Garlic oil: benefits and harms. The use of garlic oil in medicine, cosmetology and cooking: the benefits and harms


For a long time, more than 4000 years, one of the most popular spices in cooking was garlic. It was added as seasoning to salads, pickles and various marinades. The ancient Romans and Egyptians learned to make garlic oil out of it, which has the same beneficial qualities as vegetable oil, and as rich in vitamins and minerals as the “storehouse of health” itself - garlic. The shortest list of vitamins and minerals that this "miracle plant" is rich in and beneficial for the human body includes:

1. Vitamins - A, B1, B3, B5, B6, B9, C, E, D;

2. Minerals - calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, sulfur, selenium, iodine, manganese, sodium, copper, phosphorus, iron, germanium;

3. As well as essential oils and volatile.

Even in ancient times, people knew about the miraculous and medicinal properties of garlic, used it to treat various diseases, deservedly calling it "the main medicine for diseases." Used for this compresses of dried garlic, added it to the mixture for inhalation and used as a tasty and healthy food supplement in the form of garlic oil.

Garlic oil - what is it and how to cook it?

Garlic oil is a garlic extract based on vegetable, olive or linseed oil. Each consumer chooses his own oil "to taste" and price. Nowadays, this oil is used in two of the most popular areas: medicine (cosmetology) and cooking. Recipes for this or that purpose are slightly different. Of course, it is worth mentioning the possibility to buy this product in the store ready-made in the amount of 300-500 ml for adding it to food and capsules for medical purposes. But both the first and second options are quite expensive. A small bottle of oil with a volume of 300 ml will cost about 400-500 rubles. And its quality and benefits are in doubt. After all, what can be better and more useful than what is prepared with your own hands. Especially if we ourselves have grown this garlic!

The recipe and the benefits of garlic oil for medicinal purposes

In medicine and cosmetology use the so-called "cold oil". The method of its preparation is quite simple. For this you will need:

- a glass bottle with a volume of 0.5 liters,

- garlic

- vegetable oil.

First you need to boil a glass container. Then we fill it with 3/4 chopped garlic, fill it with vegetable oil to the top and put it in a cool and dark place for 2 weeks. Shake the bottle daily. After 2 weeks, filter the resulting mixture and get a healthy and rich in vitamins and minerals garlic oil, which can be used in home medicine and cosmetology.

Cooking table garlic oil

The popularity of this oil is as great as medicinal. In cooking, it is added as a basis for dressing salads, side dishes, appetizers, it is good to fry meat, stew a rabbit and, sprinkling a couple of drops, bake white varieties of fish. Different cooking methods. Table garlic oil has a more complicated recipe. We sterilize the glass jar, fill it with garlic cloves, which we previously cut in half and pour vegetable oil overheated on the fire. Next, tightly close the lid and put in a dark and cool room for a couple of weeks. After 14 days, filter and eat!

What diseases is garlic oil effective and beneficial for?

Due to the fact that garlic itself has a good antibacterial effect, it is useful to add garlic oil to food for various colds. It also has other beneficial properties for the body:

- has wound healing properties;

- removes toxins;

- helps to get rid of worms;

- strengthens the body's immune functions;

- relieves diarrhea;

- can be used as an anesthetic;

- reduces blood pressure;

- can be used for hearing loss;

- has antioxidant properties;

- is a good stimulator of hair follicle growth;

- It is useful both for the female body and for the male. In the first case, garlic oil is useful for menopause, in the second, it enhances sexual desire.

Due to the fact that garlic has healing properties, garlic oil has found its application in the treatment of various types of skin diseases. Compresses soaked in this oil are applied to the damaged area of ​​the skin (with calluses, insect bites, abscesses, purulent wounds and with warts). Garlic oil swabs will be useful as an additional treatment for skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, scabies and dermatitis. In cosmetology, this product is used to add to various creams and hair masks for baldness and simply to improve the scalp.

There is a benefit of garlic oil for the circulatory system in the form of lowering cholesterol. But this treatment is quite specific, because if you have already decided to use this product for the treatment of blood vessels, then you need to understand that you will do this all your life. Are you ready for such a step? And to lower cholesterol, there are other, more effective products. So - it can be as an additional good quality garlic oil, which will positively affect your choice of salad dressing oil.

Most of the beneficial properties of garlic oil can be felt with regular use. Some of its positive effects can occur faster (wound healing properties, antibacterial and anthelmintic). But, both in the first case, and in the second, you need to be patient and assiduous. In addition, in addition to its beneficial qualities, garlic oil also has harmful properties.

How can garlic harm our bodies: the harm of garlic oil

This product carries harmful properties for our body only with prolonged, regular use and in large quantities. The most basic harm of this oil may be due to its antibacterial properties. Due to the fact that garlic kills microbes and bacteria, which have a negative impact on our health, it can also destroy the beneficial microflora of our stomach. It is forbidden to eat oil with the addition of garlic during various exacerbations of the gastrointestinal tract, such as pancreatitis, gastritis, and peptic ulcers. In a special "niche of prohibitions" it is necessary to attribute the use of this product to pregnant and lactating mothers. Everything that a mother eats is reflected in the beneficial and tasteful properties of breast milk. It is worth remembering that garlic oil is harmful for cholelithiasis, as it has a choleretic effect. And it is worth being very careful when using it as skin compresses. If you overexposure lotions and compresses or apply the wrong proportion - you can get a burn. Therefore, you need to be careful when dosing in cream and hair masks. Well, of course, it is worth remembering the extravagant smell of this product.

Often garlic oil at home is used to prevent and treat colds, lower cholesterol, and simply to increase immunity.

The most beneficial use of garlic oil is to add it a bit to a salad dressing and enjoy life!


Watch the video: Eat Garlic Every Day, And See What Happens to You (June 2024).