Proper nutrition: breakfast for a slender beauty. The proper nutrition menu for breakfast, recipes for delicious dishes that are good for the figure


A day marathon begins in the morning. The body must receive energy in order to maintain vital activity, harmony and ... lose weight!

That's why breakfast is so important when eating properly. Compose it in accordance with the recommendations of nutritionists is easy.

What foods are better to eat in the morning

Dietitians offer several options for morning nutrition: carbohydrate, protein and mixed. There is no consensus on whether nutrition is useful or unhelpful. It really helps many to maintain weight and feel alert.

The most popular "morning meal" is oatmeal. It is believed that this is an ideal idea for breakfast: add berries, fruits, nuts, honey to Hercules, and it will turn out tasty and varied. Oatmeal is good and saturates for a long time, it has a lot of vitamins and minerals, it has a beneficial effect on peristalsis.

But you can’t eat oatmeal constantly, so as not to lower the calcium content in the body. In addition, this product is not suitable for everyone. There are people who after a Hercules breakfast feel heaviness, bloating, heartburn. Therefore, proper nutrition and breakfast is not only oatmeal.

What else can be included in the morning diet:

• eggs;

• yogurt;

• muesli;

• whole wheat bread;

• cheese;

• vegetables and fruits;

• cottage cheese;

• the juice;

• boiled lean meat.

Pay attention to the way you cook. For example, boiled eggs or steamed omelettes are the right food because frying is excluded. But the usual scrambled eggs or fatty scrambled eggs with bacon has nothing to do with the correct breakfast, just like sausages, smoked sausage.

For many people, morning coffee is an awakening elixir. However, you can’t drink it on an empty stomach, gastritis may worsen. To avoid harm from a tasty drink, you must add milk to it or drink after breakfast.

Carbohydrate breakfast

If you adhere to not only proper, but also separate nutrition, then you are well aware of the combination of products. Carbohydrate breakfast consists of cereals, whole grain bread, granola. It is allowed to add a small amount of dried fruits or nuts to cereals.

Carbohydrate-dominated breakfast options:

• oatmeal with additives (banana, pear, berries, bran, hazelnuts, etc.);

• buckwheat;

• pearl barley porridge with carrots and onions;

• millet porridge with pumpkin;

• granola without sugar icing with milk, kefir or yogurt;

• fried oatmeal fritters without butter with a spoonful of sour cream, fruit or berry puree;

• appetizer of pita bread with tomatoes, bell peppers, herbs;

• sweet appetizer of pita bread with berries, fruits, honey, spices.

Complete a carbohydrate breakfast with a slice of dark chocolate. It will give additional energy and pleasure.

Protein Breakfasts

Protein food is needed for those who are faced with serious physical exertion during the day. Meat, eggs and vegetables are the standard food combination for a wholesome whites breakfast. However, it is better not to mix two types of protein in one meal, so as not to overload the digestive tract.

Options for proper nutrition for breakfast according to the protein scheme:

• fried eggs on stewed tomatoes without butter;

• steam omelet with cheese (slices of meat, vegetables, lean ham);

• syrniki with a small amount of bran flour or without flour at all (baked in the oven);

• cottage cheese with nuts and honey;

• mashed cottage cheese with herbs;

• omelet roll with vegetable filling;

• meat "sandwich" with leafy greens, tomatoes, olives, cucumbers;

• braised beef or chicken with vegetables;

• fish souffle;

• aspic from meat;

• lentil salad with meat.

Sour-milk products, which traditionally belong to the protein group, actually contain a lot of carbohydrates. Therefore, they can be consumed in any breakfast option. Honey is carbohydrates, but in a small amount it will not hurt. In addition, to the cheesecakes and cottage cheese, you can add a teaspoon of jam or jam.

Mixed breakfasts

If you do not adhere to separate nutrition, but watch for the calorie content of the diet and its usefulness, then breakfast can mix foods from different groups. What you can include in breakfast:

• whole grain bread sandwich with meat, chicken, fish, cheese, tomatoes;

• homemade hamburger: a whole-grain flour bun, leafy greens, fresh cucumber, onion rings, steam cutlet, tomato, homemade mayonnaise sauce;

• croutons of whole grain bread with an egg;

• pilaf with chicken and vegetables;

• homemade oatmeal cookies;

• eggplant "boats" baked with minced meat;

• mushroom casserole with minced meat;

• fish baked with potatoes and vegetables.

Proper mixed breakfasts provide the body with proteins for building muscle and carbohydrates for energy. Some scientists are skeptical of separate nutrition, as each product has both proteins and carbohydrates. Therefore, you do not need to torment yourself only with oatmeal or omelet. The main thing is not to exceed the calorie intake per day and move more.

Vitamin breakfast

An easy and tasty breakfast option is fiber and vitamins. Our body can get them from vegetables, berries and fruits. Such a diet is suitable for those who do not do sports or hard work in the morning. After eating, you feel lightness, energy.

What can be prepared for breakfast:

• baked apples in the oven with cinnamon and honey;

• fruit salad with dressing from yogurt or light sour cream;

• vegetable pancakes (from zucchini, pumpkin);

• vegetable salad;

• the vinaigrette;

• baked eggplant;

• mix of grilled vegetables;

• fruit or vegetable smoothie.

Vegetables and fruits go well with protein foods, so various combinations are possible with mixed nutrition. For example, baked apples stuffed with cottage cheese or nuts are delicious.

What to eat with increased physical activity

Serious sports people need a nutritious protein diet. They must eat meat, so that the body has where to get material for building muscles and cover energy costs.

If you visit the fitness center not occasionally, but constantly, then breakfast should be thought out. Boiled meat, chicken, fish, eggs will give strength. Porridge will fill energy costs, and fiber will provide good digestion and saturate with vitamins, minerals and other useful substances.

To protect your heart, it’s important to include polyunsaturated fatty acids in your breakfast diet. A spoonful of olive, linseed, unrefined sunflower oil will ensure vascular health and strengthen immunity. In addition, omega-6 and omega-3 can be obtained from red fish, seafood, peanuts, walnuts, avocados.

What breakfast is not included in proper nutrition

Nutritionists say that food eaten before 12 noon is absorbed completely and does not affect weight. Indeed, in the morning the body uses the received calories to the maximum. It is simply impossible to constantly keep yourself in tight gloves and refuse all that is tasty, but not useful. Therefore, yes: in the morning you can afford something like that. The main thing is that gastronomic excesses do not become a habit.

But there is food that can not only cause weight gain, but also adversely affect health.

Breakfast, which consists of such dishes, does not apply to proper nutrition:

• fasting orange juice;

• yeast pastries from premium flour;

• fried bacon;

• fatty, smoked, salty foods;

Juice from oranges looks beautiful on the table, but just like coffee, it creates too acidic environment in the stomach. If you drink it regularly, you can harm the mucosa. White flour baking is food debris that aggravates the stomach and causes fermentation.

It is good to start the morning with a glass of clean water at room temperature. It will wash the gastrointestinal tract, give a boost to the digestive system. After that, it remains only to choose a healthy dish and have breakfast.


Watch the video: How to Eat & Exercise Correctly According to Your Body Type Ecto, Meso, Endo (June 2024).