What men want from women: the seven secrets of the perfect lady


In the movie "What women want," the character of the inimitable Mel Gibson receives a unique gift - to hear what women think. He is shocked, because they think in a completely different way than he was used to expect from them. Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are subject to prejudice no less than the heroes of cinema. But it is worth knowing what the opposite sex really thinks, how all the problems in the relationship will disappear by themselves. We will try to open the veil of secrecy.


A man, of course, wants to be strong and patronize a woman. But their excessive infantilism is rather annoying. But to be able to check the level of oil in the car, as well as in difficult situations, do not fall into a stupor, slapping eyelashes, but act firmly and decisively - such qualities cause respect and admiration in men.

Own personal life

The time has passed when men valued only economic and maternal instincts in women. Now, besides these qualities, men want to see independence in women. Not necessarily financial, but here some hobby should be. And preferably not shopping and visiting SPA salons. Men appreciate when their darling goes in for sports, enjoys photography and so on. After all, this will never turn into a classic wedge with curlers, and still will not reproach a man with fishing and other hobbies - she too has them.

Mom can be only one!

Do not turn care into total control and surveillance. Women love to take care, it is typical of their nature, but you need to realize that you are meeting with an adult man. He wants to sit at the computer until the morning - let him sit. He himself understands that he will not go to work for sleep, it is his choice. You can hint, force and scold - no.

The desire to constantly evolve

Let you have different interests, different friends and areas of work, a man still wants to share with you what is happening in his life. If you do not understand something and, most importantly, do not wish to understand, sooner or later he will become bored with you. But the desire to learn something new, he will appreciate. Besides, he will be pleased to tell you something in which he understands, and you - no.

The fine line of sexuality

Men feel pride when their woman is beautiful and is admired by his friends and colleagues. However, you can overdo it. If you are going to nature, you should not wear a mini-skirt, heels and evening make-up - it looks ridiculous. Also, do not dress pointedly sexy, if you have to rest in a purely male company, it will cause unnecessary jealousy. But erotic outfits at home, on the contrary, are welcome.

Understanding Male Physiology

A man can not ignore the beautiful women. This does not mean that he is ready to change you, it is just a natural reaction of the body. You, too, enjoy looking at the beautiful sporty men's body. Let contemplates, better discuss other people's virtues together. It will be bold, unexpected and perceived "with a bang."


If a man is with you, it means that he is satisfied with your appearance. And if something you personally do not like, you need to fix it. Classical whining like "I'm fat" is annoying. Want to lose weight - go in for sports. Men think so. And they will support and respect you in every way.

These are the qualities that men really value. Do not live in the captivity of myths, their destruction will bring you happiness and tranquility.

Text: Anna Nikitenko


Watch the video: Seven Secrets of a Confident Woman by Joyce Meyer (July 2024).