Steaming face masks: the best recipes. How to apply steaming face masks


Steaming face masks deserve the attention of many women. They are used in beauty salons to achieve the best skin cleansing effect, as well as at home. Such masks are used before cleaning the skin so that the deeper layers of the skin are freed from grease and impurities. Steaming of the face occurs under the influence of high temperature, so there are certain subtleties, upon observing which you are provided with an excellent result.

Indications for the use of steaming face masks

Home remedies for the face should be used with caution, you can injure certain areas of the skin.

· Cleansing the skin and pores;

· Removal of toxins and slag from the deep layers of the epidermis;

· Reduction in age;

· Improving the color and condition of the skin;

· Prevention of acne and black spots;

· Increased skin tone.

There are contraindications:

· Sensitive skin;

· Allergy to drugs;

· Cuperosis.

Steam face to open pores need to be competent and careful. In the salon, an experienced cosmetologist will be able to choose the means by which for your skin type you can effectively cleanse your pores with deep peeling without damaging the dermis.

Preparing for the face steaming procedure

If you decide to clean your face with a steaming mask, then you need to consider such aspects:

1. Thoroughly cleanse your face from cosmetics. It is advisable to wash well with special cleansers.

2. For steaming at home, you can use essential oils or a pre-prepared herbal decoction of medicinal herbs.

3. Collect hair in a ponytail or bun so that it does not interfere with steaming.

4. Prepare napkins or small towels in advance with which you will wipe sweat from your face.

5. Wipe the sweat during and after the procedure. Until the face cools completely.

Traditional face steaming method

Put the pan on fire, add purified water and a few drops of essential oil of lemon, grapefruit or rosemary. Bring to a boil and set aside on a pre-cooked board. Cover yourself with a large towel and breathe this compound at a distance of 20-30 cm. You need to prepare disposable napkins or cotton woven napkins in advance in order to get sweat wet.

Features and types of steaming face masks

1. Steam masks.

The skin is cleaned due to steam. The effect of the sauna is achieved by heating the liquid with the addition of therapeutic agents to a boil. Having thrown a towel over your head, you should be in this position for 20-30 minutes. Steam contributes to the deep opening of pores to clean out clogged sebaceous formations.

2. Fabric masks.

The effectiveness of the fabric mask is tested and proven by many women. She works like a compress. The prepared tissue with slots for the eyes and lips is moistened in a warm solution. It is advised to apply a dense film on the fabric with similar slots so that the cooling process proceeds more slowly. In the process of steaming, you will need to moisten the fabric 2-3 times, as it cools.

3. Hot masks.

The meaning of such a mask is that the ingredients in its composition give a chemical reaction, causing heat. For example, mustard powder when mixed with warm water gives a burning effect.

Recipes for steaming face masks at home

Oatmeal mask. Oatmeal flakes should be chopped slightly in a blender. Pour them with hot milk. Five minutes later, add a teaspoon of soda and immediately apply to the face. The abrasive properties of soda allow you to get a scrubbing effect.

The mask of cucumber. Mix 3 tablespoons of milk and egg yolk. Add a spoon of white or blue clay. Rub one cucumber on a fine grater and add the pulp to the mixture. Now this composition needs to be placed in a water bath and, with constant stirring, warm well. In hot form, apply on face and cover with a tissue. After 10 minutes rinse with warm water.

Mask of tomato and sea salt. Pour boiling water over 1 tomato and peel. Mash in a smoothie and add a little boiling water. Add finely ground sea salt to the composition and mix well. The mask should be hot, about 37-38 degrees. Apply to face and cover with a towel or cloth mask. Tomato perfectly nourishes the skin with vitamins and gives a fresh look to the skin. Suitable after a hard day to restore strength and tone to the skin.

Honey mask. The mask is simple to prepare, and the effect is amazing. The skin becomes smooth and smooth, cleansed of toxins. Take 2 tablespoons of honey and heat it. Pour in warm milk also 2 tablespoons. Apply to face and cover with a napkin and plastic wrap.

Potato mask. Thanks to secreted starch, the mask soothes and removes irritation from the skin of the face. Sebum from the deep layers of the skin is cleansed due to the powerful warming effect. Take 1-2 potatoes and boil in their uniforms until cooked. Mash and add hot milk and a few drops of wheat germ oil (olive oil is also suitable). Apply with your fingers in a thick layer and cover with a napkin and film.

Mask of ginger root. Increased blood circulation in the skin cells and a marked decrease in skin grease is achieved by using a mask from ginger root. Ginger grate. In a bowl, combine ginger and a spoonful of starch with hot milk. It should be a mass of hot jelly. Apply on face and stand under a towel for 20 minutes.

Mask with cinnamon. You need to combine a spoonful of honey and as much cinnamon, mix. Add corn flour and heat in a water bath. Before applying to the face, add a few drops of vitamin E. The steaming face mask with cinnamon has a powerful warming effect, so you can not do it with allergic skin reactions and even with small inflammations and acne.

Mask for greasy shine. With the help of such a mask, pores are cleaned and the effect of well-groomed skin is preserved for a long time. Buy a zinc ointment in a pharmacy and combine it with white clay. In order to get a consistency of thick sour cream, you should warm it up in a water bath and add a little aloe juice or fresh cucumber. 20 minutes after application, it is recommended to wash off the mask and wipe the face with cucumber lotion.

Herbal harvest. You can steam the skin simply by brewing dry herbs from the pharmacy. Mint, eucalyptus, chamomile, succession - will help to cope with inflammation and enlarged pores on the face. Brew herbs and after 15 minutes in a warm solution, soak a woven cloth, applying to the face for 5-7 minutes. As soon as the product cools down, repeat the procedure. This version of the steaming face mask is suitable for any type of skin and will help to overcome many problems.

Mask of eggs. For the procedure, take 2 yolks from chicken eggs. Mixed with warm honey and applied to the face in a hot condition. Cover with a damp cloth and plastic wrap. Leave on for 15 minutes for exposure. The mask steals the pores, thanks to the yolk - cleans the subcutaneous fat and tightens the pores.

Recommendations for the use of steam procedures for the face

· You can steam your face with masks no more often than 1 time in 10 days. In winter, it is recommended to do it once a month. Frequent use can dry the skin.

· Rinse off the mask best with a warm decoction of chamomile or yarrow.

· The funds applied to the face should be at a comfortable temperature, too hot a composition you can cause burns on the skin.

· After deep cleansing of the pores, the skin needs to be moisturized. Make sure to use a light emulsion or aloe cream, or any other product without weighting agents to moisturize.

Any of the proposed masks can be varied and supplemented with a special decoction of medicinal herbs. It is recommended to make a compress on top of the mask, lowering a tissue napkin into a hot decoction of chamomile or a string. Squeeze the cloth and put on top of the mask. As soon as the cloth cools down, repeat the manipulation. The warming effect for the skin of the face is beneficial if the skin is healthy. Good prophylaxis against inflammation and acne are steaming face masks at home.

In beauty salons and in a pharmacy there are always funds for conducting steaming procedures, but is it worth spending a lot of money on them if masks made from natural products have similar properties. Available procedures and at a time when you can conveniently do at home.


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