Pancakes with holes: step by step recipes for a delicate miracle! We prepare the dough in milk, kefir, with boiling water for pancakes with holes (step by step)


The most delicious pancake is one that has many holes! They give the product an extraordinary softness, tenderness, amazing taste.

Strange, but the dough for ordinary pancakes and for “leaky” is made from the same products. So what is the secret? The mystery will be revealed! Here are the best step-by-step recipes for pancakes with holes and little tricks of cooking.

Pancakes with holes - the general principles of cooking

A distinctive feature of the test for pancakes is the consistency. It is the most liquid of all existing species. Knead the dough from eggs, flour and liquid. It is very important to observe the correct proportions so that the mass spreads over the hot pan with a thin layer, but at the same time it is removed and does not tear when turned over.

On what can knead the dough for pancakes:

• water;

• milk;

• fermented milk drinks, whey.

At the end, a small amount of vegetable oil is added. For holes to appear in the dough, a baking powder can be added, most often it is ordinary soda, but sometimes boiling water is used.

The kneaded dough is immediately ready for use, it is thoroughly stirred, scooped with a ladle, poured into a hot pan and baked pancakes. Thin pancakes with holes are more appreciated, they are tastier, suitable for stuffing.

Thin pancakes with holes: a step-by-step recipe for milk

In a step-by-step recipe for pancakes with holes, the dough is kneaded in plain whole milk. If desired, it can be partially diluted with water, but not more than 40%. The amount of flour may vary slightly due to the size of the eggs, if necessary, you can add another 1-2 tablespoons.


• two eggs;

• half a liter of milk;

• a glass (with a good slide) of flour;

• two tbsp. l oils;

• 0.5 tsp soda;

• two tbsp. l Sahara;

• vinegar and salt.


1. It is convenient to use a mixer or whisk to knead the dough. They will help to avoid the appearance of lumps. You will also need a large bowl or saucepan, break eggs into it, throw a pinch of salt and fill in prescription sugar. Beat until smooth.

2. Pour milk, but not all. Leave about a third for the final dilution of the test. Stir milk with eggs.

3. Add vegetable oil. It will make the pancake dough tastier and also prevent it from sticking to the pan. Stir again.

4. Pour a full glass of flour. To ensure that there are no lumps, we must sift the product. While adding, quickly stir with a whisk so that lumps do not form.

5. Now pour in the milk that remains, making a thick dough.

6. We extinguish soda in a teaspoon of 3% vinegar or take lemon juice. Pour into the pancake dough with holes. Mix, leave it for five minutes.

7. We put a pancake or any other frying pan on the stove. Pancakes are best obtained in a cast-iron frying pan, we heat it.

8. The first time you need to grease the pan, but it is very important not to fill a lot of oil. It is better to drip on a cloth, then rub it on the surface or use a silicone brush.

9. Once the pan is well warmed up, take a ladle, stir the dough from the bottom with a few movements and pick.

10. Pour the dough into the pan, swaying movements form a thin pancake. The amount of dough will depend on the diameter of the pan and the density, the moisture of the flour is different.

11. Many small holes will immediately appear on the surface. We wait until the pancake is browned, carefully in a circle we separate it from the pan, pry it with a spatula and turn it over. Many housewives grab the edges of the pancake with their fingers and do it with their hands, to whom it is convenient.

12. Brown the pancake on the second side, carefully remove. We shift to a plate, immediately lubricate the wish with a piece of oil.

13. Pour a new batch of dough. If the pan is not of high quality, they don’t want to remove pancakes, then you will have to lubricate each time.

14. We bake all the pancakes until the dough is over. Lubricate with oil, stuffed with fillings, serve with sour cream, condensed milk or jam.

Custard pancakes with holes: a step-by-step recipe for kefir

Very interesting technology of kneading dough with the addition of boiling water. Thanks to this technique, an incredible number of small holes are obtained. The products themselves are soft, tasty. Do not break. In a step-by-step recipe for pancakes with holes for the test, kefir is used, do not take the product above 1.5% fat.


• 250 ml of kefir;

• a full glass of boiling water;

• two eggs;

• one glass (0.25) of flour;

• a couple of spoons of sugar;

• three tablespoons of oil;

• 0.5 tsp salts;

• 0.3 tsp soda.


1. Traditionally, eggs are the first to break into a bowl. Add half a teaspoon of salt to them. Without it, the taste of the dough will be empty, and the pancakes are tasteless.

2. Next to the salt we put granulated sugar. It also gives a taste, but is still needed for a beautiful color. Without sugar, pancakes do not brown, they turn gray.

3. Whisk eggs with sugar and prescription salt with a whisk until all the grains have disappeared.

4. Add a glass of kefir to the bowl. Stir again. You can take nonfat yogurt or just sour milk.

5. We put a kettle, boil water. We measure the glass.

6. Add flour to the dough, stir until smooth, the dough will turn out a little thick, but it should be so.

7. We send boiling water to the dough. Pour in a thin stream and continue to mix very quickly.

8. Pour the vegetable oil into the finished dough, stir for the last time, now nothing needs to be whipped.

9. Lubricate the pan with a drop of oil. Put on the stove to heat.

10. Pour dough onto a hot surface with a ladle, shake the pan so that it spreads evenly, and bake the pancake on the first side.

11. Draw a knife or spatula in a circle to separate the pancake and turn it over. Fry until a blush appears on the second side.

12. Put the pancake on a flat plate, prepare the next batch of dough.

Yeast pancakes with holes: a step by step recipe

Yeast dough is not like fresh. Pancakes from it are very tender and soft. In this step-by-step recipe for pancakes with holes, the dough is also mixed in milk, the liquid should be warm.


• three eggs;

• three glasses of whole milk;

• 2.5 tbsp. flour;

• one and a half Art. l Sahara;

• two tsp yeast

• salt;

• three tablespoons of oil.


1. Milk should be warm. It can be slightly diluted with water, but not more than 50%. Pour into a bowl. It is also convenient to knead yeast dough with a whisk or mixer.

2. Add sugar and yeast to the milk, continue to mix until dissolved. Leave for five minutes.

3. Break the eggs into another bowl, add a couple of pinch of salt and shake well so that there are no protein clots left.

4. Pour the eggs and salt into a bowl of milk, yeast and granulated sugar, stir.

5. Add two cups of sifted flour, if necessary, add another half cup, look at the consistency, it should look like kefir.

6. Add vegetable oil to yeast pancake dough, mix well.

7. If the bowl is not large enough, then it is better to pour the dough into a pan. The dough is yeast and liquid, it will rise quickly and well. We leave it warm until it increases by 2-3 times. It is desirable to cover with a towel from above.

8. Grease a frying pan, heat on a stove.

9. Take a pancake dough with a ladle, pour and distribute in a pan.

10. Yeast dough is quite tender, soft, you need to carefully remove and turn the pancakes.

Chocolate pancakes with holes: a step-by-step recipe for an appetizing miracle

Chocolate pancakes - a sweet tooth dream! This is an excellent independent option, as well as the basis for other desserts. The step-by-step recipe for pancakes with holes uses ordinary cocoa, dough on water with milk.


• one and a half Art. milk;

• two tbsp. l cocoa;

• one and a half Art. water;

• three eggs;

• 300 grams of flour;

• 0.5 tsp cultivator;

• a couple of tablespoons of oil;

• 0.3 tsp salts;

• a couple of spoons of sugar.


1. Combine in a bowl, and preferably immediately in a sieve, flour, ordinary cocoa powder without sugar, add baking powder to them. Sift all this into dry dishes.

2. Take a second bowl or saucepan, break the raw eggs, throw the salt and sugar and whisk for a minute with a whisk.

3. Introduce milk, and then water. Mix everything thoroughly with eggs until smooth.

4. Introduce flour mixed with other dry ingredients. We continue to interfere quickly so that no lumps form. Since the flour is sifted, it will easily be combined with liquid components.

5. Stir the dough until smooth and only after that add vegetable oil.

6. If desired, we throw a pinch of vanilla or a little cinnamon into the chocolate pancakes, the aroma will be amazing.

7. Baking chocolate pancakes is no different from ordinary options. We put a frying pan on the stove to warm up. Lubricate with a drop of oil.

8. Take the chocolate dough with a ladle, pour and form a thin pancake.

9. We closely monitor the baking process. The dough is dark, tan marks will not be very noticeable, you can overexpose.

10. As soon as the pancake is covered with holes and gets stronger. It can be turned over and removed in a minute.

11. Chocolate pancakes can be greased with butter, but tastes better with condensed milk, creams, marmalade, jam. Since the dough is not very sweet, such a filling will be a great addition.

Pancakes with holes - useful tips and tricks

• In the old days, pancake pans were always greased with a piece of bacon. Why not? The product needs to be chopped onto a fork and just rub the preheated pan.

• It is not necessary to fry pancakes in one pan. Standing and waiting is tiring. The process will go faster if you use 2 or even 3 pans, it all depends on your dexterity and speed.

• Pancakes can be made not only round, but also openwork with patterns. To do this, pour the dough into a bottle, make a hole and use it to draw flowers, butterflies, simply openwork motifs on the surface of a heated frying pan.


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