Masks for wrinkles around the eyes at home: the effect is obvious! Proportions and rules for applying wrinkles around the eyes to masks on the skin


Many women turn to store remedies to remove wrinkles around their eyes. Although the most effective remedy is a mask for wrinkles around the eyes at home.

They give a good result in a short period of time, and without spending your budget at all.

Masks for wrinkles around the eyes at home. Which are better?

Unfortunately, time leaves an indelible mark on the exterior. Over the years, not only wisdom and experience appear, but also wrinkles that few decorate.

To prevent their appearance is not within our power - this is the law of nature. But everyone is able to postpone this process, smooth out unattractive folds.

One of the most effective and affordable means are masks prepared at home.

Unlike store cosmetics, they have no preservatives, no dyes or fragrances. All the most useful.

Properly selected recipes will provide deep hydration, nutrition of the area around the eyes, slowing down the aging process of the skin.

Why do wrinkles appear in the eye area?

Before you start using the mask from wrinkles around the eyes at home, you need to find out the cause of the wrinkles. Each composition has a special effect on the skin, so you need to know exactly what problem you are facing. Unfortunately, wrinkles are not only the lot of the elderly. Now you can meet many women who are suffering with folds around their eyes when they are young. There are several main factors that contribute to their appearance:

• Excessive emotionality. The muscles that are located around the eye area accurately reflect all the emotions. If a person is crying or frowning; laughs or laughs - in any case, the appearance of facial wrinkles is inevitable.

• Unhealthy Lifestyle. Alcohol, cigarettes, improper food or chronic fatigue - all this first of all “goes out” to the area around the eyes. In this case, it is better to adjust your lifestyle and rather start to care for your skin.

• Exposure to UV rays. As you know, even in a barrel of honey there is a fly in the ointment. The same applies to "solar procedures." Tanning, in certain amounts, is beneficial for the skin, but it is worth protecting the area around the eyes from the effects of rays. UV contributes to the formation of free radicals, which provoke the appearance of wrinkles on the face. That is why wear sunglasses.

These are not all the factors. In fact, they can be listed for a very long time. For each case there are recommendations, however, it is clear that in any case, you can not do without cosmetic care.

Masks for wrinkles around the eyes at home. Terms of use

There is no doubt that the effectiveness of masks for eliminating wrinkles is proven by practice and time. However, even this seemingly simple event has its own nuances and rules. Observing them, you will surely achieve maximum results.

1. Cooked masks can be applied only to cleansed skin

2. Observe all proportions indicated in the recipe. Do not add ingredients on your own. Especially this rule applies to owners of sensitive skin.

3. Use only fresh ingredients. Remember, the higher the quality of the ingredients, the more noticeable the result.

4. Before using the mask, perform an allergy test. To do this, apply ointment to the wrist area. If there is nothing, you can proceed to cosmetic procedures.

5. Pay attention to the duration of the procedure. Usually, this is 20-30 minutes, although each recipe may indicate its time. Beauticians advise to plunge into a relaxed state after applying the mask. No emotions or worries.

6. Do not use one recipe. In order not to become addictive, try to change the composition of the recipe from time to time. This will help keep the skin in good shape.

7. One procedure cannot work miracles. Only with regular use to achieve a good result is real. Be patient and choose the best recipe from our selection!

Masks for wrinkles around the eyes at home. The best of the best

Aloe - a unique plant that has softening, moisturizing, antibacterial and soothing effects. A huge advantage here is that anyone can grow aloe on their windowsill. The plant is not capricious, however, its benefits are a cart and a small cart. In order to prepare a nourishing mask for wrinkles around the eyes at home, you need to take 1 tsp. gelatin, pour it with thick cream (1 tsp). After the gelatin has dissolved, heat the composition in a water bath, but do not boil. After reaching room temperature, add 1 tsp. aloe juice. Stir and distribute the resulting composition to the skin around the eyes. This recipe is easy, memorable, and most importantly, effective. Gelatin is a source of natural collagen, cream is an emollient, and aloe acts as an “inimitable prima” here. Keep this mask for about 20-25 minutes, preferably repeated every day for 1 week. After 3 days of use, you yourself will notice the result and remove all of your store tubes, bottles, far beyond visibility.

Mask of olive and essential oils. Olive oil has established itself as one of the ingredients in the fight against wrinkles. Essential oils, due to the naturalness of their origin, are 100% also fulfilling their task of eliminating wrinkles. In order to achieve the maximum effect of these two components, it is necessary to mix a few drops of olive oil, and peach or almond essential oil. Massaging movements distribute in the area around the eyes, wait 20 minutes, then wipe with a cotton pad. As in the first case, the result will not be long in coming.

Wheat bread. Another “fighter” for youth is wheat bread. It contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals, so it’s a sin not to take advantage of such an abundance. Grind a small piece of wheat bread with warm milk. It should turn out to be a slurry that is thick enough to stay on the skin. It must be carefully distributed on the problem area, in this case, on the area around the eyes. Wait 20 minutes and then rinse with warm water without using soap or other detergents.

• Another recipe that has good effectiveness. It contains honey, flour, and protein. Honey and flour will need to take one tablespoon, and one protein. Stir everything thoroughly, apply to skin, leave to dry completely. If you want to increase the effectiveness of this mask, you can use oatmeal instead of wheat. Only in this case, the mask must be kept for about an hour.

Raw potatoes guard the appearance of wrinkles. This mask is very simple, but nonetheless famous for its excellent result. Grate raw potatoes (gruel), add a few drops of cream. Stir, spread the gruel over the cotton pad and attach to the corners of the eyes. In addition, you can get the swab wet in a strong, fresh tea leaves and cover them with the upper eyelids. This will help restore tone to the drooping eyelids.

Cucumber - well done. Probably one of the most famous vegetables to eliminate wrinkles. This recipe was used by grandmothers of grandmothers, now it’s your turn. You can be sure that the effectiveness has been proven by generations, so you should not have any concerns. Grate a young cucumber, not overripe, in a gruel and spread over the area around the eyes. Such a mask for wrinkles around the eyes at home is considered more effective than if you applied a regular piece of cucumber. Please note: during the preparation of the composition, you do not need to peel the vegetable! Thus, you yourself remove the most useful substances from the composition.

All the proposed recipes have been tested more than once by women who want to preserve youthful skin. Therefore, choosing one of the masks for yourself, you can be sure of its effectiveness and the absence of side effects. However, owners of sensitive skin are advised to "measure seven times, cut off once." All good and beauty!


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