Treatment of mastitis with folk remedies at home, how? Decades of mastitis proven for decades


Mastitis - This is an inflammatory process of the mammary glands, which occurs mostly in nursing mothers and manifests itself:

• increase in temperature,

• chills, headache, weakness,

• pain in the mammary glands of a pulling nature,

• breast enlargement, discomfort in the chest,

• the formation of edema inside the breast gland with redness of the skin above it.

As a rule, lactating women suffer from this disease, but with hormonal disorders it occurs in nulliparous women, and even infants. Depending on lactational and non-lactational mastitis.

Causes of mastitis

Reason 1. The most common cause of the disease is Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, which is transmitted from the nasopharynx of the newborn during breastfeeding (especially if the mother neglects hygiene rules). Infection begins to appear when it enters the connective tissue. Then cracks form, sores on the nipples. If no measures are taken in a timely manner, the bacteria enter the deeper tissues and then purulent inflammation of the mammary gland is already developing.

Reason 2. The foci of a chronic disease that are in the body (pyelonephritis; tonsillitis; "stomatogenic focus") that fall on the mammary glands are also capable of provoking mastitis.

Reason 3. Milk stagnation. Occurs with improper or careless expressing. This is dangerous because a congestion forms in the ducts, due to which feeding becomes painful, and since there are many nutrients in milk, it is an ideal environment for the development of bacteria.

Reason 4. Draft from open window, overheating or overcooling.

Reason 5. Tight bra.

Methods of combating mastitis: medication or treatment with folk remedies at home

The disease develops very quickly, within one to two days, therefore, at the first signs, it is necessary to begin the fight against sore. So with an unreleased form, it may be effective to treat mastitis with folk remedies at home. But in any case, it is worth contacting a specialist for a more accurate examination and treatment appointment.

So serous mastitis can be cured by using drugs that relieve inflammation and inhibit the growth of bacteria. As anesthesia, local anesthetics are used. It is not bad to use folk remedies in the complex.

With a purulent form of mastitis, they manage it in an operative way. Also take antibiotics in the postoperative period.

Important! Treatment should be started at the first sign! In this case, mastitis is easier to cure. If measures are not taken during its development, mastitis threatens to develop into breast cancer.

Recipes for the treatment of mastitis at home with folk remedies

In the treatment of mastopathy, a very good effect can be obtained by applying the knowledge accumulated among the people. If this is the initial form of the sore, it can be dealt with by treating mastitis with folk remedies at home. In more complex cases, you can get the effect using the recipes of traditional medicine in combination with drug treatment. But in any situation, the advice of a doctor can not be neglected.

Dill seeds for mastitis

Dill seeds have a unique chemical composition. The trace elements and vitamins that they contain are able to accelerate the recovery of women suffering from mastitis. In this case, sulfur, phosphorus, zinc, selenium help get rid of inflammation.

Recipe 1. Decoction of dill seeds


• dill seeds - 1 tablespoon;

• water - 0.5 liters.

To prepare a decoction, the seeds must be poured with water, brought to a boil, boiled for a couple of minutes, insisted, cooled. Use the broth 3 times a day in small portions.

Honey with mastitis

Recipe 1. Honey Compress

In the early stages of mastopathy, honey is a very effective remedy. With milk stagnation, there is nothing easier than treating mastitis at home with folk remedies than applying a compress with honey. It has an analgesic, warming effect, the pumping process becomes not so painful. Impose it in the evening without expressing milk.

Important! Such a compress with milk stagnation can be done only on the first day of the onset of the disease.

Recipe 2. Honey Tortilla


• honey;

• flour.

The ingredients must be taken in equal proportions, mixed. Insulate on top with polyethylene, a warm scarf. 15-20 minutes is enough for the cake to work.

Note. Instead of cakes, you can simply spread the breast with honey, cover with polyethylene, and insulate.

Cabbage with mastitis

Cabbage has long been considered an excellent tool for the treatment of various sores. Mastitis is no exception. In addition to the fact that cabbage leaves can act as an anesthetic, they also have a beneficial effect on the general condition. Being affordable and cheap, they can have an antibacterial and preventive effect.

Recipe 1. Cabbage Wrap

For the procedure, you need to take a fresh cabbage leaf, beat it on the inside so that it releases juice, put the leaf on the chest with the inside, fix it with a bandage, but not tight, so that the blood flow in the body does not break. It is better to do this procedure before bedtime, leave it overnight.

Note! Instead of a cabbage leaf, a burdock or coltsfoot leaf can be used with the same effect. But before applying, scalding with boiling water is a mandatory procedure.

Herbal treatment for mastitis

In the treatment of many diseases, medicinal plants are very often used. The recipes that our great-grandmothers once used in their time received a scientific justification. Many herbs are applied externally, but there are those from which decoctions are prepared for internal use.

Collection of succession, motherwort and yarrow


• series - 2 tbsp. l .;

• motherwort - 2 tbsp. l .;

• yarrow - 2 tbsp. l;

• boiled water - 1 liter.

Collection of herbs should be poured in a thermos, insist for 1 hour. Take one glass before a meal. Such a decoction can be consumed for a long time (up to six months).

Burdock root broth

For cooking use burdock root. One tablespoon should be poured with a liter of boiling water, insist, drink 3 times during the day.

Mastopathy prophylaxis

A nursing mother should be attentive to the condition of the nipples. Any cracks, damage for which proper care was not taken on time, can cause mastopathy. So if you saw any wounds, you should start using special pads when feeding, treat the nipples themselves with saline, sea buckthorn oil. And the simplest option is laundry soap, which is found in every home.

Of no small importance is how the mother puts the baby to her breast. In the first weeks of the baby's life, a little milk should be decanted before feeding. If milk remains in the breast after feeding, it must be decanted, and if necessary, it must also be done between feeding.

Nursing mothers should wear special underwear. An important point is the need to avoid hypothermia, pay attention to personal hygiene.

So that milk does not thicken in streams, you should drink a sufficient amount of liquid. So a woman’s body produces from 1 to 1.5 liters of milk per day, so the amount of liquid drunk should be from 2 to 2.5 liters per day. It can be water (spring, spring or filtered, yoghurts, kefir milk with or without tea, compote, herbal or regular tea).


Watch the video: TRACO 2015: Breast Cancer - Clinical Trials (July 2024).