Peanut butter at home - cook without chemicals! Homemade Peanut Butter Recipes with Sugar, Honey, Cocoa, and Nuts


Peanut butter is an overseas delicacy that can now be bought from us.

It is in ordinary stores, in online stores, but not always really worthy of attention. What is not in the composition!

Therefore, it is better to cook this delicacy yourself. Peanuts - one of the most useful and inexpensive nuts, in which there is no shortage.

Peanut Butter at Home - General Cooking Principles

In fact, peanut butter is just very well ground nuts, as the rest of the ingredients are added in small quantities. You need to cook a treat with a blender, a combine. When using a meat grinder, nothing will work. Good grinding helps to release the fat that is in the nuts, the consistency weakens, the mass becomes thinner.

What else is added to the paste:

Honey or sugar;

· butter;

· Salt.

Other ingredients may be present, depending on the recipe chosen. Very often, pasta is prepared with cocoa or chocolate, other nuts and seeds may be added. Below you can find all of these recipes.

As for vegetable oil, it is better to take a peanut product, but not everyone has it. Therefore, it can be replaced by analogues. If there is no nutty edible oil, then use sunflower, but choose a refined product. If you managed to kill the paste very well, the consistency suits, then additional fats are not needed at all, you can do without them.

Homemade Peanut Butter Paste

One of the classic recipes for peanut butter at home. Raw nuts are used, they will need to be cleaned. This is done after frying. It is difficult to remove dark skin from raw peanuts. Peanut butter is best, but if it’s not, you can replace it with another butter.


500 g of peanuts;

· 1 tbsp. l honey;

0.25 tsp salts;

· 2 tablespoons of oil.

Cooking method

1. Peanuts need to be fried and dried. To do this, pour it on a baking sheet and put it in the oven. We set the temperature to 150 degrees, we begin to heat and dry. We wait until the nuts are slightly, very slightly, browned, together with a set of temperature it will take at least half an hour, then completely cool.

2. We crush the nuts with our hands so that the skin moves away. Or put it in a bag and jam through it, then blow it. But if you have extra time, then you can sit and clean with your hands.

3. Grind the cooled nuts with a blender until fine crumbs.

4. Throw salt into the crumbs, add honey. Grind again until smooth.

5. A little oil will stand out from the nuts, but pour more. Grind again. The more uniform the paste, the better.

6. Transfer to a convenient jar with a screw cap, store in the refrigerator. We use for breakfast and healthy desserts.

Homemade peanut butter with sugar

If there is no honey or you just can’t use it, then sugar will come to the rescue. By the way, many manufacturers add it, and for the aroma there is simply a honey essence. But this is not the saddest ingredient, so it’s still better to cook peanut butter at home without any chemistry.


400 g peanuts;

15 ml of oil;

· 2 tbsp. l powder

· a pinch of salt.

Cooking method

1. We take peanuts peeled, pour it on a baking sheet and dry in the oven for about a quarter of an hour. It is important to cool completely so that moisture is evenly distributed inside the nut.

2. Now in parts or immediately completely chop the nuts in the combine.

3. As soon as the mass becomes wet from the peanut butter released, add the powdered sugar. Brown sugar is often used, but it will be difficult for it to dissolve in fatty nut paste. Therefore, sand is still better to grind, regardless of its color. Scroll the peanuts along with the powder.

4. At the end, introduce the oil and salt. Grind everything again.

5. We look at the consistency. In general, more oil can be added so that the grains do not feel so much. But still, it is better not to forget about the high calorie content of fats. Let homemade pasta be not only healthy, but also pleasing in taste.

Homemade Peanut Butter Paste With Walnuts

A variant of pasta with walnuts, which give an unusually pleasant taste, enrich the delicacy with other vitamins and valuable substances. In the same way, you can cook pasta with hazelnuts, different seeds, and other types of nuts.


250 g of peanuts;

100 g of walnuts;

· 2 tablespoons of honey;

· 2 tablespoons of pasta;

· a pinch of salt.

Cooking method

1. Peanuts are sent to the oven, spread out on a baking sheet. We also dry walnuts, but do not fry. Therefore, it is better to put them in another bowl. If the peanuts are not peeled, then we take out and get rid of the peel. Cool the nuts.

2. Grind peanuts and a half of walnuts, that is, we fall asleep 50 grams.

3. Once the mass becomes homogeneous, you need to salt and add honey, whisk again.

4. Enter the oil and grind everything again with a blender.

5. The remaining nuts are simply chopped with a knife to small pieces, but not into flour.

6. Remove the peanut butter from the blender, add the walnuts and stir.

Homemade peanut butter with cocoa

Chocolate version of peanut butter. It is cooked with honey, but you can replace it with powdered sugar, if desired, as in one of the recipes above. Another caveat is cocoa powder. The higher its quality, the better the taste. But when replacing honey with sugar, you can take soluble cocoa powder, which is already sweet.


350 g peanuts;

25 g of cocoa;

· 2 tablespoons of oil;

35 g of honey.

Cooking method

1. Dry the nuts in the oven, clean. Or we do it in a simplified way - fry in a pan. Only at the same time, we carefully monitor that peanuts do not burn anywhere, otherwise the paste will not taste like that. It is necessary to fry evenly and not on the highest heat.

2. Grind the cooled peanuts with a blender several times and combine with cocoa, salt. Grind a little more.

3. Enter the honey. If it is too thick, then before that we definitely heat it up, so it will be easier for it to distribute in a thick mass. But we are not bringing it too hot to preserve vitamins in the product.

4. If the consistency does not suit, this may be due to cocoa, then we introduce additional oil. But we add in small portions and each time we interrupt very well to absorb it.

Peanut butter cream at home

The recipe for a deliciously delicious peanut butter cream. It can be used for any desserts: cakes, pastries, eclairs. Or just eat with bread, loaf, roll, like a classic pasta. It is advisable to withstand the oil for an hour in a warm room, then it will easily break into lush foam.


· 0.5 cans of condensed milk;

250 g peanut butter;

250 g of oil.

Cooking method

1. The butter needs to be whipped until splendid. Put it in a bowl, immerse the mixer and turn it on. We use the highest speed. After a few minutes, the mass will lighten, the oil will be almost white, increase in volume.

2. Condensed milk can be used regular or boiled. In the first embodiment, the cream is more liquid. They are comfortable working. In the second version, it acquires a very pleasant taste, reminds remotely caramel and blends wonderfully with nut paste. Just connect them and rub together.

3. As soon as the nuts with condensed milk turn into a single mass, we begin to add them in small portions to the oil, while continuing to beat.

4. We store the finished cream for no more than three days in the refrigerator, but it is still better to use it right away.

Chocolate peanut butter at home

To make chocolate peanut butter, you need milk chocolate, it is much better with it. The amount of oil is approximate. If the nuts produce little fat, it’s best to add a little more.


250 g of peanuts;

· 90 g of milk chocolate;

12 ml of oil;

1 tsp honey.

Cooking method

1. Dry peanuts in the oven or just fry them in a pan, cool.

2. Grind the blender until the mass becomes a creamy consistency. After that we throw a pinch of salt, add a spoonful of honey. And again, we twist it all pretty well.

3. It is not necessary to pre-melt the chocolate, but also freeze too much. Just hold the tile a little warm. Then break finely or chop, add to the paste. Twist again.

4. Pour in vegetable oil. It remains only once again to interrupt the paste well until smooth.

Maple Syrup Peanut Butter at Home

This paste is produced by one of the most famous manufacturers of products for healthy and dietary nutrition. But this delicacy is easy and simple to make yourself. Moreover, maple syrup is no longer a wonder.


350 g peanuts;

· 2 tablespoons of syrup;

· a pinch of salt.

Cooking method

1. According to the classical scheme, we dry or fry peanuts, cool.

2. Pour the nuts into the blender, twist it well.

3. Add maple syrup and a little salt. Twist everything again. It is better not to add oil to such a paste. Due to the syrup, it will not be too thick. But other nuts or a little cocoa for a variety of tastes can be poured.

Peanut Butter at Home - Useful Tips and Tricks

· If you want to cook peanut butter of different types (with chocolate, candied fruit, coconut flakes, etc.), then it’s better to just make the classic version first, and then put aside small portions and introduce any additives you like.

If peanut butter does not have a very pleasant butter flavor, it can be masked with vanilla, cinnamon, and natural honey.

· Peanuts may have a rancid taste, it is advisable to try nuts before use and chopping.


Watch the video: Homemade crunchy peanut butter with only 4 ingredients!! Ep. 4 (June 2024).