Braised chicken: step by step recipes, cooking secrets. How to cook stewed chicken: step by step - on the stove and in the oven


Braised chicken is a unique dish that can be served with absolutely any side dish, because chicken meat is combined with all products. You can also stew chicken with other ingredients, thus making a complete meal.

In fact, it is from chicken that you can cook anything using any additional ingredients. But before embarking on a variety of culinary experiments, it is necessary to learn, so to speak, the basics of properly cooked stewed chicken. And step by step recipes and tricks of experienced chefs will help you easily cope with this task.

Step-by-step stew chicken recipe - basic principles

Choose a not too large carcass for cooking, ideally if the chicken size does not exceed 1.5 kg. If you don’t want to cut a bird, take your favorite chicken parts: breast, drumsticks, thighs, wings. You can use both chilled and frozen product.

Putting the meat in a container and pouring water is not enough. Chicken acquires a special taste thanks to additional components: spices, spices, sauces. Use sour cream, mayonnaise, soy sauce. Cook on broths, broths. Add pepper, herbs, herbs.

You can also safely put vegetables, mushrooms, salt, cereals, pasta, dough and other products.

Prepare the stew chicken in a deep frying pan on the stove, in heat-resistant forms or pots in the oven or in a slow cooker.

Stewed chicken with cheese dumplings: step by step


• 4 chicken drumsticks;

• 4 medium tomatoes;

• 1 onion;

• 4 cloves of garlic;

• 2 large spoons of tomato paste;

• ground allspice, salt - 15 g each;

• parsley - half a bunch.

On the dumpling dough:

• 1 glass without a hill of flour;

• a slice of Dutch cheese;

• 1 egg;

• salt - 15 g.

Also take vegetable oil for frying chicken drumsticks. Still as an additional ingredient for dumplings, you need three tablespoons of water. And to extinguish fried chicken drumsticks, it is necessary to prepare 300 ml of boiled cooled water.

Cooking method:

1. Before starting cooking, if necessary, unfreeze chicken drumsticks and peel them off. Rinse thoroughly with cold water, pat dry with paper towels, place in a hot pan in hot oil, fry for three minutes on each side. Adjust the medium fire so that the lower legs do not burn, but acquire a beautiful fried crust.

2. Put the fried drumsticks into a deep metal bowl.

3. Knead the dough for dumplings in this way: break one egg into a deep cup, add a little salt, pour water, add the cheese chopped on a grater with small teeth, pour the sifted flour, knead the dough thoroughly with a spoon, and then with your hands (the dough should turn out to be tight elastic). Cover the dough with a soft cloth and let it rest a little. If desired, you can knead the dough in a food processor or in a special mixer.

4. Prepare the vegetables: rinse and fill the tomatoes with hot water, soak them for 3 minutes, after gently prying at the base, peel off. Grind the pulp of a tomato with a knife. Peel the onion, chop the crumbs, chop the garlic in the garlic. Put all this in a pan in which chicken drumsticks were fried, add tomato puree, add salt, pepper and simmer over low heat under a lid. Be sure to set the fire to a minimum, since with a strong flame, the tomato liquid will boil away quickly and the vegetables will begin to burn.

5. Put the prepared tomato sauce to the chicken drumsticks, pour in a little cold boiled water until the meat is completely covered, simmer under the lid for half an hour on moderate heat.

6. While the drumsticks are stewed, form the dumplings from the kneaded dough: divide the dough into small pieces, each roll into a thin sausage, cut into pieces about two centimeters wide, and flatten with your fingers a little.

7. Put the formed dumplings in a separate metal container with boiling water and boil it for several minutes until it emerges. When the dumplings float to the surface, remove them with a slotted spoon.

8. Ten minutes before the end of the chicken drumstick stew, put the boiled dumplings on them, sprinkle with chopped parsley, and let stand on the stove for three minutes.

9. When serving, put the chicken drumsticks on the serving plates, put the dumplings next to it, pour over the sauce.

Step-by-step recipe for stewed chicken with mushrooms in sour cream


• chicken legs - 2 pieces;

• 2 onions;

• pickled champignons - 250 grams;

• 10 grams of black pepper and salt;

• 3 branches of fresh dill.

To fill:

• sour cream of medium fat content - 250 ml;

• flour - 20 grams;

• 30 g butter.

As additional ingredients, you will need a cube of "Maggi" mushroom seasoning or mushroom powder, 1 cup of boiled long-grain rice for a side dish.

Cooking method:

1. Defrost chicken legs, rinse with running cold water, carefully cut the flesh with a knife. Throw away the bones and cut the fillet in medium pieces. Transfer the meat into a deep bowl, pour salt, pepper, leave for half an hour to marinate.

2. Peel two onions, cut into thin rings or half rings, put in a deep metal bowl, add softened butter, mix.

3. Open a jar of pickled mushrooms, pour the liquid into a separate container, but do not pour it, it is still useful for pouring. If the champignons are small, then you can put them whole on the onion, and if large, cut into arbitrary pieces.

4. Place the bowl with onions and mushrooms on the stove, adjust the slow fire and fry under the lid for several minutes, stirring without adding any liquid.

5. When the mushrooms and onions turn golden, put the pickled chicken meat on them.

6. Prepare the fill as follows: in a small cup, mix sour cream and mushroom marinade. Pour the sifted and fried flour in a dry frying pan, carefully stir with a spoon, crumble the “Maggi” mushroom seasoning. Be sure to lightly fry the flour in a pan so that when it is mixed with sour cream and mushroom liquid, no lumps form, and also so that the filling acquires a beautiful shade.

7. Pour the stewed onions with mushrooms and chicken meat with the prepared sour cream filling, mix well and simmer under the lid for 35 minutes.

8. When serving, put the stewed chicken with onions and mushrooms on plates, next to it, boiled rice or some other side dish according to your desire, sprinkle with finely chopped parsley and dill.

Chicken stew: step by step, in pots


• 8 chicken wings;

• 15 g of salt and black pepper;

• prepared soy sauce Kikkoman - 3 large spoons;

• bay leaf - 4 pcs.;

• pepper peas - 8 pcs.;

• purified water - 300 ml;

• butter - for greasing pots.

If you have not found ready-made Kikkoman soy sauce on the shelves of the store, then cook it yourself at home. And to cook it, stock up on the following ingredients:

• soybeans - 3 handfuls;

• 50 ml of any meat broth;

• 30 g flour;

• sea fine salt (you can even simple salt) - a pinch.

Cooking method:

1. If necessary, make soy sauce one day before cooking the stewed chicken in pots: soak soybeans in advance for 12 hours (you can buy soybeans in any store, they are sold in special packaging with the words "soybeans" or "edible soybeans" and look like small green peas). Boiled beans in water for a little more than one hour. While the beans are boiling, cook the meat broth in another pan: put the chicken drumsticks or beef bones in cold water, add some salt and cook for 40 minutes after boiling. Strain the meat broth. It is also permissible to use liquid from soybeans, in which they were soaked, instead of meat broth. Softened soybeans grind in a blender. Pour the broth into the soya gruel, pour in sea or ordinary fine salt, mix well until a smooth, smooth consistency is obtained. Pour the soybean mass into a metal container, bring to a boil over high heat, remove the foam, reduce the heat slightly and cook for about five minutes. If the sauce is very thick, pour a little more broth into it and be sure to boil after that. Cool soy homemade sauce.

2. Rinse the chicken wings, pat dry with paper towels.

3. Pour the wings with soy sauce, leave for half an hour for marinating.

4. Lubricate the clay pots with butter, put 1 sheet and 2 peas of black pepper on the bottom of each pot.

5. Also put 2 pieces of pickled chicken wings in each pot. If desired, you can put different vegetables on the wings, for example, potatoes - diced, chopped tomatoes, onions, carrots - straws and others.

6. Pour the wings with soy sauce in which they were pickled, pour in a little water, cover the pots with lids and simmer in the oven for about 25 minutes.

7. When serving pots with stewed chicken wings in soy sauce, place on flat plates and serve hot or cold to the table.

Braised Chicken: Step-by-Step Tricks

• Depending on the part of the chicken used and the size of the pieces, the cooking time may vary.

• Meat is especially tasty if you first rub it with spices and salt. Not enough time for pickling? Rinse the pieces thoroughly and rub prepared seasonings into them.


Watch the video: Jamaican Brown Stew Chicken Recipe Video (June 2024).