapezoidal, then you should make a magnificent hairstyle, then your image will look neat and harmonious.

Fashionable short hairstyles for girls of the season 2018-2019

All professional hairdressers and stylists have long understood that a short hairstyle for a girl is very successful and stylish. With short hair, you can create a chic hairstyle and turn a girl into a Hollywood star!

Short hairstyles are very popular this season, as the creation of a new image nowadays means changing your style completely, especially speaking about the hairstyle.

The most relevant hairstyles for 2018-2019 is a daring "bean" and a romantic square. The list of fashion trends includes an absolutely black, slightly disheveled short styling and a hit of this season - bleached short hair.

Light dyeing or amber is very popular this season, especially a combination with curly or straight hair. Also in the TOP of fashionable short hairstyles for girls is an ultra-short hairstyle. You can briefly name this type of hairstyle a "hedgehog", the stylists of our time are delighted with it. But it is worth considering that the one who decides on a “hedgehog” hairstyle is simply obliged to dye her hair in a light blonde shade, which will add romance to the image, or with a dark shade, the lady will look like a warrior or simply a guy.

Another trend of the season is negligence in a short hairstyle. Ruffled hair and maximum shaggy - these are the factors that give the hairstyle an unforgettable look and luxury. For owners of straight hair, this hairstyle will become an element of mystery.

And in the first place of the hits of this season, strangely enough, is the haircut "haircut" in non-standard and bright colors. She is, of course, suitable for young girls under 30, but what kind of look does she create. Such a hairstyle is a combination of unforgettable charm and easy militancy. If you suddenly want something very original, this hairstyle is perfect for you.

It is also worth noting the advice of professionals and specialists in the care of short hairstyles for girls.

· Carefully monitor your hair, any hairstyle will look spectacular only with proper care. Use special styling products, use sprays and lotions that will give your hair a natural shine and health.

· Any short hairstyle can be decorated with a cute accessory, whether it be a small hairpin or a floral bezel. Complement your look with makeup that suits you and of course bright lipstick!

· Short haircuts can be supplemented by the presence of a pair of long strands, this tip applies to a hairstyle with a slight sloppy asymmetry.

· When caring for short hair, use a set of shampoos and conditioners for "normal hair."

· It is advisable to wash short hair every day, since traces of dirt and grease are immediately visible on such hair.

· Do not skimp on the use of tools for hair volume, curling irons. Watch your hair and then you will definitely look great!

Stylish short hairstyles for girls are always a standard of sophistication, romance and freedom. They can emphasize your beauty and hide some of your shortcomings. Choose a short hairstyle wisely and feel free to experiment!


Watch the video: 10 Short Hairstyles That Will Stun You (July 2024).