Dumplings with potatoes: step by step recipes for everyone's favorite dish. Cooking delicious dumplings with potatoes step by step recipes


Dumplings with potatoes - it's easy, tasty and cheap! The dish is hearty, prepared from the most affordable products and always tastes good.

You can add other ingredients to the filling, get different options and please the family at least every day. Here are collected step-by-step recipes for dumplings with potatoes that you want to cook again and again.

Dumplings with potatoes - general principles of preparation

The dough for making dumplings is made ordinary fresh on water or in milk. An egg, oil can be added to it, salt is necessarily put. Pour flour so much that the mass becomes steep, otherwise it will not work thinly to roll out the dough. After kneading, give the lump to lie down for about half an hour. To prevent dried crusts from forming on top, cover or place in a bag.

Traditional filling is made from mashed potatoes. But below are detailed step-by-step recipes for dumplings with potatoes, to which mushrooms, lard, fried onions are added. These are not all possible options, but some of the most delicious, successful, time-tested combinations.

How to sculpt dumplings

There are 3 main methods for making dumplings, all of them are laborious and are distributed from the easiest and fastest to the most difficult option.

The main ways:

• Mold for dumplings. This is the easiest way for which you need a form with holes. The dough is rolled out, laid on a special plate, the holes are filled with filling, all this is covered with a new layer of dough, rolled with a rolling pin. The disadvantage of this method in the scraps that need to be collected, re-rolled, it is difficult to do.

• Small circles. Roll out the dough with sausage, cut across, roll each piece, put the filling, mold the dumpling. The disadvantage is that dumplings can be of different sizes, you need to fill your hand.

• Cutting a glass. The dough is rolled into a large layer, circles are squeezed out of it, circles are laid in each, and the edges are plucked. It turns out the most beautiful and even dumplings, the same in size, but the process is time-consuming and trimmings also remain.

Products are boiled in salted water, laid in boiling water. If the filling is made from mashed potatoes, the process takes no more than 3-4 minutes. After cooking, dumplings are caught with a slotted spoon, lubricated.

Classic dumplings with potatoes: a step-by-step recipe

Additionally, onions are onions, but you can not add them if you wish. The step-by-step recipe for potato dumplings uses mashed potatoes. It can be prepared in advance so as not to wait for a long time to cool.


• 300 ml of water;

• about 5 glasses of flour;

• spices, oil;

• egg;

• 7 potatoes;

• 2 onion heads.


1. It is better to start with the filling, as the mashed potatoes will need to be well cooled. Peel the potatoes, cut, put in a pan and fill with water. We put on the stove, boil until good softness, the pieces should easily pierce, add salt at the end.

2. Peel the onion. Cut into neat cubes.

3. Pour oil into the pan. Spread the onion, fry until rosy. Divide into two parts. Half will be laid in mashed potatoes, and what remains will be needed to serve the dish to the table.

4. Knead the dough. Combine one egg with salt, grind, add water at room temperature, stir. Pour in sifted flour. Knead the dough until smooth.

5. We transfer to the package, leave for 15-20 minutes. The dough should "rest". During this time, the gluten of the flour will swell, the mass will become softer, while rolling the pieces will not be pulled together.

6. From the cooked potatoes, drain the liquid, prepare a thick puree, season with fried onions, stir. We shift the filling into a convenient bowl, cool.

7. We take out the dough, cut, form dumplings in the most convenient way for you. Above you can see all the options.

8. Boil water in a pan, throw a spoonful of salt. You can add laurel, peas or greens.

9. Throw the dumplings, immediately mix so that they do not stick to the bottom of the pan.

10. After surfacing, cook for three minutes.

11. Remove the dumplings with a slotted spoon. Each time we shake off water droplets so that as little as possible gets into the bowl. If there is no slotted spoon, you can drain all the dumplings into a colander.

12. Spread the fried onions, which remained in the pan. Stir. Usually they throw dumplings and catch them back in a bowl, but not everyone can do it the first time.

Dumplings with potatoes: a step by step recipe with mushrooms

In a step-by-step recipe for potato dumplings, fresh mushrooms are used. If necessary, replace them with any other fungi in about the same amount. The dough will be kneading without adding eggs, in milk with water.


• 100 ml of milk;

• 120 ml of water;

• 2 tablespoons of oil;

• salt and flour.

For filling:

• 4 potatoes;

• 5-6 champignons;

• 2 onions;

• 60 g of oil;

• spices.


1. Peel the tubers, cut into slices, put in a pan and pour water so that the liquid only covers the potatoes. We put on the stove, cook until tender, about ten minutes salt.

2. Cooking mushrooms. Cut the washed mushrooms into small cubes. Pour half the prescription oil into the pan, add mushrooms, and fry.

3. Cut one large onion into small cubes. Add to the mushrooms, together bring to full readiness, pepper and salt.

4. The boiled potatoes are freed from the liquid, creased to a state of homogeneous mashed potatoes, seasoned with fried mushrooms. Stir, leave the filling to cool.

5. Knead the dough. Combine milk with water, add half a teaspoon of salt, pour a couple of tablespoons of oil. Pour sifted flour, knead ordinary dough. Let’s lie down under a bowl or in a bag.

6. After 20-30 minutes, you can start sculpting dumplings. We form products in any way, put on a board or on a baking sheet, sprinkled with flour.

7. Boil water in a pan. It is important to pour a lot of liquid, at least 3 liters of dumplings on this number. If there is not enough water, boiling will be slowed down, products will become sour. Also do not forget to salt the water.

8. Throw the dumplings in boiling liquid, boil for 2-3 minutes after surfacing.

9. In a pan, heat the oil and fry the onion, cut into cubes, which remains.

10. Take out the dumplings in a large bowl.

11. Add the fried onions. If this dressing is not to your liking, you can simply add a piece of butter to the dish. It melts quickly, just shake the bowl a few times.

12. Mushroom dumplings are best served with sour cream. You can prepare a fragrant sauce by adding garlic, chopped dill, various spices and even grated cheese.

Dumplings with potatoes: a step-by-step recipe with lard and boiled dough

A variant of an amazing filling, it turns out to be very juicy, has a completely different taste. The step-by-step recipe for dumplings with potatoes uses raw tubers, that is, you do not need to cook mashed potatoes, which additionally saves time. Fat can be used fresh, salted, smoked at your discretion.


• 1 tbsp. water;

• 2.5 tbsp. flour;

• 2 tablespoons of oil;

• salt.

Stuffing for dumplings:

• 400 g of potatoes;

• 150 grams of fat;

• 1 onion head;

• spices.


1. It is better to start this dish not with the filling, but with the dough. We measure out a glass of boiling water, you can pour it from the teapot, add salt and oil, pour a glass of flour with one hand, and quickly stir with the other hand. We continue to interfere until the mass becomes pleasantly warm. Then add more water, knead the dough.

2. We remove it to lie down for half an hour.

3. Twist the fat through a meat grinder, also chop the onion head. There is the same version of the filling with garlic, it can also be added.

4. Potatoes can be twisted through a meat grinder, but then in a separate bowl to squeeze the juice. But more often peeled tubers are rubbed on a fine grater. Choose the most convenient option.

5. We combine potatoes with lard, but do not salt yet, since after that the active release of juices will begin. Just stir.

6. We take out the dough, divide into pieces, roll out.

7. Only now can you add salt and pepper to the filling. Stir.

8. We make dumplings. Carefully glue the edges, as the filling is raw and this dish will take a little longer to cook.

9. We put a pot on the stove, pour water, let it boil, salt.

10. Lower the dumplings with raw potatoes, stir. After boiling water, cook for 8-10 minutes, depending on size.

11. Remove the dumplings from the pan, transfer to a bowl.

12. They can simply be greased with oil or seasoned with fried onions, as in the recipes above. In this case, everything needs to be prepared in advance, otherwise the dumplings will have time to stick together while waiting for the dressing.

Dumplings with potatoes - useful tips and tricks

• It is not necessary to immediately cut and roll out all the dough, it is better to do it in small parts, and keep the bulk under an inverted bowl or cover with a towel.

• Does the dough not stick together? If the pieces are dried, then you can sprinkle them with water or irrigate from a spray bottle.

• Butter makes the filling tastier, the potato becomes tender, but do not forget about the high calorie content of fats. A large piece of oil will increase the energy value of the dish by 1.5, or even 2 times.

• Dumplings left? No need to heat them in the microwave, it will turn out not so tasty. Better put in a pan, fry until golden brown. You can grease with sour cream, sprinkle with cheese and bake in the oven.

• Dumplings can be cooked not only in water in the usual way, but also steamed. For this, the formed products are laid out in one layer, the cooking time depends on the filling.
