Self-pollinated varieties of cucumbers - description, advantages. How to sow seeds of self-pollinated cucumbers, rules of care


Any gardener, trying to grow a rich crop of high quality, to introduce innovations that facilitate work or use the latest technology.

cucumbers will not be an exception in this. As a result of the work of breeders, among them self-pollinating varieties of cucumbers appeared. To obtain a good harvest, special care is not needed, it is only necessary to create a regime for them in which only a few important requirements are taken into account.

What are self-pollinated cucumber varieties?

The answer to this question is in the name itself, they have a special structure - in each inflorescence there is both a stamen (female reproductive organ) and a pistil (male reproductive organ). As a result, the plant is given the opportunity to self-pollinate the ovary, forming without seeds the fruits with seeds.

Beginners are often interested in what is the best way to sow cucumber seeds in your area - pollinated by bees and other insects or self-pollinated varieties, and how do self-pollinated and parthenocarpic varieties of cucumbers differ? You need to know that in comparison with insect pollinated and parthenocapric varieties, the largest yield can be obtained from heaps of self-pollinating plants. The likelihood of successful seedlings and the guaranteed receipt of a large number of ovaries is much greater in them than in the usual varieties.

These cucumbers may differ in taste, resistance to adverse factors and other characteristics, but breeders have created many varieties suitable for fresh consumption (these are salad varieties), and for the preparation of pickles and pickling.

Self-pollinated varieties of cucumbers for the most part have a delicate taste, although later varieties are slightly drier and harder than early ones. In mid-ripening varieties are well balanced, tenderness and crispy taste. Cucumbers of these varieties can be grown both on simple beds and in closed ground.

Greenhouse self-pollinating varieties of cucumbers

Since greenhouses are a type of closed ground, it is very difficult for bees to pollinate plants in these structures. Therefore, for sowing in greenhouses, self-pollinated cucumbers are mainly used. Some gardeners believe that harvest from self-pollinated varieties is much worse than fruits obtained in a regular garden. This is not true, one can say that the fruits from these varieties are no worse than ordinary ones, and in most cases they can bring more yield. This is due to the fact that the greenhouse has an optimal microclimate (there is no draft, unexpected temperature drops and cold winds), which often affect plants in the garden.

Self-pollinated cucumbers for sowing in the greenhouse:

Matilda F1. A hybrid of early ripening, a strong bush on which medium-sized leaves grow. Fruits are formed in clusters, 7 cucumbers appear on each of them, each weighing 110 g. greenhouses grow a standard species (about 10-12 cm long), cucumbers grow even, from the bush you can harvest a daily crop of 45-50 days.

Zozulya F1. An excellent self-pollinated hybrid of cucumbers intended for cultivation indoors. The mass of these cucumbers is about 300 g., Grow up to 25 cm long, the surface of the fruit is mostly smooth, looks very attractive in appearance, the shape of the fruit without bending, even. The first greens are picked in 40 days, the crop of this variety can be used for harvesting for the winter.

Zyatek F1. This is an early variety, the fruits grow crisp and juicy, of small length (grow no more than 10 cm long). On the surface there are tubercles with white spikes; up to 12 cucumbers can grow on each ovary. The first fruits can be obtained in 43-48 days, 7 kg of high-quality fruits can be removed from each bush.

Emelya F1. A variety that yields early crops, you can pick the first small fruits (up to 15 cm long) with a smooth surface in a month. Cucumbers, the weight of each oblong zelenets is 120 g., On its peel there are small tubercles. The variety is well resistant to most diseases, the fruits can be used in any form.

Varieties of self-pollinated cucumbers for planting on a regular bed

Self-pollinated varieties of cucumbers were also appreciated by ordinary gardeners who grow crops in a regular garden. Sown plants must be resistant to sudden changes in temperature, to the effects of cold wind and high humidity. In good conditions, these varieties are capable of yielding a significant crop, and inflorescences are tied up by about 96%.

The best of the varieties of cucumbers in this direction intended for a regular bed:

Alliance F1. Tasty and productive mid-season hybrid, fruits grow up to 15 cm long, and weighing 125 g. up to 6 fruits are formed on each cluster of ovaries. From 1 m2 you can harvest up to 17 kg, the first fruits are plucked at the age of plants 50 days. It is advisable to prepare the seeds before sowing, or at least germinate them. After heat treatment, the quality of the fruits and their appearance do not deteriorate in the crop of this variety, they remain crispy. For this reason, many gardeners use this variety for the preparation of winter blanks.

Orpheus F1. A variety of early ripening, the first fruits can be obtained on 38-42 days. About 1 kg of greens are collected from 1 m2 of beds, 5-8 greens grow in each ovary. The fruits grow no more than 13 cm, the mass is in the range of 80-110 gr., On the surface of cucumbers of the Orpheus variety, you can see small tubercles.

Fervor F1. Early ripening hybrid, designed for cultivation on a regular bed, the first fruits can be plucked 35-38 days. Outwardly, it is a gherkin in the shape of a cylinder, with large tubercles on the surface. About 5 cucumbers grow on each ovary; about 6 kg of cucumbers can be collected from 1 m2. The variety resists diseases well and develops normally in various climates. Great for pickling, retains crunch, density and elastic surface after processing at high temperature. Cucumbers grow small (about 10 cm long), for this reason they look great rolled up in a jar.

Are there any universal self-pollinated varieties of cucumbers?

Breeders are constantly improving existing varieties, resulting in plants that have unusual characteristics. They created universal varieties that can be used when growing in any conditions (ordinary garden or greenhouse).

Herman F1. One of the best among these varieties is considered to be Herman F1, it is a fairly productive, early variety. Zelentsy, grow unusually tasteful, they do not contain bitterness at all like most other varieties. This is a wonderful material, which is suitable for preparing fresh salads, as well as for preservation for the winter. The fruits grow in size of about 12 cm, in mass they reach 80-90 gr., About 5-9 cucumbers are formed on each ovary. Its feature can be called excellent resistance to most diseases of cucumbers.

Self-pollinated crop varieties will help to get an excellent crop of greenhouses, eliminating the dependence of plants on pollinating insects. Such cucumbers will not require too much attention from you, they need moisture, warmth and proper formation.


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