The benefits of burdock: the benefits and harms. How to use burdock root in traditional medicine and cosmetology, recipes for proven products


Burdock is the most common weed in the world, but, despite this, imposes a wide range of medicinal properties. And oriental culinary experts often add the plant to various dishes. So maybe with the next release of the garden from weeds, it is worth paying a little more attention to this valuable plant culture.

On the benefits and medicinal properties of burdock

Burdock has large leaves and purple flowers, in common people it is called a burdock, and among the Japanese it is known as "prevo". You can meet this weed plant absolutely anywhere: on the side of the road, in a ditch, on a vacant lot, in a forest, in a garden, in a garden, etc.

The weed is so useful that no one even thinks about the dangers of the burdock root. The main component of the plant is water - more than 80%. Among the main vitamins can be identified: B1, B2, B3, C, B9, E, PP, K. The plant is also rich in minerals: copper, manganese, tin, selenium, boron, strontium and iron.

The health benefits of burdock root are undeniable, as it:

· Is a great antioxidant;

· Positively affects the level of immunity;

· Has a moderate laxative effect;

· Perfectly lowers temperature, relieves pain and eliminates inflammation;

· Prevents the onset of stroke and heart attacks;

· Prevents the development of malignant tumors;

· Has bactericidal and antiseptic properties;

· Has a strengthening effect on the hair follicles (especially if the base of the decoction are old burdock roots);

· Perfectly heals wounds;

· Promotes the absorption of magnesium.

Benefits of burdock root for hair

Many women know about the benefits of burdock root for hair: it accelerates their growth, and also stops hair loss. To prepare the solution you need to take 1 tbsp. spoon of burdock root and mix with 400 ml of water. The mixture should be put on fire and boiled for half an hour.

To restore hair growth, increase their density and improve silkiness, it is necessary to rub strained broth into the skin 2-3 times a week for 3-4 months.

Burdock root in the fight against incurable diseases

Burdock is an excellent doctor in oncology. Its extract contains almost all drugs that fight tumors. A life-giving juice from a young rhizome prevents the development of malignant neoplasms. One-year root extract and juice from young foliage positively affects the health status of cancer patients. Harm from the burdock root can only be observed in a single case - the patient’s pregnancy.

The effect of using burdock root in mastopathy

For the treatment of mastopathy, it is advised to use plants whose age is more than 2 years. Rhizomes should be excavated before the weed has acquired leaves.

Vitamin C and carotene, contained in large quantities in a freshly dug burdock, have an antitoxic effect on the mammary glands. Due to the diuretic properties, swelling of the breast is reduced and the pain syndrome is relieved. The antitumor power of burdock lurks in stigmasterol, alkaloids, inulin and sitosterol.

The therapeutic infusion is prepared as follows: in a 0.5 jar of boiling water, pour ground dried burdock in an amount of 1 tbsp. l and leave alone all night. During the next day, drink should be fully used.

The next effective way to combat mastopathy are compresses from burdock and honey. To do this, take finely chopped leaves (100 g) and mix them with a similar amount of castor oil and liquid honey. The resulting mass should be placed on top of a cabbage leaf or linen cloth and applied to the chest all night.

How to properly maintain the benefits of burdock root?

To preserve the benefits of burdock root, it should be harvested in compliance with certain rules.

Many citizens are interested in the question: in what period do burdock roots contain the most useful elements? This point is very important, since untimely collection of a plant in order to manufacture medicines can negatively affect beneficial properties. Harvesting should be done from young roots taken in the fall after the plant has reached a year of age. It is during the first growing season that burdock rhizomes absorb the maximum amount of beneficial qualities that in the coming years it will spend on further growth, flowering and reproduction.

Burdock root should be cut into small pieces and laid out in a thin layer on paper sheets or fabric. Dry in a well-ventilated area.

Ways to use the beneficial properties of burdock in cosmetology

Burdock is an indispensable component of a first-aid kit. It can be used in any form: ointment, compress, infusion. Absolutely all parts of the weed possess therapeutic and prophylactic properties: leaves, trunk, root and juice.

The scope of the burdock is unlimited, for example, the pollen of the plant serves as a raw material for making fine honey, and burdock is able to give a unique taste to the soup, the second dish and even confiture. And in famine, potato was even replaced with a burdock.

They learned to use the benefits of burdock root in cosmetology. The plant has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, because its composition for the most part includes tannins, vitamin C and essential oils. Burdock significantly improves complexion, eliminates bruises, and also perfectly fights various kinds of inflammations.

The most unique active compound, which is an integral part of burdock root extract, is called sesquiterpene lactones, which owe their popularity to soothing and antifungal properties. Thanks to antioxidants, burdock root effectively fights free radicals.

Damage to burdock root in cosmetology

Unfortunately, even the most useful component can have negative qualities. The use of extracts based on burdock root and its other parts may result in contact dermatitis for people suffering from allergies (hay fever) to plants related to ragweed. This disease is very common at present, so the use of a cosmetic product based on burdock must be preceded by a skin test.

Contraindications or possible harm to burdock root

Burdock is a very useful plant, therefore, subject to basic application rules and proportions and dosages, it has practically no contraindications. Negative properties can occur only with individual intolerance, in the presence of allergic diseases, or in the case of a woman in an interesting position. In addition, caution should be exercised when taking medications of a hypoglycemic nature and products based on burdock root together.

You can search for the answer to the question of what exactly can cure burdock endlessly. He is struggling with any disease, and if he cannot cope with it completely, then at least facilitates its course.


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