Chocolate Chip Cookies: A step-by-step recipe for tidbits. Cooking delicious and fragrant chocolate chip cookies according to step by step recipes


Cookies are great pastries for breakfast or a simple tea party, especially if they are homemade and chocolate. Such a dessert will appeal to children and adults, it will delight you with a seductive aroma and will be a wonderful treat. Here are collected step-by-step recipes for chocolate cookies of different types.

Chocolate Cookies - General Cooking Principles

For the preparation of cookies, cocoa powder is most often used and chocolate and hard confectionery glaze are very rarely added to the dough. When choosing cocoa powder, it is best to give preference to a natural product without sugar and additional flavors. So that there are no lumps in the dough, cocoa is mixed with flour, sieved through a sieve and only then added to the dough.

What else may be present in the recipe:

• sour cream, milk, cream;

• different types of oil and fat;

• sugar sand or powder;

• eggs;

• baking powder, soda.

The name of the products and their quantity directly depends on the recipe and type of cookies. If the dough is shortbread, then only oils and fatty dairy products are added to it. If soft and airy baking is being prepared, liquids are present in the ingredients. Most often this is milk, below is a step-by-step recipe for chocolate chip cookies with brewed coffee. If the cookie is made from tough dough, then it can be rolled out and shaped into any shape using cuttings. Of the semi-liquid and soft dough, circles are most often made, which are laid out with a spoon or hands soaked in water.

Chocolate cookies are always baked in the oven on baking sheets. Since the dough is dark, you need to monitor the readiness, it is important not to scorch and not overdry. Ready cookies need to be slightly cooled, then removed and transferred to the total mass. If a layer is used in the recipe, then the baking must be well cooled beforehand, otherwise the cream or chocolate will leak, it will not work to apply a thick layer.

Chocolate chip cookies: a step by step recipe (sour cream dough)

A step-by-step recipe for chocolate dough cookies with sour cream and butter. If desired, use confectionery fat or margarine. We take any sour cream. For the layer, you will additionally need chocolate and butter, but you can use any cream or not lubricate anything at all.


• a glass of sour cream;

• 0.4-0.5 kg of flour;

• 250 grams of oil (fat or margarine);

• 150 grams of powder;

• bag (standard 10 g) of the cultivator;

• three eggs;

• three tablespoons of cocoa;

• salt, vanilla.

For the layer you need a bar of chocolate and 50 grams of butter.


1. Break the eggs into a bowl. If they are small, then we take four things. Add a pinch of salt. Immerse the mixer, beat exactly five minutes at high speeds.

2. Oil needs to be taken out in heat in advance, we cut into pieces and allow to soften.

3. Add the prescription amount of powdered sugar to the oil, first stir with a spoon so as not to spray. Then immerse the mixer, you can not wash it. Beat fat at high speed until white and light splendor.

4. Gradually add sour cream to the oil. We continue to beat, it is already possible to reduce the speed.

5. Turn off and remove the mixer, shake off the fat.

6. Add beaten eggs, stir with a spatula.

7. Pour flour into a sieve, but not all at once. It may take a little less, it all depends on the quality of sour cream, oil. While we use 400 grams. We measure with a spoon of cocoa, add to the flour. Immediately fall asleep baking powder. Sift it all together.

8. Enter the flour mixture into the fat mass for the dough. First stir with a spatula, then you can knead with your hands. We make not liquid, but not thick dough. If there is not enough chocolate flour, then add more as needed.

9. Put the dough for half an hour in the refrigerator. You can put it in the freezer for ten minutes.

10. Put the dough on the table, roll out a layer of it. So that the rolling pin does not stick, lightly sprinkle the mass with flour, but do not hammer, otherwise the baking will turn out to be tough. Plast we make thin approximately 4 millimeters. When baking, the cookies will still rise.

11. Squeeze out a glass of circles. It is important to use a glass with a thin edge. If the dough will follow him, then pre-dip the edges in flour.

12. Squeeze out all the cookies. We collect the scraps of dough again, roll it out and squeeze it out again until the mass is over.

13. We shift the round cookies onto a baking sheet. We leave a place between them.

14. Put in a heated oven. The temperature in the oven is 190 degrees. Baking time about twelve minutes.

15. Cookies cool until cold.

16. Break the chocolate into cubes, add the butter to it, it is better to cut it. We put in a water bath, melt the layer.

17. Lubricate one cookie with chocolate mass, cover with a second cookie. We do the same with all the baked goods and icing.

Chocolate Chip Cookies: A Step-by-Step Recipe for Vegetable Oil

An unusual version of cookies with cracks on the surface. Baking is very soft, aromatic. In a step-by-step recipe for chocolate chip cookies, powdered sugar is also used to roll the finished baked goods.


• two eggs;

• 0.5 tbsp. oils (100 ml);

• 0.5 tbsp. Sahara;

• 2 tbsp. flour;

• 30 grams of cocoa;

• 1 tsp cultivator;

• powder.


1. All products must be removed from the refrigerator half an hour before kneading the dough so that they become approximately the same temperature.

2. Beat the eggs in a bowl, add granulated sugar, beat until fluffy foam.

3. Pour oil into the eggs. We take a refined product so that the cookies do not have any extraneous aromas.

4. Add flour to the dough, combined with cocoa powder. If soda is added instead of the cultivator, it must be repaid. If a baking cultivator is used, then we fall asleep right here. Knead the chocolate dough.

5. Cover the dough with cling film, put in the refrigerator. We stand a quarter of an hour.

6. Turn on the oven to 180 degrees, let it warm up. Immediately prepare the baking sheets. It is best to cover it with baking paper, parchment, a silicone rug. Or just lubricate.

7. We get the chilled dough. We pluck off a piece, roll up the ball. We make about a walnut in size.

8. We roll each ball in icing sugar before baking. Spread on a baking sheet. Leave the distance between the cookies at least five centimeters.

9. Once the dough has been cut, put the baking tray with chocolate chip cookies in a preheated oven.

10. We follow the baking. Soon, the cookies will slightly blur, rise, and chocolate cracks will appear on the surface.

11. On average, the baking time will be about ten minutes, sometimes it increases to fifteen if the oven is weak. Do not overdry.

12. Remove the pan from the oven. Let the cookies cool slightly.

13. We shift to a plate or dish, serve for tea.

Fragrant Chocolate Chip Cookies: A Step-by-Step Recipe with Coffee

A variant of a not very simple, but amazingly delicious chocolate chip cookie with a deep coffee aroma and a delicate creamy layer. It is advisable to brew a drink from ground grains. If desired, another cream can be used. Also in a step-by-step recipe for chocolate cookies there is sour cream, butter.


• 200 g of oil;

• a glass of sour cream;

• a glass of fresh hot coffee;

• two glasses of sugar;

• 2.5 tablespoons of cocoa;

• two eggs;

• four glasses of flour;

• 2 tsp soda;

• 0.5 tsp baking baking powder;

• vanilla.

Cream for the interlayer:

• a glass of milk;

• 3 tablespoons of flour;

• 100 g of oil;

• egg;

• a bag of vanilla;

• a glass of sugar.


1. Eggs sent to a bowl, add 1.4 cups of granulated sugar, grind as much as possible.

2. Soften the butter in a bowl, add the remaining sugar, beat until fluffy, add sour cream at room temperature, stir.

3. Connect both masses with a mixer, pour in fresh coffee, stir. If the mass does not turn out homogeneous, then nothing is wrong. It will be easier to stir with flour.

4. Combine flour, cocoa powder, sift, add half to the dough, stir.

5. To extinguish the baking soda, fill in the cultivator and the remaining flour, knead the dough. It will be a little soft, viscous.

6. Cover the baking sheets with parchment or silicone rugs.

7. Spoon the cookies, leaving enough space between them. For one cookie, one spoonful of dough is enough. We try to make them the same among themselves, we do not stretch the heaps.

8. We send chocolate cookies to bake in the oven. Temperature 180. The process takes 10-11 minutes.

9. Prepare the layer. To do this, beat the egg with sugar, add milk, add vanillin and put on the stove. Only yolk can be used. But if there is nowhere to put the protein, then we add the whole.

10. Prepare the filling until thickened. Then remove from the stove, cool. To speed up the process, you can put the pan in cold water.

11. Add oil to the cooled cream, whisk for a minute.

12. Cool the cooked cookies, remove from the pan.

13. We layered cookies with the prepared filling, glue together.

Chocolate Cookies - Tips & Tricks

• If the cookies are made from greasy shortcrust pastry, then the baking sheet can not be greased, just lightly dust it with flour.

• Any cookie will look more beautiful if it is decorated with icing, colored sweets, creams.

• Modern butter is increasingly having a low fat content. It is advisable to use a product of at least 70%. Same thing with margarine. Manufacturers are cunning, they produce 40 and 50% baking products, but cookies and pies from them are not very tasty.

• Please note that butter and margarine are increasingly sold in packs of 180 g each. If 1 pack is indicated in the recipe, then we are talking about 200 grams, that is, you need to add a little more. In the absence of a similar product, you can pour a little vegetable oil or put a spoonful of fat sour cream.


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