Pancakes with meat: step by step recipes in milk, kefir and yeast. Cooking pancakes with meat or seasoning (step by step)


Pancakes - a dish of Russian cuisine, traditionally served on the table on the occasion of Maslenitsa. The dough for them is prepared on a very different basis, it can be medium-fat milk, dairy products or just water. Yeast pancakes are very popular. Typically, pancakes are baked from wheat flour, but to improve the taste, buckwheat or corn flour can be added to it.

Not only are various cooking methods known, but also many options for serving dishes. As a rule, they are served on the table immediately after baking, stacked in a stack, supplemented with sour cream, jam, honey, natural condensed milk.

We offer to cook pancakes with meat, step by step recipes which are quite accessible for repetition. In this article, two options are described in detail: with filling and with seasoning, and pancakes with filling at once in two versions. The first, in which minced meat is wrapped in ready-made pancakes, in the second case, it is added to the dough during frying.

Pancakes with meat - general principles of cooking

• The dough for delicious pancakes with meat can be made in milk, water or a mixture of both, often fermented milk products are also used as such a basis. The taste of pancakes in any case differs little, the difference can only appear in the thickness of the pancakes. The dough on sour-milk products is usually thicker, and pancakes, respectively, are baked thicker. To get a rarer mass, just dilute it with a small amount of water. Often pancakes with meat are prepared using yeast, the dough for which is also bred with water.

• Cooking pancakes with meat according to the step-by-step recipes described below, involves the use of meat as a bake or filling. In any case, minced meat is prepared from meat, twisted in a meat grinder, and sometimes it is chopped with knives. The raw meat mass is fried and only then wrapped in pancakes or mixed with dough. Minced meat from boiled meat is not fried.

• To make pancakes, you need a thick-walled metal pan or the same pan with a non-stick coating. Before pouring the dough, the pan is warmed well with vegetable oil. Pour it a little, so that it only slightly covers the bottom. "The first pancake is lumpy" - this is only if the oil and the pan itself are not warmed enough. Oil is used only before baking the first copy, for subsequent pancakes this is not necessary, they will well leave the pan without it.

• After baking, the surface of the pancakes must be greased with butter. To do this, a small piece of it is pricked with a fork and quickly they go through a hot, freshly baked pancake. This makes them softer and more elastic if you want to wrap the meat filling in a pancake.

Thin stuffed pancakes with meat: a step by step recipe for milk

A classic version of the test for thin pancakes in milk is universal. Instead of milk, you can use water or whey. Dairy product can be replaced with dairy: kefir or fermented baked milk. It is important to correctly adjust the density of the test - the less often it is, the thinner the pancakes will come out. In a step-by-step recipe for pancakes with meat, fried minced meat is used, which is wrapped in a pancake. Before serving, the stuffed pancakes are fried in a cheese breading.


• medium fat milk - 700 ml;

• 300 gr. wheat flour;

• non-aromatic oil;

• two fresh eggs;

• a spoonful of sugar;

• some fine salt.

To the filling

• 250 gr. pork collar;

• half a spoon of pepper;

• lean veal (pulp) - 250 gr.;

• a small onion.

For breading

• a tablespoon of 20% sour cream;

• breadcrumbs (white) - 50 gr.;

• 40 grams of "Dutch" cheese;

• two eggs;

• 50 gr. flour

Cooking method:

1. Pour the eggs into a bowl. With a knife edge or a fork, we pierce the yolk-holding sheath and add half of the indicated milk norm to them. Add granulated sugar and salt, whisk the mixture to homogeneity.

2. Stirring the milk base with a whisk, in a circle, gradually pour the sifted flour into it. Do not rush, add two tablespoons and mix well each new portion. So it will be easier to achieve uniformity of the test.

3. After introducing all the flour, pour out the remaining milk, add two full tablespoons of refined oil, mix well. Let the pancake dough stand for at least half an hour. During this time, the flour will give all the gluten, and the dough will become thicker.

4. Wash pieces of pork and beef. If there are dense films on the pulp, be sure to remove them. We cut the meat into pieces and grind it into minced meat, twisting in a meat grinder. It is advisable to install a grate with small holes and pass the pulp through it twice. The meat grinder, set up for medium grinding, allows you to cook a more uniform meat mass, in which small pieces of meat will be felt after frying.

5. Spread the minced meat on a dry frying pan, put on a small fire. Fry, stirring constantly, until the meat mass changes color - it turns brown. When frying, minced meat will gather in lumps to get a crisp and homogeneous filling, they need to be constantly crushed with a fork. Put the finished meat in a bowl.

6. Dice, lightly cut the onion. In a clean dry pan, pour one and a half tablespoons of oil, pour the onion. Stir occasionally, fry over low heat to an amber hue. Be sure to cover it, when frying in the open form, the onion can dry out before it reaches readiness, and the filling will turn out dry.

7. Spread the onion to the fried meat, add ground pepper and mix thoroughly. Salt the filling to your liking, cool.

8. Take a bowl of dough and mix it well so that the settled part mixes with the bulk.

9. On a small fire we put a thick-walled pan. If not, take non-stick cookware. Pour oil, it should not be much, make sure that the fat covers the bottom by a millimeter. We are warming up.

10. After keeping the pan on fire for about a minute, check the red-hotness of the oil. Throw in it several large crystals of salt. If they begin to crackle, you can start frying pancakes.

11. Take a small scoop, scoop up a little dough. We remove the pan from the stove and pour the contents of the ladle onto its center. In the process, we slightly shake the pan from side to side so that the dough spread along the bottom in an even layer. Lower the frying pan onto the stove, fry the bottom until lightly browned. We turn the pancake over and only slightly brown the other side - it should be noticeably paler. Pour oil into the pan only for the first pancake, in the future this is not necessary. Ready pancakes are stacked on a plate, rubbing the surface of each freshly baked pancake with a piece of butter.

12. The filling has cooled, all the dough is baked - we proceed to the formation of envelopes with meat filling. We take about two tablespoons of minced meat and spread it in the center of the well-browned side of the pancake, slightly aligned in the shape of a rectangle. We wrap the filling first lower, and then both side free edges of the pancake and cover everything with its upper part. Fillings can be put less, depending on the size of the pancakes.

13. Next, pancakes with meat filling should be fried in breading, but if it is not intended to serve them immediately, it is better to postpone this step. In this case, the semi-finished products must be placed in a plastic container with a tight-fitting lid and put in the refrigerator until the right moment.

14. Frying pancakes with meat, step by step. We are preparing a filling in which we will dip the pancakes. Pour sour cream into a wide bowl, put two raw eggs, beat.

15. In the same spacious container finely rub the cheese. Pour to it a white breading from crackers and mix thoroughly. Pour flour into a separate deep plate or bowl.

16. We arrange the prepared containers on the left side of ourselves in the following order: a plate with flour, a bowl with egg-sour cream. We place the container with the cheese mixture closer to the stove next to us.

17. We put a frying pan with poured non-aromatic oil on a high heat. The butter should be very hot, as for pancake dough.

18. In turn, roll the pancake envelopes with meat filling in flour well, completely immerse in sour cream, then roll in cheese breading and immediately drop in heated oil. Turning over in time, quickly fry until golden brown.

Yeast pancakes with meat: a step by step recipe for kefir

The yeast dough for pancakes with meat in a step-by-step recipe is kneaded on warm kefir. Be sure to pre-lay the fermented milk product and eggs out of the refrigerator, and warm it up before use so that the yeast can activate. Boiled meat is twisted into the minced meat, and it is laid in the filling when frying pancakes.


• selected eggs - 2 pcs .;

• flour with a high gluten content - 300 gr.;

• 300 ml of kefir (replaceable with whey or fermented baked milk);

• a spoon of granulated “instant” yeast;

• 250 ml of water;

• two tablespoons of sugar;

• 400 gr. boiled pork or beef, as an option - chicken breast;

• four large onion heads;

• refined oil of the highest grade.

Cooking method:

1. We begin to prepare the dough with dough. Pour 100 ml of sour milk into a small bowl. We place it in a wider tank filled with hot water, warm it up. Dry yeast is inactive and to "work" they need to be diluted with a warm liquid. If milk or water can be heated on the stove, then the sour-milk product should be handled more carefully, otherwise it will curdle. Pour yeast into warm kefir, add sugar to speed up the process, mix thoroughly. If the dry components are not completely dispersed, mix again. We put the bowl with the yeast mixture for a quarter of an hour in the heat.

2. The remaining kefir is poured into a wide bowl and also warmed up a little. Then add a little salt to it, pour in the eggs and pour a little sugar. Whisking, bring the fermented milk base to homogeneity.

3. Check the yeast mixture. If she began to bubble intensively and rose with a froth, pour it into a bowl with kefir, mix. Pour the flour in parts and, stirring with a spoon, prepare a thick pancake dough. Add warm (not hot!) Water to it, stir well and set aside so that it fits a little.

4. Cooking the filling for pancakes. Boil the meat in advance, it is advisable to do this in the evening, so that it cools in the broth. We cut the boiled meat into small cubes. You can twist in a meat grinder, but not chicken. Finely chop the onion, fry it in oil until an amber shade. Having mixed the meat mass with onion frying, add salt, season with ground pepper.

5. We take a bowl with a suitable dough, pour two tablespoons of oil to it and stir until smooth.

6. As in the above-described step-by-step recipe for pancakes with meat, we well heat a small amount of vegetable oil in a pan. When it is quite hot, pour a little dough and shake the pan, evenly distributing along the bottom.

7. As soon as the bottom is well grasped, evenly spread the filling on one side and immediately wrap the free edge of the pancake on it. Having pressed the pancake surface with a spatula from above, fry the lower side until it is browned, then turn it over and, also pressing it, fry from the other side.

Pancakes with meat: a step by step recipe with baking

Pancakes with meat - a step-by-step recipe for pancakes with chopped minced meat with prunes and herbs. Getting ready is quick and easy. Finely chopped meat is replaceable with any forcemeat, milk - with kefir or another sour-milk product. The dough for pancakes with meat according to this step-by-step recipe is prepared a little thicker than for thin pancakes.


• large onion;

• 300 gr. pork pulp;

• butter, "Farm" butter - 50 gr.;

• 10 dried seedless prune fruits;

• sugar;

• lean, highly purified oil - 50 ml;

• a glass of wheat flour;

• two eggs;

• 200 ml of milk or water;

• fresh basil greens, green onion feathers.

Cooking method:

1. Dry thoroughly washed meat. We chop very finely with knives or cut into tiny cubes. Putting the pan on medium heat, melt butter in it, about a spoon. Fry the flesh for a quarter of an hour. Stir often and try not to overcook - the pieces should remain soft. Put the meat in a bowl.

2. In a clean frying pan, heat the same portion of oil again. Scald the prunes with boiling water, cut the berries into medium-sized slices and lower them into melted fat. Fry for about a minute, until soft. Put the prunes in a separate bowl.

3. Finely chop the onion. In the pan on which the prunes were fried, put the remaining butter and onions. Fry, stirring, until golden onion slices. Let’s cool the roast, transferring from the pan to a suitable bowl.

4. Rinse and dry the greens. We lay out basil leaves and onion feathers on a towel, let it dry well.

5. Cooking dough for pancakes. Pour the eggs into a deep bowl, add vegetable oil, sugar and a little salt. Beat with a mixer until lightly foaming. Mix the egg mass with milk. Pouring flour in small portions, we prepare the dough of a thicker consistency than for thin pancakes. Milk can be replaced with water or an existing fermented milk product: kefir, fermented baked milk, whey. It is important that the dough is homogeneous and consistent with the desired consistency. In a dough kneaded on water, it is advisable to put a spoonful of mayonnaise or sour cream, pancakes will be more tender.

6. We cut the dried greens lightly and, together with the fried prunes, meat and onions, put them in the dough. Stir until smooth. The listed ingredients can be mixed and twisted in a meat grinder, pancakes will turn out even more aromatic and tastier.

7. In a small thick-walled pan, heat the oil. Raise it a little and pour a small portion of the dough from the ladle into the center. Slightly tilting, make a quick circular motion with the pan, so that the dough evenly disperses, put it back on the stove. Fry over medium heat for thirty seconds, until the bottom is browned. Turn over, bring to readiness another 10 seconds. For the next pancake, do not pour oil into the pan.

8. Putting hot pancakes in a plate or dish, grease them with not too much butter.

Cooking tricks and useful tips for step-by-step recipes for pancakes with meat

• Despite the fact that pancakes are cooked with meat, do not neglect to add a little sugar to the dough. It will not give much sweetness, but the taste will improve markedly.

• Pancakes will turn out to be finely porous if very little soda is put in the dough mixed with milk, water, or any fermented milk product.

• The first pancake will not stick to the pan only if it is well warmed up. Do not rush to pour the dough, first check the incandescence of the oil with salt, throwing a few crystals into the pan. They should bounce off well-heated fat, and crackle upon contact with it.

• Baked pancakes with meat in a filling according to a step-by-step recipe can also decorate the festive table, if they are originally decorated. Put the fried minced meat in the middle of the pancake, sprinkle it with grated cheese. Gently pick up the edges of the pancake around the circumference above the filling, tightly tie them with a feather of green onions. You will get an original bag with meat filling.

• Spring rolls can be prepared for future use. When preparing pancakes with meat according to the first step-by-step recipe, do not fry them in batter. Fold in a bag in one layer and place in the freezer. Such pancakes are fried only after complete thawing and not necessarily in breading. Heated in butter, they turn out to be no less tasty.


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