Masks for the growth of eyelashes at home: effective recipes. Rules for using masks for eyelash growth at home


An expressive look, velvet eyelashes - all girls without exception want to achieve this. From birth, nature has endowed someone with chic, thick eyelashes, and for some they are very short and straight.

Serums, special oils and compresses for eyelash growth are offered by cosmetic companies of different brands. Is it so useful or is it better to give preference to home-made products? There are many recipes for masks for eyelash growth at home.

What will help with eyelash loss?

Eyelashes from improper care, the harmful effects of the environment or unbalanced nutrition fall out. There are some tips to help fix this situation:

- wash off cosmetics only with special means (milk, foam);

- do not go to bed with makeup (if you do not rinse off the mascara, then the eyelashes simply dry and break in any incorrect position);

- in the diet should be vegetable protein (beans, chickpeas, buckwheat) and animal origin (eggs, cheese, milk);

- rinse the face with a decoction of useful herbs after washing.

Prepare masks for eyelash growth at home

Folk remedies are good in that they do not harm our body. There are inconveniences in the fact that you need to mix the ingredients, withstand a certain amount of time in order to feel the effect. The mask should be prepared shortly before the procedure so that all components are fresh.

Sea buckthorn mask. Grind 2 tablespoons of rose hips with a knife and pour them with 3 tablespoons of sea buckthorn oil. Oil is infused for 10-14 days, then can be applied to eyelashes.

Mask of wheat germ oil. A mask with this oil perfectly stimulates growth and has the effect of strengthening eyelashes. Together with burdock oil, which nourishes the hair follicles and prevents them from falling out, a very effective mask is obtained. Mix equal parts of oils and hold on eyelashes for 1-2 hours. Wash off with warm water and repeat the procedure 2 times a week.

Mask of olive oil. In a glass dish, mix a teaspoon of vitamin E (available at the pharmacy) and olive oil. Insist on such a composition is not required, you can immediately apply on eyelashes and eyebrows.

The mask is vitamin. Vitamin-rich mask of oils will stimulate the growth of eyelashes. Mix 4 capsules of vitamin A, 4 capsules of vitamin E, a few drops of burdock oil and half a teaspoon of castor oil. Apply with a brush or cotton swab once a day, preferably at night, allow the oil to soak. With such vitamin masks for eyelash growth at home, many cosmetologists advise strengthening and restoring eyelashes after extension.

Mask with aloe and parsley. With the help of parsley and pulp of aloe, your eyelashes will gain flexibility and elasticity, become stronger and silky. Grind parsley and aloe (by teaspoon) and apply to eyes for 20 minutes. So you get rid of dark circles under the eyes.

Castor oil. This oil is a leader in the means used by beauties around the world to preserve the beauty of eyelashes and hair. It is quickly absorbed and eliminates brittle hair. Apply warm oil to the eyelashes, after 2 hours rinse with warm water, first remove the mask residues with a paper towel. The effect of such a simple mask will be noticeable in a week.

Castor oil based mask. Only two components will give an impetus to deep hydration and eyelash growth: cognac and castor oil. Castor oil in a pharmacy is worth a penny, cognac or rum can also be found in any kitchen. Mix half a teaspoon and soak cotton pads. Apply for 30 minutes to the eyes and rinse with warm water.

Almond mask. Almond and olive oil are mixed in a few drops and applied to the roots of the eyelashes. It must be applied carefully so as not to get on the mucous membrane of the eye, as it can cause irritation. Olive oil smooths the eyelashes, almond nourishes and saturates the roots of the eyelashes, due to which their growth is activated.

Coconut Oil Mask. Coconut oil is considered useful for scalp hair growth, for moisturizing the skin of the whole body and for eyelashes also ideal. Mix half a teaspoon of coconut oil with vitamin E (2-3 drops) and add a few drops of burdock oil. Stir with a cotton swab and apply throughout the growth of eyelashes.

Walnut mask. Useful fats and amino acids predominate in nuts; they will help to strengthen hairs. You can mix any fresh nut butters: almond, peanut and walnut oil.

It is masks for eyelash growth at home that contain useful vitamins that you will not find in any tube of cosmetics purchased. We recommend that you try to repeat simple recipes and experience their effect on yourself.

Tea rose oil mask. Apply a drop of oil to the upper and lower eyelids, smear with a cotton swab along the entire length of the growth of eyelashes. Hold this oil mask for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. Eyelashes and skin around the eyes are hydrated and saturated with vitamins.

Mask compress of calendula. Brew calendula 1 tablespoon in half a cup. We insist 1 hour and with cotton swabs dipped in the cooked broth we make a compress for 20 minutes. We remove tampons and apply grape seed oil or burdock oil. From such care, the skin around the eyes calms down, swelling goes away and the eyelashes get, the vitamin composition that they lack.

Mask of camomile. Chamomile is a hypoallergenic drug, suitable for almost everyone. Brew 1 tablespoon of inflorescences in a mug and let it brew for 1 hour. You can moisten cotton swabs in the infusion and apply to the eyelids for 20 minutes. Such a mask relieves fatigue. If you mix burdock oil 1 teaspoon and 1 tablespoon of chamomile infusion, you get a firming mask.

Mask of fish oil. If you need a quick result, then a mask of the following composition will come to the rescue: fish oil, vitamin E, vitamin A. Mix equal proportions of oils and apply for 2 hours in the evening before bedtime. The daily ritual will surprise you with a quick result. This is a proven method and very effective.

Masks for eyelash growth at home help or is it a myth?

Manufacturers of eyelash cosmetics try to use natural oils. Unnatural components enhance the effect, so masks and compresses prepared at home are better absorbed. Unlike expensive drugs, a home mask has no analogues, but you need to use it regularly for 3-5 months to notice the first results.

Compresses are no less beneficial for eyelash growth. It is easy and affordable to make a compress from brewing black tea. We brew in a mug 1 tablespoon of tea, let it brew. Tea has firming properties for eyelashes.

Follow the rules for using masks:

- To apply a composition that has not been tested for allergies is dangerous. The reaction to sea buckthorn oil or another remedy may be different. Using new means for your body, be sure to check the composition that will be applied to the eyes, first on the hand. Withstood 15 minutes, if there is no reaction, then apply to eyes.

- When applying the composition to the eyelashes, make sure that there is no contact with the mucous membrane of the eyes.

- It is better to make a fresh mask every time. Keep a mixture of oils with other components in the refrigerator for no more than 72 hours.

Apply the mask to the eyelashes more conveniently with a brush from the used mascara. You need to wash it thoroughly, but the result is worth it. Cotton swabs and cotton pads can be dispensed with if there is no convenient brush on hand. Any mask should be kept on eyelashes for at least 20-30 minutes so that its components can have the necessary effect. It is recommended to take the mineral-vitamin complex or fish oil (omega-3 capsules) inside. The condition of the skin is noticeably improved, and the growth of hair and eyelashes is accelerated.

To grow eyelashes in a couple of hours, or to achieve stunningly beautiful, natural and healthy eyelashes in the long way by looking after them at home, you decide. All tools for making masks at home are very simple and easy to get at a store or pharmacy. An important feature is that all these natural products are 100%.

A mysterious and feminine look is provided to you, if you will regularly use masks for the growth of eyelashes at home. From once, the result will not be visible. Experiment and choose the composition that is ideal for your eyes.


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