Why does the child not want to go to kindergarten? The reasons for refusing to attend kindergarten and how to solve this problem?


It often happens that children are naughty and do not want to go to kindergarten. There are many reasons: a quarrel with a friend, a broken toy, cold weather.

But what if a child refuses to go to kindergarten regularly? Is this a wake-up call and how to solve this problem?

The child does not want to go to kindergarten: when is this behavior normal?

Children are emotional and sensitive creatures. In addition to the global causes of children's disobedience and dislike of kindergarten, we can distinguish quite normal, which are familiar to any parent and teacher:

• Adaptation period in kindergarten

Every child ever enters the threshold of kindergarten. This may be the very first time in a baby’s life or a change of residence. What does the child feel? Fear, anxiety, excitement. The adaptation period is a completely normal and mundane phenomenon that occurs in absolutely any child and proceeds in a mild, moderate or severe form. At this time, children only get acquainted with the situation, peers, educators and group rules. Experiencing the above negative emotions, a child may refuse to go to kindergarten for several months in a row precisely because of the adaptation period.

• Lack of active social life

In the modern world, the expression "domestic child" is quite popular. Often, it characterizes the baby who spends most of the time in the walls of his home, minimally contacting with peers and adults. Such children suffer from self-centeredness and selfishness, believing that the whole family lives for his sake and according to his rules. It is not surprising that “domestic children” avoid communication with peers, because they simply do not want to leave the comfort zone. Naturally, a trip to a kindergarten, where the daily regime and a system of rules are built, will not cause such a child anything but negative emotions.

• Lack of daily routine

By this paragraph we mean only one thing - the child does not get enough sleep. Daily routine does not mean life in accordance with a strict list of rules and strict time limits. In raising a child, one can limit oneself only to a fixed sleep time. Falling asleep every day at the same time, the child sets his biological clock and waking up in kindergarten will be much easier for him.

All these reasons, of course, require correction of the child’s behavior, but nevertheless, they are physiological and can go away on their own.

Reasons to refuse to attend kindergarten

Vagaries, tantrums, tears, screams are daily scenes that parents watch with serious problems in their children. If a child violently fights off visiting a kindergarten, then the problem should be carefully analyzed and the plunge into the origin of such behavior. The most common reasons for a child to refuse to attend kindergarten are:

• Negative attitude of parents to kindergarten

Often, parents, without realizing it, set their child to a negative attitude towards kindergarten. There are many reasons why parents do not like children’s organizations: high fees, conflict with the teacher or management, personal psychological trauma associated with the kindergarten. As a result, seeing a nervous mother who, with all the reluctance, is collecting a child in kindergarten or, worse, discussing the negative, in her opinion, aspects of the institution, the child absorbs negative emotions. Which kid would love to go where his mom or dad doesn't like?

• Diffidence

Constant comparisons at home and in kindergarten, humiliation and reproaches, form a child's complex and a sense of self-doubt. Such children feel uncomfortable among their peers, in the classroom or even in the game. The appearance of such a problem can be provoked by the following expressions said by the parents or the teacher: "Masha already says the sound" p ", but you don’t," "You could not even draw an even triangle," "Look at the drawings of other children, and what do you have? "

• Nutrition

As for nutrition, the child may simply not like the food offered in the kindergarten, or the baby is too used to homemade food. As you know, kindergartens (in particular, state) are increasingly abandoning the maintenance of a complete food block. At this point in time, children are offered convenience foods that are not to everyone's taste. It is possible that the child simply does not like this or that dish, or a specific component in it (for example, carrots). Due to excessive choosiness to food, children are also capable of whims and refusal to attend kindergarten.

• Conflict with the teacher

Not the most common reason, but it also happens that teachers bring children to complete refusal to attend a kindergarten group. Reproaches, physical violence, insults - all this can cause psychological trauma to the child and completely turn him away from kindergarten. Of course, in such a situation, checks should be organized and in case of violations identified, the educator must be punished. But on the move to blame the whims of the child of the teacher is also not worth it.

• Lack of communication skills

There are children who find it very difficult to build relationships with peers. Why such children exist is a separate question. But if the child observes isolation and love of loneliness, then the baby, most likely, is simply uncomfortable among other children. But in case of excessive detachment, it is better to consult a child psychologist.

• Lack of daily routine

Sometimes children just don’t like that you can do anything at home anytime, but not in kindergarten. The problem is solved by introducing the daily routine into the life of the child at home.

• Conflicts in the family

Sometimes conflict situations in the family violate the child’s internal state and reluctance to go to kindergarten is only an indicator of the seriousness of family problems.

• Dislike for certain activities

Sometimes children oppose kindergarten because they don’t like a particular type of activity. For example, drawing or physical education.

How to solve this problem?

The reasons are understandable, but how to facilitate the child’s trip to kindergarten?

• Favorite toy

Favorite toy that will accompany to kindergarten and will be near - will calm the child and give him a sense of security. Staying in a kindergarten with a toy, the baby will not feel alone.

• Part time in kindergarten

If a child often organizes hysteria in front of a kindergarten, then it is quite possible to reduce the time spent in the group and find a temporary alternative replacement for the kindergarten in the afternoon.

• Distraction

Talking on topics of interest to the child will perfectly distract him from personal worries, and a good mood will prevent moods.

• Collaboration with kindergarten

Kindergarten is also a part of a child’s life. You can consult with a teacher or psychologist to find a solution to a problem and refuse to attend kindergarten, in accordance with the experience of teachers, knowledge, methods of psychological influence.

Refusal to attend kindergarten is completely resolved. The main thing is to find the cause of the problem and eliminate it in time.


Watch the video: What To Do When Your Kids Won't Listen (July 2024).