Mousse cake with mirror glaze - a radiant dessert! Cooking delicious mirror mousse cakes


Glaze glaze is not only beautiful, but also very modern. Now confectioners are already moving away from tasteless mastic, greasy oil colors, and prefer minimalism. The luminous coating looks simply charming, it can be used on any cakes and pastries, but most often they are covered with mousse desserts.

Mirrored icing mousse cake - general principles of preparation

Mousse is a soft and light cream foam with gelatin. The basis is usually dairy products: cream, yoghurts, condensed milk. Preparing the mass is quite simple, you just need to melt the swollen gelatin and beat the rest of the ingredients with a mixer, sometimes something is heated. Mousse can be used as an independent cake, but more often they make a substrate of biscuit. Sand and puff cakes for the base will not work, since you need a gentle addition that does not require effort when slicing.

What you need for a biscuit:

• eggs;

• flour;

• sugar.

There are test options with fats, sour cream, cream, with boiling water. But since you need thin cake, you can not bother with complex recipes. The simplest egg biscuit is suitable; you don’t need to soak anything. By the way, you can take a purchased sponge cake. It is thin, easy to chop.

The finishing touch of the mousse cake is mirror glaze. There are a huge number of recipes, but some of them are too complicated, you need to insist, cool, do something else with the mass. Below is a simple option that will work out for sure. This glaze can be used immediately after cooking, having cooled to the desired temperature.

Mirror icing for mousse cake

The basic recipe for mirror glaze, which is suitable for any mousse cakes. It is very important to work with it at the right temperature, namely 34-35 degrees. The product is good in that it is perfectly stored and can be heated. By adding dyes, you can change the color.


• 150 g of glucose syrup;

• 75 g of water (for glaze);

• 12 g of gelatin;

• 72 g of water (for dissolving gelatin);

• 150 g of sugar;

• 100 g of condensed milk;

• 150 g of white chocolate;

• titanium dioxide (optional).

Cooking method

1. Soak gelatin in water, leave to swell.

2. Combine the water intended for the syrup, sugar, glucose syrup, which can be replaced with invert syrup. Boil.

3. Add titanium dioxide. If cooked without it, then the glaze will be a little transparent.

4. Add the dissolved gelatin, condensed milk, put white chocolate. Stir everything well.

5. Remove from heat, kill with a blender.

6. To avoid glazing in the glaze, strain several times through a fine sieve.

7. If the icing needs to be preserved, it is covered with cling film, but does not allow air to enter. That is, the film must be placed on the mixture itself, and not pulled on top of the vessel.

Mirrored Cherry Mousse Cake

You can use cherries or cherries. The icing is prepared according to the basic recipe, you just need to add the gel red dyes.


• 90 g oils;

• 150 g cream;

• 90 g flour;

• 0.5 tsp cultivator;

• vanillin;

• 25 g of gelatin;

• 300 g of cherries;

• 250 g of yogurt;

• 140 g of sugar. sand;

• a pair of eggs.

Cooking method

1. Beat two eggs with 90 grams of granulated sugar. The rest of the sand will go to the mousse. Pour melted, but cooled oil. Add flour and cultivator. Knead the dough to send to the form. Bake at 180 degrees.

2. Soak gelatin in 70 ml of water, leave to swell. Time is indicated on the package.

3. Whip the cream into the sugar foam that remains.

4. Add yogurt to the cream. You can take any suitable taste: cherries, cherries or a mixture of berries and fruits. Stir.

5. Melt gelatin, add to mousse. Stir.

6. Add cherries or cherries to the mass of berries, having previously taken out the seeds from them.

7. Put the baked and cooled biscuit in a detachable form, pour in mousse, put in the freezer for half an hour. Mirror glaze is used only on chilled desserts.

8. Prepare the icing, paint in pink or red, cherry color, as you like.

9. Remove the cake from the freezer, put on a bowl, which will be a leg. Pour glaze, the temperature of which does not exceed 35 degrees. But you don’t need to cool too much, otherwise there will be stains.

10. Cut off the dripping drops with a knife.

Chocolate Mousse Cake with Mirror Glaze

Who doesn't like chocolate? The recipe for a terrific cake under a mirror glaze that all sweet tooth will appreciate. Almond cake is being prepared for him.


• 30 grams of almond flour;

• 90 grams of sugar;

• 90 grams of chocolate;

• 50 grams of flour;

• two eggs;

• 90 grams of oil.


• 50 grams of water;

• 12 grams of gelatin;

• 85 grams of chocolate;

• 400 grams of cream;

• two yolks;

• vanilla.

Chocolate glaze:

• 10 grams of gelatin;

• 210 grams of sugar;

• 80 grams of cocoa;

• 150 ml of water;

• 70 grams of chocolate;

• 0.1 liter cream.

Cooking method

1. Melt chocolate and butter, remove and cool slightly, it is not worth overheating the mass.

2. Beat sugar with eggs in a froth, add the melted mass, add both types of flour, stir.

3. Pour the biscuit mass into a mold of about 20 cm.

4. Send the almond cake to the oven, bake until cooked. Then cool thoroughly, remove from the mold, remove the parchment and put it back.

5. Cooking chocolate mousse. Soak gelatin in water. Grind the yolks with sand, add vanillin.

6. Heat the cream, add a spoon to the yolks, stir constantly. Then put on the stove, heat the mass to 85 degrees. Add gelatin, broken chocolate pieces. Stir until dissolved, can already be removed from the fire.

7. Beat the mousse with a mixer, pour biscuit cake. Put the cake in the freezer.

8. For specular glaze, soak gelatin in water (40 ml). Boil sugar with cocoa, cream and remaining water, remove from heat, add broken chocolate, then gelatin, mix until completely dissolved. Strain.

9. Remove the ring from the form, transfer the dessert to a plate or circle, substitute something for it for elevation. Pour the cake placed on the leg with icing, the temperature of which is 35-37 degrees.

Creamy Mousse Cake with Mirror Glaze

The recipe for a simple and quick mousse cake with cottage cheese and mascarpone. Glaze can be prepared in any color according to the basic recipe, it can be found just above. The base is simple from cookies, that is, you do not need to bake anything.


• 25 g of gelatin;

• 500 g of mascarpone;

• 150 g cream;

• 130 g of powder;

• 70 ml of water;

• 250 g of cookies;

• 100 g of oil 72%;

• 3 tbsp. l chopped nuts.

Cooking method

1. Mix gelatin with water, leave for at least 15 minutes.

2. Grind cookies with butter, add nuts, stir. Put in a detachable form, distribute with an even cake, put in the freezer.

3. Beat cream and powder, add mascarpone to them, to taste vanilla.

4. Melt gelatin, pour into mousse, beat again. Put the mass on the cake. Put in the freezer again, stand for 3.5-40 minutes.

5. Pour the icing cooked according to the basic recipe.

Mousse cake "Coffee Flavor" with mirror glaze

A chic version of the mousse cake with two flavors and a mirror glaze. The biscuit is cooked the most ordinary. Glaze is made according to the basic recipe, you can color in any color.


• a pair of eggs;

• 65 g of flour;

• 80 g of sugar.

Coffee Mousse:

• 0.06 liters of milk;

• two yolks;

• 0.15 liters of cream;

• 30 g of sugar. sand;

• 10 g of coffee (usually instant);

• 10 g of gelatin (additional 30 grams of water).

Caramel Mousse:

• 0.1 kg of sugar. sand;

• 15 ml of water;

• two proteins and one full egg;

• 25 grams of flour;

• half a liter of milk (whole 3.2);

• 20 grams of gelatin (additional 50 g of water);

• 0.1 liter cream;

• 1 tsp creamy oils.

Cooking method

1. Beat up a couple of eggs with sugar, add flour, pour into a mold. Cook sponge cake at 200 degrees, as the layer is thin. Cool.

2. For coffee mousse, pour gelatin with water, let it swell.

3. Combine instant coffee with milk, heat on a stove, but do not boil, add yolks crushed with sugar, warm a little, remove the cream from the heat.

4. Whip the cream into foam. Add gelatin to the coffee cream first, mix until dissolved, then cool, add cream. Stir and pour on chilled cake. Put in the freezer.

5. Soak gelatin for caramel mousse.

6. For caramel, pour 50 g of sugar into a pan and pour 15 ml of water. Put on fire, boil until amber. Add oil. Stir and pour in hot cream. Remove caramel from the fire.

7. Mix the egg and protein, add sugar and half the milk. Boil the second part, pour in a thin stream into this mass, warm everything on the stove together. Stir, the mixture should become thicker.

8. Add gelatin to the cream, mix quickly, put the caramel. Shuffle again. Beat the mass with a mixer for a couple of minutes.

9. Place the caramel mousse on top of the cured coffee layer. Put in the freezer for half an hour.

10. Prepare a mirror glaze, pour over a coffee cake.

Mousse cake with a mirror glaze "Strawberry"

A variant of cottage cheese mousse cake without a base, that is, cake is not necessary to bake. Strawberries can be taken fresh or frozen. Mirror the glaze in pink or red.


• 500 g of cottage cheese;

• 0.3 liters of cream 33%;

• 80 ml of water;

• 1 tbsp. powder

• 250 g of strawberries;

• 25 g of gelatin;

• mirror glaze.

Cooking method

1. Grind cottage cheese or grind in a combine.

2. Pour gelatin, let it swell.

3. Whip the cream until cool, gradually add fine powder. Pour dye into the mousse if desired.

4. Add melted gelatin. Put the grated curd. Gently whip the cream at low speeds, for a long time this does not need to be done.

5. Add strawberries, stir and transfer the whole mass into a silicone mold.

6. Put in the refrigerator for three hours.

7. Carefully remove the mousse cake on a plate, pour the icing prepared according to the basic recipe.

Mirror Glaze Mousse Cake - Tips & Tricks

• Mirror glaze can be prepared in advance, it is perfectly in the refrigerator for a week. You can also clean unspent residues. If not enough for a cake, then you can cover another dessert, for example, a cake.

• It is better to warm the frozen glaze in a water bath, regularly checking the temperature. In no case should you overexpose or boil, this will negatively affect the quality of the product.


Watch the video: Chocolate mousse cake by food experiment (June 2024).