What to cook for breakfast quickly and tasty: healthy dishes for every day. A selection of quick breakfast recipes from the simplest foods


Axiom - breakfast should be healthy and satisfying. There is nothing easier than to cook an ordinary omelet or scrambled eggs, quickly cook porridge from oatmeal or just eat a serving of cottage cheese. But this is too trite and not worth the whole article, but we picked up simple recipes for fast and tasty breakfast dishes from the most common products. The usual food can be made much tastier in literally half an hour.

Fast breakfast meals - general cooking guidelines

What do completely different dishes have in common? At first glance, it’s nothing, but if we expect from breakfast not just a satisfying of hunger, but also a charge of vigor at the beginning of the day, then there’s something worth thinking about.

The first is the choice of recipe. Products should be simple and unpretentious, the combination should be trouble-free, because no one smiles for half a day to listen to their body.

It is best to use dried bread for toast - it is easier to brown it, you need less butter, and throwing out breads is not traditionally accepted.

Eggs are fresh and selected, as a rule, the hens that carry them receive better nutrition.

Choose cottage cheese non-grainy and not watery, otherwise adding any liquid component to it, and simply mixing it with sugar, you will get a floating mass.

Tea or coffee is better than custard, a simple everyday variety. Tea, of course, is black, large-leafed, with sugar and lemon, and coffee is the most common, “Arabica”, coarse or mixed.

No matter how you like it, but avoid the temptation to add an extra piece of sausage, or make the butter layer thicker, better plan a second, light breakfast or just stock up on a couple of cookies.

What to cook for breakfast quickly and tasty: hearty omelet

Omelet is an ideal dish for a quick breakfast, just three minutes for kneading omelettes, six for baking. If you spend a couple of minutes slicing sausages and chopping cheese from a regular omelet, you can quickly cook a hearty brizol for breakfast.


four selected eggs;

50 grams of cooked sausage;

just over 0.5 cups of milk;

60 grams of cheese;

a spoon of flour;

a couple of spoons of ketchup and mayonnaise;

a handful of finely chopped dill;

one and a half tablespoons of oil.

Cooking method:

We cut the cheese into thin slices with a narrow knife, and the sausage into thin strips.

After breaking the eggs in a bowl, slightly shake them with a fork. Do not whisk, it is important!

Pour milk into the eggs, add flour, add and mix everything thoroughly. Again, without whipping, stir with a whisk or a fork until the lumps disappear.

We put a frying pan on the stove with a diameter of twenty or a little less than centimeters, grease its bottom with vegetable or butter.

Pour part of the egg mass into the pan and cover tightly with a lid. Cook over medium heat until the bottom is browned. The top should grasp well and not be fluid.

Turn the omelet over with a wide spatula, lower the heat a little, wait half a minute. Visually dividing the surface of the omelet in half, put on one side strips of sausage, squeeze a little mayonnaise and ketchup on top. Sprinkle the filling with dill, cover with slices of cheese and with a spatula we wrap on it the part of the omelet that remains free.

Covering, turn off the heat and let stand for three minutes.

From the second half of the egg dough and the remaining products, we prepare the same omelet.

At one time, you can cook two servings at once, in a larger pan. If there are two identical pans, it is advisable to cook immediately on both, it is difficult to turn a large omelet without turning it over.

What to cook for breakfast quickly and tasty: delicious oatmeal porridge

Literally in half an hour for breakfast you can cook not only healthy, but also very tasty oatmeal. Complemented with caramelized apples and sweet nuts, such a porridge will appeal to everyone.


six spoons of "oatmeal" instant cooking;

3/4 cup of water;

two small apples;

200 ml of milk;

four tablespoons of almonds (petals);

50 gr powdered sugar;

Butter, "Traditional" butter - 20 gr.;

a spoonful of sugar;

8 gr. grated cinnamon;

a quarter of lemon.

Cooking method:

Turn on the oven for heating.

We spread the almond petals on a sieve, washed with water. As soon as excess moisture leaves, sprinkle with powdered sugar and shake the sieve several times. It is necessary that all the petals are completely covered with a sweet powder.

Sprinkle nuts on a baking sheet covered with parchment and place it in the oven. We stand about 10 minutes. Keep an eye on the almonds, it should only be a little bold. After cooling, the almonds that have come together in a layer must be crushed by hands.

Fill the flakes with water. Bringing to a boil, pour milk into the porridge. Slightly salted and just as modestly sweetened, again bring to a boil and remove from heat. Wrap the pan in a terry towel, let the porridge stand for 10 minutes.

We wash the apples, thinly cut the peel. Cut into slices, remove the remnants of the core.

Squeeze the juice from the lemon and sprinkle apple slices.

In a frying pan over low heat, melt the butter, lay the apple slices on the bottom and sprinkle them with a mixture of sugar and cinnamon. Slightly increasing the heat, simmer the apples for about three minutes.

We spread the porridge in two servings. Top with caramelized apples, sprinkle with sweet almonds.

What to cook for breakfast quickly and tasty: homemade air cheesecakes in half an hour


one egg;

400 gr. low fat cottage cheese;

half a spoon, or slightly less, vanilla powder;

a little more than half a glass of high-grade flour;

three tablespoons of sugar;

high quality refined oil.

Cooking method:

In a deep bowl, knead the curd well with a fork. If the product is grainy, wipe it on a sieve. This will help get rid of lumps - cheesecakes will be more tender.

Pour the egg to the curd, add sugar and quite a bit of salt. Pouring vanilla, mix thoroughly and begin to introduce flour. Add in small pieces, carefully interfering with the next batch. There will be enough flour when the curd dough stops sticking. Do not overdo it, it’s better not to use more than the specified norm, or the syrniki will come out hard.

Sprinkle the surface of the table with a thin layer of flour. Separate a little cottage cheese dough with a spoon and roll it with a ball. Then gently crush, roll in flour and lay on a surface powdered with flour.

When all the cottage cheese pancakes are formed, we heat the oil in a frying pan with medium heating. Fry cheesecakes on both sides to a tender blush. When you turn the cheesecakes, be sure to cover the pan with a lid, so they are better baked.

Serve syrniki preferably hot, with honey, sour cream, jam or condensed milk.

What to cook for breakfast quickly and tasty: simple toast with banana filling in French


eight thin slices of white bread;

ripe banana;

60 grams of cheese, "Dutch";

two tablespoons of honey or sugar;

half a glass of milk;

peasant oil for frying, about 70 gr.;

one and a half tablespoons of powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

We put together two slices of bread, cut off the crusts. In the same way, we prepare other pieces: fold them in pairs and remove the crusts.

Beat eggs with milk, grate cheese coarsely in a separate bowl.

Knead a banana with honey with a fork, combine with cheese and mix well.

We take two slices of bread, put on one a little filling and cover with a second piece. Do not put a lot, one and a half teaspoons will be enough. Try not to smear too much, the filling should not reach the edges. We put all the slices in this way.

Melt the butter in a pan. You can add to the creamy and a little sunflower, then the toasts will come out with a crisp.

Alternately dipping toasts in the egg-milk mixture, put in a pan. After waiting for the appearance of a golden crust from below, turn over and fry the other side. With medium heat, each side should be fried for at least three minutes.

When all the toasts are fried and slightly cooled, sprinkle them with powdered sugar on top. It is more convenient to do this by sifting powder through a sieve.

If breakfast does not need to be taken with you, when serving, cut the toast laid on a plate diagonally and gently press on top so that a little filling appears on the cut.

What to cook for breakfast quickly and tasty: home-made curd mass

From ordinary cottage cheese, you can quickly cook a delicious curd mass for breakfast. The light coffee taste and aroma of cinnamon are perfectly invigorated, and the curd mass on the fermented baked milk will saturate for a long time.


thick fermented baked milk - 100 ml;

400 gr. soft low-fat cottage cheese;

two tablespoons of sugar and one instant coffee;

50 ml of hot water;

a teaspoon of vanilla (powder without sugar);

grated cinnamon - 1.5 tsp.

Cooking method:

Pour instant coffee with hot water, stirring thoroughly, leave to cool.

Combine fermented baked milk with sugar, beat with a mixer until the crystals dissolve. At the end, add vanilla and cinnamon.

Grind the curd into the cooked mass through a sieve. After adding the brewed, cooled coffee, mix thoroughly and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Chilled curd mass can be served independently or used as a spread for cookies.

What to cook for breakfast quickly and tasty: scrambled eggs with vegetables - "Shakshuka"


three eggs:

ripe tomato;


two tablespoons of tomato paste;

small fruit of sweet pepper;

a quarter of a spoon of ground paprika;

fresh dill;

small onion.

Cooking method:

We clean two small cloves of garlic and pepper. Chop the garlic finely, and cut the flesh of sweet pepper and tomato into thin strips or small slices.

Heated in a pan one and a half tablespoons of vegetable oil, add pepper and garlic and fry until soft.

We spread the tomato slices in the pan, add the tomato, add it, and, after stirring well, cook for another three minutes.

We level the contents of the pan, in three places we make small indentations and pour them in the egg. Covering, cook, bringing the eggs to the desired degree of frying.

Fast and tasty breakfast dishes - cooking tips and tricks

To get a magnificent omelet, eggs should not be beaten for a long time. All omelettes need only be stirred.

Any dish of cottage cheese will be more tender if you grind it on a sieve. Beating with a mixer will not help get rid of lumps if the curd is grainy, and using a blender you can get a liquid mass.


Watch the video: Keto-Friendly Recipes for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner (June 2024).