Korzhiki, as in childhood - recipes for delicious nostalgia! Cooking at home dairy, nut, sand, curd shortbread, as in childhood


Korzhik for tea is not modest, but amazingly tasty. In distant childhood, they were sold at every step, and also prepared in many homes. There are a lot of test recipes for shortcakes, but here are old and time-tested. Remember the same taste?

Korzhiki, as in childhood - the general principles of preparation

Usually shortbread dough or shortbread dough, but with the addition of dairy products. There is a wonderful recipe with the addition of cottage cheese, it can be found below. All types of dough are kneaded by hand, do not require alignment, that is, they are done quickly enough. Sometimes it takes time to soften the oil, it is taken out on the table in advance.

What else is added to the dough:



· Rippers;

· Salt.

After kneading, it is immediately rolled out, crusts are squeezed with molds. You can simply cut them using a curly roller or ordinary knife. Finished products are immediately laid on a baking sheet, which is better to lay, but you can simply lubricate it. Before baking, homemade cakes are often greased with an egg or only with yolk. Top them can be sprinkled with nuts, sugar, different seeds.

Dairy cakes, as in childhood: a recipe in accordance with GOST

It was these shortbreads that were sold in shops and school canteens in ancient times. Recipe according to GOST with whole milk. You can replace the butter with margarine.


100 ml of milk;

510 grams of flour;

· 120 grams of oil;

260 grams of sugar;


· 10 grams of cultivator;

0.2 tsp vanillin.

Cooking method

1. Beat the egg with a fork, pour half. One part is needed for the dough, and the second will be left for greasing the cake before baking.

2. Soften butter or margarine, grind with granulated sugar and egg. You can beat with a mixer. Once the mass is creamy, you can add milk at room temperature.

3. Pour vanilla, followed by flour with baking powder. Knead the milk dough for shortcakes.

4. It is not necessary to lie down to the dough, on a table sprinkled with flour, roll out the layer. Who remembers those shortbreads were about a centimeter thick. But since the dough is still rising, it is enough to make a layer of about 6-7 mm.

5. We squeeze out the cake with a mold in the form of flowers, rhombs or other shapes. Can be cut arbitrarily with a special roller knife. Immediately transfer to a baking sheet.

6. Top grease with an egg, send to bake.

7. Prepare milk cakes at 210 degrees for no more than 12 minutes, 9-10 may be enough, it all depends on the oven. The dough is very sweet, so you need to carefully monitor so as not to burn anything.

Shortbread, as in childhood: a recipe for margarine

Krezhik's recipe, as in childhood on ordinary margarine. They are sandy, slightly crumbly, but very different from modern cookies. You can use butter for cooking, it will be even tastier.


180 grams of margarine;

200 grams of sugar;

· 3.5-4 tbsp. flour;

· 2 grams of cultivator;

· 2 eggs.

Cooking method

1. Cut the margarine into pieces of any size, add granulated sugar to it and send it together to a water bath. You can use a bowl or a small saucepan for kneading, it will also be convenient to cook in it.

2. Once the margarine is melted, remove it from the bath and let it cool slightly, you can not use the hot mixture.

3. Add eggs, shake with a whisk.

4. Combine the flour with the cultivator. Sometimes it is not added, but it’s still better to put it so that the dough is soft and slightly porous. Pour, knead.

5. Transfer the soft mass to a sheet of parchment and cover with a second such sheet. You can just take baking paper. We roll through parchment up to 8-10 millimeters. If there is no such paper, then you can just sprinkle the dough with flour and roll it out with a rolling pin.

6. Squeeze the cakes of round or any other shape, transfer to a greased baking sheet.

7. Optionally, grease with egg or water, sprinkle with large sugar.

8. Put the baking sheet in the oven, at 200 degrees, shortbread shortcakes are baked for about 12-14 minutes. We are guided by color.

Korzhiki, as in childhood: a recipe with nuts

For the preparation of such shortcakes from childhood, peanuts are indicated in the recipe. But if you wish, you can sprinkle the product with walnuts, seeds or sesame seeds, even poppy seeds will do. The main thing is to strictly follow the recipe of the test.


· 0.5 tbsp. Sahara;

· 2 tbsp. flour;

· 2 eggs;

200 grams of oil;

· 0.5 cup chopped peanuts;

1 yolk.

Cooking method

1. Send the oil to the bowl, keep it warm until soft, then add sugar and whisk together with a mixer until fluffy.

2. Add one egg first, continue whisking. Then lay out the second egg, beat the mixture until smooth.

3. Pour in flour, knead soft dough, you can immediately put it on the table, roll it in a layer. Thickness around centimeter. The dough can also be prepared in advance, in which case it needs to be covered or put in a container, put in the refrigerator.

4. Squeeze or cut the shortcakes, transfer to a baking sheet.

5. Beat the yolk with a spoon of water, quickly grease all the shortcakes.

6. Sprinkle with nuts on top. They need to be chopped in advance, but in no case do not fry. Otherwise, they simply burn in the oven. It is also important to sprinkle greased shortcakes immediately, otherwise the egg will dry out, the nuts will not have time to brown.

Bake until golden brown. Cooked walnuts at 200 degrees.

Korzhiki, as in childhood: a recipe for kefir

The basic recipe for kefir test for shortbread, as in childhood. Why basic? Just a handful of poppy seeds, nuts, grated zest can be added to it at will. Kefir is optionally replaced with yogurt or fermented baked milk. In any case, everything will turn out perfectly, the amount of flour during the batch can only slightly change.


· 230 grams of sugar;

450 grams of flour;

· 250 grams of kefir or other dairy product;

1 egg

· 5 grams of soda;

50 grams of oil;

· a pinch of salt.

Cooking method

1. Leave 50 grams of sugar, pour the rest of the sand into a bowl.

2. Lightly melt the butter. If small lumps remain, then it's okay to add to sugar.

3. Shake the egg. Pour half into the dough and leave a little to grease the cakes.

4. Add kefir to the total mass. And immediately pour soda into it. Stir everything together.

5. Add flour, quickly knead the dough.

6. Roll out on the table about a centimeter thick, squeeze out any kind of cake, transfer to a baking sheet.

7. Grease with an egg, sprinkle with the rest of granulated sugar. Bake until cooked.

Korzhiki, as in childhood: a recipe for sour cream

For such shortbread from childhood, you can use any sour cream, but still it is better to take at least 20% fat. In this case, the dough will turn out unusually soft, tender, delight in taste.


A glass of sour cream;

· one egg;

· 60 grams of oil or take margarine;

· 1 yolk for lubrication of shortcakes;

· 5 tablespoons of sugar;

· 2 cups of flour;

· 10 grams of cultivator;

· Seeds, nuts to taste.

Cooking method

1. In a dry bowl, pour the cultivator, add the sifted flour and a pinch of fine salt, stir.

2. We make a hole in the center of the flour pile. We break the whole egg there and shake it slightly, spread the sour cream and softened butter. If there is no time to keep it warm, then you can melt the butter and just do not bring it to a hot state.

3. Immerse a spoon, start to rotate in a circle, slowly knead the dough. Take out a spoon, mash with your hands.

4. Roll out a layer, cut into shortbreads of arbitrary shape.

5. Transfer to a baking sheet, top with whipped yolk. You can add a spoonful of water in it so that no strips remain, the brush spread well. Sprinkle with any seeds if desired.

6. Bake in the oven until the sour cream crusts are browned.

Sugar cakes, as in childhood: recipe with cottage cheese

The recipe for cottage cheese or curd cake. The dough is unusually fragrant, it can be supplemented with cinnamon, seeds, nuts on the owl discretion, but even without all this, the baking is excellent. Fat curd arbitrary.


· 400 grams of flour;

250 grams of cottage cheese;

1 tsp cultivator;

· 2 tbsp. l sah. powder

1 yolk

· 140 grams of sugar sprinkled;

· 2 eggs;

200 grams of oil;

· Salt and vanilla.

Cooking method

1. Grate or chop the butter with a knife.

2. Pour flour into a bowl, add salt, optionally vanilla and put the prepared butter. Grind everything together until smooth.

3. Grind the eggs with powdered sugar, you can beat with a whisk.

4. Combine the grated curd with eggs, transfer to flour mixture.

5. Knead the usual soft dough for rolling.

6. Roll a rolling pin into a layer, cut shortcakes, shift.

7. Lubricate all products with yolk, sprinkle thickly with sugar. We try not to get on a baking sheet so that the grains do not burn.

8. Bake at 200. Place sugar cakes on a plate carefully so that the sand does not crumble.

Korzhiki, as in childhood - useful tips and tricks

· If the crusts are squeezed out with molds, then many scraps remain. This dough is rolled out again, squeezed out, collected. But with each subsequent time it “drags on”, the pastries will not be so tasty, tough. Therefore, it is better the third time the layer is simply divided with a knife and not subjected to the next batch.

· The sweeter the dough, the faster the baking is browned. Therefore, you need to be very careful not to burn anything.

· Korzhiki do not rise much in the oven, but still you need to leave a distance between them. So the heat will be evenly distributed, the products are baked equally.

· It is not necessary to form large crusts. From any dough you can squeeze a small cookie. This is especially convenient if the baking is intended for children.


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