How to quickly cook delicious oatmeal cookies with nuts for tea. The secrets of making oatmeal cookies with nuts


Oatmeal is very useful for the body, but few people are delighted with oatmeal for breakfast or agree that 90% of its diet (for example, as in Scotland) consist of oats. But there is a way to eat healthy oatmeal in a tasty way. To do this, make oatmeal cookies with nuts from it.

General principles for choosing foods and making oatmeal cookies with nuts

The main ingredients of this cookie are oatmeal or flour, nuts and butter. They are most often found in the list of ingredients.

The first principle of choosing these and other ingredients for oatmeal cookies with nuts is that all products must be fresh and of high quality. After all, this is what distinguishes home baking from other things.

Any oatmeal is suitable for baking. It can be regular Hercules or a fast food product. Putting them in the dough can be whole, or chopped to the consistency of coarse flour.

You can use a coffee grinder or a blender to grind flakes. If there is neither one nor the other at hand, then the flakes should be slightly dried in the oven, and then pour them on the table and roll on top with a rolling pin.

After kneading, it will not be superfluous to give the dough a little rest so that the oatmeal swells. So the dough will turn out thicker, does not spread on the sheet and more evenly baked.

So that the nuts do not spoil the taste of baking, but only enrich it, they must be selected very carefully. It is better to buy inshell nuts or peeled whole kernels in an individual package. The finer the product is detailed, the faster it will go bad and go rancid.

No nuts or mildew stains on nuts. If there is an opportunity, for example, buying nuts in the market, it is worth trying a few nuts to determine their quality. Rancid taste, third-party odors and impurities are reasons to refuse to buy.

Butter is mixed in the dough in a softened form. This helps to combine it with other ingredients as easily as possible. To do this, it is better to get it out of the refrigerator in the evening and bring it to the desired consistency at room temperature.

Do not replace the oil in the recipe with margarine or spread. This will not affect the taste of the finished cookies in the best way, and there should be nothing but cream in the composition of the oil itself.

Oatmeal Cookies with Walnuts

This recipe for oatmeal cookies with nuts can be called a classic. It is better to start the development of this baking with it, and only then proceed to culinary experiments.


· 135 g ground oatmeal;

· 2 eggs;

180 g of white crystalline sugar;

250 g butter;

130 g flour;

75 g of walnut kernels;

2-3 g of salt;

· 5 g of baking powder.


1. Soften the butter at room temperature to a creamy consistency, then grind it with sugar. This can be done with a mixer or a manual whisk.

2. One by one, add raw chicken eggs to the sugar butter, and then ground ground oatmeal.

3. Chop the nuts, but not too finely. It will be enough to walk a little with a rolling pin, after covering the nuts with a towel. After this, pour this prepared product into the dough.

4. From flour, salt and baking powder to prepare a loose mixture, which is the last to be added to the total mass.

5. Put the finished dough with a teaspoon on the prepared baking sheet and bake in the oven at 180 degrees. After a quarter of an hour, oatmeal cookies with nuts will be ready.

Oatmeal cookies with cashew nuts and white chocolate from Julia Vysotskaya

Julia Vysotskaya offers her own recipe for this delicacy, in which you can also use hazelnuts instead of nuts, and replace white chocolate with any other (dark or milk).


· 100 g of softened butter;

· 2 eggs;

100 g of brown sugar;

· 90 g of oatmeal;

130-195 g of flour;

100 g cashews

50 g of white chocolate;

4 g of sea salt.


1. Beat butter with sugar with a mixer until smooth. In the sweet butter mixture, mix the eggs one at a time, followed by crushed cashews. Nuts do not need to be turned into dust, pieces should remain in them.

2. Next, alternately introduce the flakes of Hercules, salt and flour. Break the chocolate into not very small pieces and evenly distribute in the total mass of the dough;

3. Turn on the oven to heat 180 degrees. Cover the baking sheet with parchment, greasing it with olive oil.

4. From the kneading dough, form small balls, which, laying on a baking sheet, need to be slightly flattened. Bake cookies for 10-12 minutes until cooked.

Oatmeal cookies with nuts, seeds and honey

Walnuts, honey and sunflower seeds can please many children, but oatmeal cookies with these products in the composition will bring even greater pleasure to both children and adults.


150 g of oatmeal;

80 g of granulated sugar;

130 g butter;

50 g of walnuts;

5 ml of lemon juice;

140 g of wheat flour;

· 30 g of bee honey;

50 g of sunflower seeds;

4 g soda;

3 g of salt.


1. Melt the butter until liquid in a water bath. Put honey and sugar in a container with hot oil, dissolve these products.

2. The order of adding the remaining ingredients to the dough will be as follows: slaked soda; flour and oatmeal, seeds and crushed nuts.

3. Put the finished dough on a baking sheet with a spoon at a sufficient distance from each other, since during baking cookies can creep a little apart.

4. Cook at 160 degrees to a delicious golden crust. Baking time will average 10 minutes.

Oatmeal cookies with hazelnuts and cinnamon

Ground cinnamon gives a traditional dark color to oatmeal cookies; the color, taste and aroma of this spice in oatmeal cookies with nuts will not be superfluous.


200 g of oatmeal;

100 g flour;

· 2 chicken eggs;

50 g of honey;

50 g hazelnuts;

5 g of cinnamon;

· 5 g of baking powder.


1. Beat eggs slightly with a whisk, combine them with honey and crushed hazelnuts.

2. Combine the sifted flour with cinnamon and baking powder. Combine this mixture with the cereal with the liquid component of the dough. The result is a thick mass that can hold its shape well.

3. Make dough balls the size of a walnut, press them down on top of a baking sheet to make flat cakes. Formed cookies send for 20 minutes to the oven, the temperature of which is at 180 degrees.

Oatmeal Cookies with Nuts and Dried Fruits

Oatmeal cookies are often blamed for excessive calorie content, but in the variant of this baking with nuts and dried fruits, calories are justified by the vitamin benefits contained in these products.


· 200 g of Hercules flakes;

80 g of flour;

· 3 eggs;

100-120 g of sugar;

100 g butter;

100 g of sunflower seeds;

· 110-160 g of any crushed nuts;

· 150 g of crushed dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes, raisins, figs and others).


1. In a suitable bowl, mix flour, nuts and dried fruits. All ingredients should be evenly distributed in the total mass.

2. In a pan with a thick bottom, melt the butter, put the seeds and oatmeal in it. Keep the contents of the pan on fire until it turns golden.

3. Next, transfer the contents of the pan to a bowl with flour, nuts and dried fruits, mix.

4. Beat eggs with sugar until all crystals are completely dissolved. This mogul is mixed with other ingredients. Leave the dough for oatmeal cookies with nuts and dried fruits for 15 minutes to swell the flakes.

5. Wet hands from the sticky mass, which is obtained as a result, to blind cookies of medium size. Lay them on a baking sheet covered with parchment and bake until cooked at 180 degrees.

Oatmeal cookies with nuts diet option

It’s difficult for sweet tooth to limit itself to sweets while dieting, and in order not to fall into the abyss of gluttony, saying goodbye to dreams of an ideal figure, you can sometimes treat yourself to several oatmeal cookies cooked without butter and flour.


200 g of oatmeal;

200 ml of low-fat kefir or yogurt;

60-90 g of bee honey;

70 g of fresh apple

60 g of any nuts.

· 5 g of baking powder;

Cinnamon or vanilla to taste.


1. Combine the flakes with baking powder and spices, then pour all the fermented milk product and leave for half an hour to swell the oatmeal.

2. Grate the flesh of the apple peeled and peeled on a coarse grater, juice that will stand out as a result of decanted so that the dough does not turn out to be too rare.

3. Chop nuts with a knife and fry a little in a dry frying pan. This will enhance their flavor in the finished baked goods.

4. Combine apple, honey, nuts and swollen flakes in one mass. Roll the balls from the dough, which, having flattened, put on the baking sheet.

5. Cook diet oatmeal cookies with nuts for about 40 minutes, focusing on your oven, at 180 degrees.

Oatmeal Cookies with Nuts - Tips and Tricks

To bake the perfect oatmeal cookies with nuts, you should use the advice of experienced housewives:

1. You can play with the proportions of oatmeal and flour in the dough, but to bake oatmeal cookies with butter without flour will not work. The mass does not have enough gluten, which will hold the oil in the baking, and it just spreads over the baking sheet.

2. Oatmeal cookies on margarine will turn out drier than butter due to the difference in melting points. It will have a margarine aftertaste.

3. Replacing the baking powder in the test with soda, it is necessary to extinguish it so that the baking is magnificent, but without an unpleasant aftertaste.

4. To make the cookies lush, and sugar completely dissolved in the dough, it should be whipped with butter without flour.

5. The formed cookies will be in perfect shape if left in the refrigerator overnight.

6. It is important not to overdo the cookies in the oven. They take it out as soon as it is covered with a golden brown. Otherwise, the baked goods will turn into hard crackers.


Watch the video: Easy Oatmeal Cookies Healthy Best Oatmeal Recipe ओटस ककज रसप (June 2024).