How do face kelp masks solve problems? Simple recipes for masks from kelp for the face at home


Another name for kelp algae is sea ginseng, which clearly corresponds to its unique characteristics, allowing you to take care of your face beauty without resorting to salon procedures. Masks with kelp are suitable for all skin types and ages, and the effect of them is noticeable from the first application.

What is so special about kale that makes kelp masks at home so useful

Active substances from the composition of kelp affect the skin at a deep, cellular level and directly interfere with metabolic processes, which largely explains the duration of the effects of masks with seaweed.

The anti-aging properties of masks from kelp for the face at home have long become a legend. But it is quite true, and in addition, the substances contained in kelp affect the skin as follows.

· Iodine smoothes and gives it a velvety tenderness without oily sheen;

· Choline refreshes and tones;

· Zinc dries the inflamed areas and fights against problems such as redness of the skin in the cold and acne;

· Ascorbic acid as an antioxidant prevents photoaging and smoothes deep wrinkles;

· Niacin bleaches, gives a healthy glow and removes age spots with freckles;

· Potassium promotes deep hydration of the epidermis, preventing peeling;

· Iron makes deliveries to the cells of a large amount of oxygen.

Masks with laminaria enhance skin regeneration, gently cleanse it of dead particles, promote the removal of toxins and even can eliminate its imperfections - traces of acne and scars.

Rules for using masks from kelp for the face at home

Before using a mask from kelp, you need to wash your face thoroughly, ideally - use a scrub or peeling.

All masks with kelp are easily washed off with clean water. Cool is preferable for most products, but some are better to rinse with warm due to the accompanying ingredients. It is also not forbidden to wash with a cool herbal decoction, for example, from chamomile or green tea.

It is enough to use a mask from a kelp for a person at home only 1 time per week, but if the skin needs special care, it can be done twice.

Ready slurry from kelp is very slippery. So, firstly, after applying the mask, it is recommended to lie down so that the composition reliably keeps the set time on the face, and secondly, you can introduce a thickener, for example, cosmetic clay, into the mask.

But not everyone uses masks with seaweed - there are contraindications:

Rosacea (a disease of the circulatory system manifested by the vascular mesh on the face)

· Open and healing wounds, postoperative sutures, severe inflammatory processes on the face and neck;

· A number of thyroid diseases in which iodine is prohibited;

· Pregnancy and lactation.

How to cook face masks from kelp at home

It is more convenient to acquire kelp in the form of already crushed to powder or grains, but if not found, thalli can be crushed with your own hands.

To get the foundation of almost any mask, kelp is soaked in plain or mineral water at room or warm temperature for a period of 30 minutes to 2 hours. Then, you need to squeeze it lightly from excess moisture, but do not turn it dry again.

If kelp is prepared a bit too much - the excess can be stored in the refrigerator, soaked again, for a couple of days.

Homemade kelp mask recipes


Replace professional products with a lifting effect can ordinary gelatin. Smooth wrinkles and citrus fruits with vitamin A.

Take a bag of gelatin and fill it with water according to the instructions on the package. When it swells, place the dishes with it in a water bath and melt, then - remove from heat and cool. In still hot gelatin, add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of dry kelp powder and wait an hour until the algae swells. Introduce 25 ml of orange or grapefruit juice and 1 ampoule of vitamin A. Stir everything carefully and distribute the mask over the face. After 15-20 minutes, wash yourself.

Lemon with protein

Lemon - tones and refreshes, prepares the skin for the perception of favorite skin care products, egg white dries out oily areas of the skin, evens out not only the color, but also its texture itself. All together with kelp has a pronounced anti-aging effect for tired and aging skin.

Take 1.5 tbsp. tablespoons of kelp from kelp, add 1 teaspoon of citrus fruit juice - preferably lemon, but tangerine is also suitable, and also add egg white. Apply the mask on the face and rinse off after 15 minutes.

Sour cream with lemon

Natural sour cream whitens the skin, eliminating unwanted tanning, age spots and freckles. She is especially good in this property in combination with lemon.

Take 2 tbsp. tablespoons kelp kelp, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of thick oily sour cream and 2 teaspoons of lemon juice. Connect everything and apply a mask on your face. Wash yourself after 20 minutes.


The composition of sweet and sour apples is quite rich in order to serve as a quick-acting agent for oily skin in a mixture with kelp, and honey helps to renew its cells and nourishes.

Prepare 2 tbsp. tablespoons of kelp gruel and mix them with the same amount of finely grated apple pulp and 1 teaspoon of honey honey melted in a water bath. Apply the mask to your face and wash in 15 minutes.

Plantain and clay

Clay is one of the most gentle scrubs for sensitive skin. Along the way, clay removes oily sheen and mattifies the skin. Peach seed oil is an antioxidant plus a vitamin elixir, and plantain, not only in cosmetology, but also in medicine, is known for its restoring properties, which the skin really needs after any scrub or peeling.

Take 20 g of clay - pink, white or blue, 1 tbsp. a spoon of dry kelp in the form of a powder, mix, pour a little warm broth and remove for 1.5-2 hours. Before using the mask, add 7 ml of peach seed oil and mix everything.

Spread the mask over your face and wash it for half an hour.

Buckwheat with wild rose and bergamot

Together with kelp, buckwheat acts in this mask as a means of normalizing the metabolism of oily skin, bergamot treats painful acne, and rosehip heals the skin by and large, matting its tone.

Prepare a decoction of rosehip berries, pour 25 g of dry crushed seaweed into it and remove for 45-60 minutes. After this time, pour flour into a bowl with a mask and add a few drops of essential oil to taste - you can replace the bergamot with a tea tree. Apply the mask for 10-15 minutes, then wash thoroughly.

With mango

Deep hydration and moisture retention is necessary for dry skin. This is facilitated not only by kelp, but also by a unique complex of mango composition, and milk and egg are, in principle, common for moisturizing masks.

Soak for an hour 40 ml of warm milk 1 tbsp. a spoonful of kelp powder. Add 2 yolks as well as 10 ml of mango oil. If desired, it can be replaced with mashed potatoes from a slice of fresh fruit. Shuffle everything and apply the mask on the skin of the face, and after half an hour - carefully remove it with moist cotton pads and wash.

Oatmeal with grapefruit

In addition to removing blackheads and narrowing pores, this mask evens out the skin tone and tones it, especially in problem areas, which, for example, is expressed in less pronounced bags under the eyes as a result of sleep or water-salt disturbances.

Prepare 50 g of crushed kelp, pouring it with mineral water without gas. After 30-40 minutes, add to it 30 g of oatmeal (or oat flax), as well as 25 ml of aloe plant juice. Cook a few slices of fresh grapefruit as well. To apply this mask, you first need to steam the skin, and distribute it without frills - only on problem areas - nose, chin and forehead. After 10-20 minutes, wash and wipe your face with citrus fruit - it will help the pores to close more quickly.


To use strong means when the first signs of aging appear on the skin is unreasonable. But carrots in the vicinity of seaweed act gently, smooths wrinkles by renewing cells and saturating them with collagen, and also, in a mixture with cream, perfectly soothes sore rashes.

Boil or bake the carrots and, having separated a piece of 25 g, turn it into mashed potatoes. Add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of fat cream and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry kelp powder. Shuffle. Set aside for 30 minutes for the kelp to absorb moisture. Cover your face with a mask and leave it for half an hour, and then remove its excess with a paper towel and wash your face slightly with warm water.

With almond oil and vitamins

The long-term effect of this mask for mature skin for 10-14 days provides a tightened oval of the face and the almost complete disappearance of "crow's feet" around the eyes.

Take 15 grams of dried parsley, 30 grams of dry kelp and grind both ingredients to a flour texture, ideally, this is easy to achieve in a coffee grinder. Dilute with warm water and after about 10 minutes add 10 ml of olive and almond oils, as well as 1 ampoule of vitamins E and A to the swollen gruel. without delay, apply on face.

After half an hour, gently cleanse the face of the mask, first - erasing it with a damp cotton pad, then - washing your face with very warm, almost hot water.


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