Fitomucil: wonderful lightness of being


All hands on deck!

It is believed that humanity is divided into two halves. One half do not know any problems with bowel movement, while the other suffers from constipation. Perhaps this is the case, and this would not have aroused our interest if it were not for the fact that women suffer from constipation much more often than men. Consequently, the problem is experiencing a beautiful half of humanity, and this is an occasion to sound the alarm! However, it is known that this regrettable disorder affects older people more often than young people and children more often than adults, which means that, like during a shipwreck, we will save women, children and the elderly.

What happens when this happens?

Unfortunately, when the digestive system is impaired, our suffering not only affects the quality of life, but also catches the eye in the form of poor skin color, tired appearance and appearance of wrinkles. As soon as the bowels work fails, fatigue and irritability arise, sleep and mood are disturbed, a feeling of heaviness and self-doubt arises. It is very difficult to concentrate, which means that work also suffers. Begin abdominal pain, heartburn, nausea, headache. And all this is directly related to violations of the intestines.

Causes and Effects

First of all, you need to think about what caused the violation of the bowel. Failure of the intestine due to the use of new products, changes in the usual rhythm of life - for example, travel, during which the diet changes? Or is it a result of diet, nervous breakdown and a sedentary lifestyle? Answering this question to yourself, you should start taking action. In fact, the problem can be solved by consuming the required amount of water. The fact is that clean water, getting into the intestine, softens its contents and allows you to get rid of it quite easily. Ideally, an adult should drink 1.5–2 liters of water per day; purified water without gas is suitable for such an important business. Drunk liquid fills the stomach, creating a feeling of satiety, and the result is obvious - you do not experience feelings of hunger!

Our friends and enemies

Despite the widespread belief that coffee and cigarettes contribute to bowel movements, in fact, it has been proven that both coffee and strong tea, and even more so, cigarettes contribute to constipation along with chocolate, white bread and bananas. To this list of "enemies of the human race" you can add semolina and rice porridge and blueberries. While dairy products are able to work wonders, controlling the lazy gut easily and naturally. The champion among them can rightly be called kefir - it contains beneficial bacteria that help the intestine solve all problems. And among vegetables, besides beet and cabbage, unexpectedly productive is avocado - an unusually useful plant that has recently become so popular with us. Berries with a laxative effect β€” rowan, gooseberry, lingonberry β€” turn out to be useful, and since in winter they can stop with fresh berries, compotes and fruit drinks go well. Extremely useful is sauerkraut, as well as the pickle from it and pickled cucumbers - getting into the intestines, they stimulate its work. Any products that contain the necessary body fiber - whole grain bread and bran, oatmeal, buckwheat and corn flour, raw vegetables and fruits, dried fruits and nuts will help the body survive the winter without problems with digestion.

Without physical education - nowhere!

Very often, our problems are directly related to the lack of muscular load - a sedentary lifestyle leads to stagnation in the intestines. In the process of digestion, the lumbar and sacral parts of the spine are actively involved, which is why light morning exercises are very important in which these areas, along with all the others, are set in motion and receive their necessary share of the load. After all, during the working day, we mostly sit or stand, but do not bend down, do not turn, and sadly, we do not jump or run.

Always in tune with you

It is best to enlist the support of a powerful ally - if it turned out that the flaccid intestine is the result of improper diet. If there are few foods rich in vitamins and fiber, it is time to resort to using "heavy artillery". The natural complex Fitomutsil restores the natural rhythm of the intestines, without forcing additional efforts for this. Once in the intestine, Fitomucil's soluble fibers absorb water, swell up, and turn into a slimy gel that softens its contents. Fitomucil does not cause painful spasms and unexpected urges, like other laxatives, and does not cause addiction. It is enough to dilute one sachet in a glass of juice, kefir, yogurt or just water, as all the problems associated with digestion in women, children over 3 years old and the elderly can be left in the past.

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BAA. There are contraindications


Watch the video: Fitomucil (July 2024).