You do not know, for what reason reduces cheekbones? Find out why this happens and what treatment will be needed if it reduces cheekbones.


Sometimes when yawning, such an unpleasant phenomenon as muscle spasm can occur. The cause of this ailment cannot be identified on its own. A dentist, surgeon, otolaryngologist or neurologist will help to understand and help find out the cause, as well as overcome it. The consequence could be a long-standing injury, thus reminding oneself. Then the compress is able to help. But among very harmless factors, very serious ones are sometimes encountered.

The term "cramp" by doctors means spontaneous muscle contraction of any part of the body subsequently overload or under the influence of other factors. It manifests itself as a sharp pain, which usually passes quickly. It reduces cheekbones not exclusively in people of a certain age, absolutely everyone is subject to this.

Reasons: Why reduces cheekbones

If a seizure has occurred once or such a phenomenon is very rare and passes quickly enough, it can be ignored. But if he regularly reduces his cheekbones, the reason is to find out immediately. They can be the following:

• stresses;

• excitement;

• muscle strain;

• diseases of teeth and gums;

• strong grip of teeth in a dream;

• residual phenomenon during yawning;

• disorders in the cervical spine.

The pain, when it reduces the cheekbones, can be felt of a different nature.

Depending on its 4 types:

• somotalgia is an unpleasant manifestation in the form of a neurological reaction of nerves, in particular trigeminal;

• sympathalgia - the pain is burning, throbbing;

• prosopalgia - pain is felt in the face and cheekbones. Often accompanied by depression. The cause of prosopalgia may be pathology of the internal organs.

If it reduces the jaw, as well as the cheekbones of the face, the cause may be diseases such as arthritis or arthrosis, as well as joint dysfunction.

Such manifestations may be accompanied by a lack of blood supply. If such symptoms are observed, you must immediately consult a doctor to find out the causes and treatment of the disease.

After all, if it reduces cheekbones, treatment started on time will help to avoid complications in the future, and possibly surgical intervention. You can not do without consulting a vascular surgeon.

Chewing cheekbones

If the muscles are overstressed, this in itself threatens to reduce the cheekbones. This can happen while chewing solid foods.

Such spasms can occur even with slight damage to the joint, and if before the place had a dislocation of it, then even insignificant loads during eating in one way or another will not let us forget about it.

What to do if it reduces cheekbones while chewing? If such a nuisance occurs, you should stop chewing and empty your mouth. Further, massage is able to finally overcome cramps. Do not put too much pressure on the areas, the massage should be light, but you need to massage for at least 10 minutes.

Cramp of cheekbones from nerves

The nervous system instantly responds to any problems in the body. Cramping in the cheekbones is no exception. Psychosomatics explains this phenomenon as follows: nerve lesions may be absent, but muscles that are in constant tension lead to the fact that the cheekbones begin to reduce. That convulsions of the cheekbones occur due to a disorder of the nervous system, which is often caused by external factors independent of ourselves: the effect of stressful situations on the body, increased emotionality. All this negatively affects the state of mind, and, accordingly, on our health.

What to do when it reduces the cheekbones and jaw in a dream? Those who had to go through such an unpleasant sensation are wondering. Indeed, in this case, cramps occur during sleep. Compresses are powerless here, but taking a sedative will not hurt.

Advice! To distract and relax is what is now necessary. And also do not forget about a light massage of the areas of the face that are compressed from cramps.

But if the spasm even disappears, you should not postpone going to the doctor. You should contact a neurologist. There may be neuralgia, psychological diseases, inflammation of the nerves.

Drives the cheekbones while yawning

Cramps can occur during yawning. Often this happens if a person had been injured before. It is its consequence that there may be cramping during yawning, as well as mild swelling of the face. In this case, you should find out the cause from the dentist, surgeon, neurologist. It will also be nice to use cooling compresses. And to reduce muscle tension, do not eat hard foods. Food should be soft structure.

Other reasons

Perhaps it reduces your cheekbones for the reason that it has passed through you. Then compresses will help. But if this happens more than once, leaving the problem unattended is unacceptable. Cramps of the cheekbones can indicate a serious illness, and self-medication often not only does not bring the expected result, but it can also be unsafe. To find out the cause, you will have to visit several doctors who can make the correct diagnosis.

1. The dentist. If it reduces the cheekbones, the cause may be diseases of the teeth and gums.

2. Otolaryngologist, since in this way inflammation in the ears or sinusitis can be felt.

3. Neurologist. After all, our nervous system instantly responds to any disturbances in the body.

4. The surgeon, especially if the place had long-standing injuries.

Diagnosis: what to do if it reduces cheekbones

First of all, you need to remember, as a result of which convulsions appear and how they are accompanied.

You cannot postpone visiting a doctor if:

• cramps are accompanied by fever;

• there is swelling, even if it is slight;

• cramps are accompanied by severe pain;

• the eye begins to hurt;

• the pain does not subside even when massaging the cheekbones;

• throbbing pain.

So, to independently identify the cause of spasm of the cheekbones is almost impossible. The doctor will examine the patient, prescribe which tests to take, and select the necessary examination methods.

In most cases, in such cases, doctors send for computed tomography, prescribe a x-ray of the sinuses, and a general blood test should also be taken.

Based on it, by the number of leukocytes and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, we can assume the presence of such diseases as:

• ethmoiditis is an inflammatory process of various etiologies of the mucous membrane of the ethmoid cells;

• frontal sinusitis is a disease in which inflammation of the frontal sinus occurs;

• sinusitis is a disease characterized by inflammation occurring in the maxillary sinus or sinuses;

• tonsillitis is an inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsils, the largest of them are palatine (commonly called glands). This disease can also manifest as a sore throat.

Radiography helps to determine the presence or absence of a disease such as sinusitis. If the disease occurs, a darkening will be clearly visible in the image. For further treatment, you must consult an ENT doctor.

A tomographic examination can confirm or refute the presence of the following sores:

• cerebral aneurysms;

• multiple sclerosis;

• thrombosis of the sinus of cavernous origin;

• neoplasm.

In this case, you should contact several specialists: a neurosurgeon, rheumatologist, optometrist, ENT doctor, dentist.

Treatment: what will help if it reduces cheekbones

If the patient is examined and the disease is confirmed, treatment should be started.

If the patient reduces the cheekbones, treatment in combination with essential drugs may require the use of anticonvulsant drugs. Also, these are antibiotics in combination with non-steroidal drugs of group B (a group of drugs that have analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects). The most famous of them is aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), as well as: diflunisal, lysine monoacetylsalicylate, phenylbutazone, indomethacin, sulindac, etodolac, diclofenac, piroxicam, tenoxicam, lornoxicam, meloxicam, and ibuprofen confirms this and others. cheekbones, as a treatment, the doctor prescribes to take anti-migraine drugs.

Important! Reflexotherapy, as well as acupressure, acupuncture and psychotherapy are effective for the treatment of such diseases.

In addition, the doctor may prescribe antidepressants and tranquilizers, because the main focus of the pain syndrome may be psychological disorders, a weak state of mind.


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